and people try to tell me i'm too prone to violence...
marginal traitor queen ain't gonna do shit, and neither are any redneck militia assholes.
he'll go to trial, there will be demonstrations on both sides, maybe slightly larger, but the magats won't do shit.
they may be stupid, but even they aren't stupid enough to set themselves up for a fatal showdown with the national guard and the state police.
And before you suggest it, the national guard and the state police WILL follow their commanders orders, and not trump's.
he's a pathetic old man, with mostly pathetic old followers. the ones who are young enough to do something are too stupid to know what to do.
People are acting like he's some kind of mafia don, with a private army to call on...he's a 77 year old ignorant asshole, with more 77 year old idiot assholes who are willing to do anything for long as it doesn't make their depends fall off.