and people try to tell me i'm too prone to violence...
marginal traitor queen ain't gonna do shit, and neither are any redneck militia assholes.
he'll go to trial, there will be demonstrations on both sides, maybe slightly larger, but the magats won't do shit.
they may be stupid, but even they aren't stupid enough to set themselves up for a fatal showdown with the national guard and the state police.
And before you suggest it, the national guard and the state police WILL follow their commanders orders, and not trump's.
he's a pathetic old man, with mostly pathetic old followers. the ones who are young enough to do something are too stupid to know what to do.
People are acting like he's some kind of mafia don, with a private army to call on...he's a 77 year old ignorant asshole, with more 77 year old idiot assholes who are willing to do anything for long as it doesn't make their depends fall off.
I hope your right, but those republicans' who will testify against him on TV will be looking over their shoulders for a long time and they might include Lindsey! They will still be parading around armed to the teeth and there isn't anything the law can do about it and on the street can walk up to any of these republican witnesses and blow them away like they were school kids.
Maybe Mr Braggs should go after real criminals. Even if the former president is guilty nothing will stop him from running and he even may even win over it. You can say it's about the law all you want but clearly the law hasn't been followed in blue states for decades why start now with Trump? It's political 100 percent because of he wasn't running for office no one would care and would only know the guy through his brands.
then he can administer the country from a cell at Guantanamo...
what the fuck do you mean the law hasn't been followed in blue states? there is no kind of color blindness that causes you to see blue for red...that leads me to believe you are either terribly misinformed, or are terribly misinforming others.
do you REALLY believe that if trump wasn't running for president that he wouldn't be getting indicted? He was going to be indicted whether he ran or not...running is a cowardly way to try to avoid the consequences of his crimes. Everything he does is cowardly, and dirty, and despicable.
and he IS a politician...kind of...EVERYTHING he does is going to be political in one way or another.
You want to let a criminal fuck who tried to destroy democracy and install himslef as president for life walk free? a man who tried to subvert the electoral system of our country, rendering our only voice in the process mute? a man who stole from the people who donated to his campaign to pay off a porn whore that he fucked while his wife was at home with their newest child? And falsified records to do it? A man who stole vital national documents, who the fuck knows what for, lied multiple times about having them, and pitched a fucking bitch level hissy fit when the FBI finally had to step in and take them back?
THAT sets a horrible precedent, and encourages more criminals to commit more crimes...
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Maybe Mr Braggs should go after real criminals. Even if the former president is guilty nothing will stop him from running and he even may even win over it. You can say it's about the law all you want but clearly the law hasn't been followed in blue states for decades why start now with Trump? It's political 100 percent because of he wasn't running for office no one would care and would only know the guy through his brands.
I think Trump can win the nomination. His MAGA base are doubling down in their support for him. But win the general election?

Trump lost in 2020. Trump has been charged for fraudulently recording payments to keep porn star Stormy Daniels from telling about her "affair" with Trump as business expenses just days before the 2016 election. How does that help him do better in 2024.
Yep, everybody expected a couple of felonies and a bunch of misdemeanors, not 34 criminal indictments!

From the article..where is it? Ahhhhhhhh..So add state tax violations to the list.

And how do States feel when a business owner is evading State Taxes?:wink: Not a weak case at all.

Honorable Mentions- Mr. Trump violated a state election law that makes it a crime to prevent any person from being elected to public office by unlawful means while acting in a conspiracy with others.

States Rights!:clap:
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I didn't say he was innocent nor did I claim to be a Trump fan. BUT what I did say nothing can stop him from running even if found guilty. I'm not nit picking who did this or that because in time eventually the tables will be turned and the process won't be so nice on the other side. Let the American election system work the way it was intended. We all know democrats burn their cities down when they don't get their way there's decades of history to prove it so I am just waiting to see how it plays out. A public that is against each other is a dangerous one because they are too distracted in their own glory to see what's really happening here. Let the rapist go and go after Trump.
Holding Trump accountable for his crimes is necessary to protect our democracy.
then he can administer the country from a cell at Guantanamo...
what the fuck do you mean the law hasn't been followed in blue states? there is no kind of color blindness that causes you to see blue for red...that leads me to believe you are either terribly misinformed, or are terribly misinforming others.
do you REALLY believe that if trump wasn't running for president that he wouldn't be getting indicted? He was going to be indicted whether he ran or not...running is a cowardly way to try to avoid the consequences of his crimes. Everything he does is cowardly, and dirty, and despicable.
and he IS a politician...kind of...EVERYTHING he does is going to be political in one way or another.
You want to let a criminal fuck who tried to destroy democracy and install himslef as president for life walk free? a man who tried to dubvert the electoral system of our country, rendering our only voice in the process mute? a man who stole from the people who donated to his campaign to pay off a porn whore that he fucked while his wife was at home with their newest child? And falsified records to do it? A man who stole vital national documents, who the fuck knows what for, lied multiple times about having them, and pitched a fucking bitch level hissy fit when the FBI finally had to step in and take them back?
THAT sets a horrible precedent, and encourages more criminals to commit more crimes...
If he is elected president MTG will be his VP and the DOJ guidance about not indicting a sitting president will be changed during the lame duck and even if MTG pardoned him, he would want to be reinstated and shit on her the next day! He can't be pardoned from a state crime, and he would do time in NY or Georgia during his term anyway. Yep, MTG as America's first female president! That's even before the seditious conspiracy conviction that would bar him from public office.

I think Donald should go for Kevin's job as speaker, it will make it harder to prosecute him, give him a platform to whine from and he can keep the caucus in line with death threats! :lol:
I think Trump can win the nomination. His MAGA base are doubling down in their support for him. But win the general election?

Trump lost in 2020. Trump has been charged for fraudulently recording payments to keep porn star Stormy Daniels from telling about her "affair" with Trump as business expenses just days before the 2016 election. How does that help him do better in 2024.
Because I don't know if you noticed lately no one seems to care anymore. Trump having an affair with a porn star no one cares about. Trump at a debate mocking rosey o Donnell is hilarious. Maybe there will be liberal tears next year maybe there won't. If they were going to charge him with a real crime it wouldn't be that lousy charge Mr Braggs stuck em with, it would be federal crimes. Why hasn't it? Every one in big cities knows crime is out of control they don't need to be told they just need to turn off the news and go outside and talk to the people. Business owners and citizens alike. It's all political theater. To center out Trump is ridiculous no one would care if he wasn't running.
From the article..where is it? Ahhhhhhhh..So add state tax violations to the list.

And how do States feel when a business owner is evading State Taxes?:wink: Not a weak case at all.

Honorable Mentions- Mr. Trump violated a state election law that makes it a crime to prevent any person from being elected to public office by unlawful means while acting in a conspiracy with others.

States Rights!:clap:
He might not be on the ballot in some states, if felons can't vote, they can't be on the ballot and some of those states are RED! :lol:
Because I don't know if you noticed lately no one seems to care anymore. Trump having an affair with a porn star no one cares about. Trump at a debate mocking rosey o Donnell is hilarious. Maybe there will be liberal tears next year maybe there won't. If they were going to charge him with a real crime it wouldn't be that lousy charge Mr Braggs stuck em with, it would be federal crimes. Why hasn't it? Every one in big cities knows crime is out of control they don't need to be told they just need to turn off the news and go outside and talk to the people. Business owners and citizens alike. It's all political theater. To center out Trump is ridiculous no one would care if he wasn't running.
The fact that he probably will be found guilty of felony to commit records fraud over a tawdry affair with a porn star just makes the whole thing so Trumpy, don't you think?
Because I don't know if you noticed lately no one seems to care anymore. Trump having an affair with a porn star no one cares about. Trump at a debate mocking rosey o Donnell is hilarious. Maybe there will be liberal tears next year maybe there won't. If they were going to charge him with a real crime it wouldn't be that lousy charge Mr Braggs stuck em with, it would be federal crimes. Why hasn't it? Every one in big cities knows crime is out of control they don't need to be told they just need to turn off the news and go outside and talk to the people. Business owners and citizens alike. It's all political theater. To center out Trump is ridiculous no one would care if he wasn't running.

guessing you didn't catch this:

the participants violated election laws <---federal
Here is a question, do federal felons serving time get to vote? If you can't vote, then you can't run for office and if you are incarcerated, even awaiting sentence, then you are ineligible to be elected, even if your name is on the ballot for POTUS. This was a legal argument I heard from Obama's former solicitor General on TV. The documents and obstruction cases could see Donald tried and convicted before the election or even primary...
Here is a question, do federal felons serving time get to vote? If you can't vote, then you can't run for office and if you are incarcerated, even awaiting sentence, then you are ineligible to be elected, even if your name is on the ballot for POTUS. This was a legal argument I heard from Obama's former solicitor General on TV. The documents and obstruction cases could see Donald tried and convicted before the election or even primary...

i know down this direction if you a convicted Felon, you can't vote period