The West already gave it all to China, nice try there.
Joe is reindustrializing America with new chip fabs and battery factories springing up all over America, chemical plants and mines to supply them. Lot's of Jobs will be created in the conversion to a green energy economy and unemployment is at historic lows in America now. America desperately needs immigrants and all of them will be brown or black, since white people don't come any more, this is required for growth and because of a low birth rate. They will take over one way or another, probably in 24, thanks to Trump, he moved the timetable up by a decade at least!
Joe is reindustrializing America with new chip fabs and battery factories springing up all over America, chemical plants and mines to supply them. Lot's of Jobs will be created in the conversion to a green energy economy and unemployment is at historic lows in America now.
Not only will jobs be created AT these new factories, but people have to build these new factories and offices. Which is even more jobs for the economy.
Generally when you give a company money to get going and it fails it's a loss on an investor, so know I am talking to someone who I now know never invested a day in his life. That's just how the tax laws work.
trump invested other people's money, counted the investment as his own, and wrote it off of his taxes...That is NOT how the tax laws work....
Joe is reindustrializing America with new chip fabs and battery factories springing up all over America, chemical plants and mines to supply them. Lot's of Jobs will be created in the conversion to a green energy economy and unemployment is at historic lows in America now. America desperately needs immigrants and all of them will be brown or black, since white people don't come any more, this is required for growth and because of a low birth rate. They will take over one way or another, probably in 24, thanks to Trump, he moved the timetable up by a decade at least!
What makes you think my skin is white and I am against legal immigration? What I am against is being forced to buy an electric car at super inflated prices because some democrat politicians put their money in stocks that will be boosted by the green new deal. You guys might call it climate defense all I see is a bunch of insider trading. Electric cars should be a choice. Most people can barely afford their rent right now and they are pushing this garbage. It's all about the money and control of movement. Everything is going to all fine and dandy for these electric cars until it's not one day. I think hydrogen is a much better investment even though it cost more to produce then the energy you get out of it, if they really cared about the environment they wouldn't be mining the next unrenewable resource.
What makes you think my skin is white and I am against legal immigration? What I am against is being forced to buy an electric car at super inflated prices because some democrat politicians put their money in stocks that will be boosted by the green new deal. You guys might call it climate defense all I see is a bunch of insider trading. Electric cars should be a choice. Most people can barely afford their rent right now and they are pushing this garbage. It's all about the money and control of movement. Everything is going to all fine and dandy for these electric cars until it's not one day. I think hydrogen is a much better investment even though it cost more to produce then the energy you get out of it, if they really cared about the environment they wouldn't be mining the next unrenewable resource.
when you say hydrogen, do you mean currently (from methane) or near future (renewable electrolytic)?
How is paying off a porn star a violation of an election law? I'm pretty sure extortion to influence a federal election is a federal offense as well.
Also tell me where in the federal law books does it say adultery is a crime?
The indictment itself is pretty straightforward. Just a list of falsified business records. 34 specific falsified business records. Checks, invoices, vouchers. The statement of facts is more interesting and explains why they think there are other crimes that enhance the crimes to felonies.

The statement of facts spends a lot of words on the election fraud claims that bother most Democrats. How Trump and Pecker had a system to catch all bad stories about Trump before the election to kill them.

The middle part of the statement of facts is dry but the obvious dunk on Trump is the tax fraud. They intentionally "grossed up" Cohen's payment from Trump so he could hide the payments in his income stream without tax consequence to Cohen all the while allowing Trump to deduct his payment as a business expense. Paying a porn star is not illegal. Deducting it as a business expense and hiding the payment is a problem for Trump.

But the voters of NY are animated by Trump's history of deceit so the election angle is more interesting than the tax fraud.
What makes you think my skin is white and I am against legal immigration? What I am against is being forced to buy an electric car at super inflated prices because some democrat politicians put their money in stocks that will be boosted by the green new deal. You guys might call it climate defense all I see is a bunch of insider trading. Electric cars should be a choice. Most people can barely afford their rent right now and they are pushing this garbage. It's all about the money and control of movement. Everything is going to all fine and dandy for these electric cars until it's not one day. I think hydrogen is a much better investment even though it cost more to produce then the energy you get out of it, if they really cared about the environment they wouldn't be mining the next unrenewable resource.
All you really have to do is leave
That’s the great thing about America
Love her or leave
Even if it evolves with out you
Funny how Americans don't even understand their own constitution and are so eager

Don't need to I have filed a return before. You would know that too had you filed one too. It's not rocket appliances
He's Canadian. :roll:

Other than getting through a high school civics class, when have we ever needed to know this?

Is constitutional arcana commonly discussed in your daily life? lol
Other than getting through a high school civics class, when have we ever needed to know this?

Is constitutional arcana commonly discussed in your daily life? lol
Maybe if people paid more attention in Civics class we would be better off today. You're all going to hate it when China has world dominance and you've downgraded your country too a third world work camp flooded with drugs and crime and no jobs. There's a reason China invested in micro tooling and education because when it came down to it China had the the western worlds economy by the ballsack. Luckily I can afford to get a passport in the UAE.
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