:( I have mites HELP ME PLEASE!!!

Optimus Primo

Active Member
I've fought some black dots that ate little pin holes in the leaves with neem oil. It works great and is very cheap. I sprayed them almost daily for a week and they all disappeared. The small bottle goes a long way. Follow the directions, but it is something like a teaspoon of neem oil and 1 1/2 tablespoons of liquid dish soap to break down the oil enough to spread through out the water (1 quart). The oil, I've been told encases the molting mites and they can't get free or be born. They might pop up again someday, but if you clean everything well and don't relocate the plants to much you should be fine. You will be able to spot them quickly and that will make them a lot easier to re-eradicate.


Well-Known Member
alright I'll give the nicotene and neem dip a try. Man this really bums me out. I finally find the perfect strain (white widdows/mowie wowie) that can calm me down enough to be able to eat but not too much of a head stone so I can still function without appearing high. Like I even had the triclomes under the microscope thing down pefect for my aniexety.


Time for a smoke...


Well-Known Member
Ok I feel better now. So thats the plan, but you mentioned that it was the cheap way... is theres any 1 shot way to garuntee that it cleans em? Like some are clones that are still rooting, I can't drunk those. I read out the insects you can buy that will kill the spider mights, it's expensive but I'm willing to pay up to 500$ to fix this problem. But then don't you just any another insect on your hands? I live in a decent sized city with a few hydro shops so I probably have access to anything a nomal person would.


Well-Known Member
if you are willing to spend that kind of cash, buy a quart of floramite online. one shot one kill, cover the tops and bottoms of the leaves and you will have no more problems.. i believe its 300 dollars a quart. smaller quantities are available on ebay last time i checked but you are supposed to have a license to have it

simple grower

Well-Known Member
hey man i had a problem a while back as well,now dude this shit works a treat,i got it off this forum or the net sumwere,it is AWSUM!!!
follow what it says man,i even sprayed around my room and my equipment,unreal mite killer!!! this is the BEST GL:mrgreen:

found another home made recipe on IC Mag that I will test out on my isolated plant tomorrow to see what kind of damage it does to the scragglers and eggs that are still present. Read a little further down.

1/4 cup Baking Soda
1/2 cup Apple Cider vinegar
1 Tablespoon Lemon Juice
2 drops dish detergent
1/4 Teaspoon Epsom Salts
Take a cup of very hot water and desolve the epsom salts,take rest of ingredients and place in a clean 2 liter bottle and let work out. Add epsom solution. Add water to fill to 48ozs(3/4 full).Shake well.
TO USE: Cover soil/medium with plastic,with lights off mist plant all over,especialy under leaves,
Wait 20 mins,then spritz off with clean fresh water shaking as much water off plant as you can.
The fresh water spritz rinse will remove the solution along with the desolved remains of the mites and their eggs.
Have fun with your new "Mite Eradicator"
Note by MrFixit: Water plants 1/2 hour before spraying. This will help keep your plants from absorbing the spray.
This solution has been tested and used as directed will not burn plants,the rinse is very important though as it removes the spent solution before it can concentrate and burn the plant. It also removes most of the dead mites and eggs so you don't end up smoking them.
The formula can be diluted further,to 1 liter and it will still kill the mites but isn't as effective at dissolving and removing the mite parts.
Since removing the mite debris is desirable,I recommend the stronger solution,just remember to rinse and shake.
This formula is alkaline(about 7.8- so please remember to rinse.
Mite irradication is absolutely assured and guaranteed if used as directed.
I've never seen ANYTHING work this well for mite irradication!!
I used to gas my booths for mites,it worked but they came back,I haven't seen a living mite in a long time now.They haven't come back,partly because of cooler weather,partly because I hosed the Roses that were infecting everything with the formula and wiped out all the mites during testing.
The only thing I wish I'd done different is,I wish I would have done sections of the Roses and preserved
some of the mites for later tests.I've had to go searching for victims to test it on and there just aren't any left!! I did find some victims for my final tests in the park where we have meetings,the plants by the river are pretty sickly and infested(were I should say,I walked around with ONE pint bottle and cleaned up most of the area.LOL)
If news of this formula were to become widespread,mites would become an endangered species!!!So GOOD HUNTING !


Well-Known Member
this is in the post which you can read in my sig... tried it, nicotine tea works better, floramite works best

simple grower

Well-Known Member
well obviously i didnt see that,wich is fair enuff, just thought id try to help,worked good for me,lets all just confuse the bloke eh:kiss-ass


Well-Known Member
i feel ya man, no harm i know you were tryin to help, its just if you dont mix that just right you can burn up your plants.. nicotine tea is easy, and works better, just steep and mix, and floramite is expensive, but will kill every one of those filthy fucks in one shot

simple grower

Well-Known Member
nah your rite man, can you send me the recipe for that one,not that i want to have to use it:P so many diff ways these days :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
if you want to smoke the little bastards..AVID..ask for it by name..you can normaly get it at a local greenhouse supply or of the internet..they say you can use it up to a month before harvest on your buds..but i think it wash it off as much as possible with a foiler treatment with water over and over again after using it..on flowering plants..THIS SHIT WILL KILL MITES DEAD..IT COSTS AROUND 100 BUCKS FOR 8 OUNCES..but it works faster and deadlier than anything else against mites..


Well-Known Member
So I went to the hydro store today and they sold me on doctor doom. Here's their claim to fame:
Doktor Doom® Spider Mite Knock Out® is a .20% pyrethrin formula. This formula is 19 times stronger in active ingredient pyrethrin than any soap based insecticides and 10 times stronger than any formulations that contain pyrethrin & piperoynl Butoxide. Piperoynl Butoxide is a synergist which enhances the killing power of pyrethrin and it is not approved for organic gardening. Pyrethrin is approved for organic gardening with some restrictions - refer to OMRI (Organic Material Review Institute), for more information.
Unlike soap based products which need to be applied liberally to the plant in order to drown the insects, Doktor Doom® Spider Mite Knock Out® kills the pests on contact with just a light misting on the foliage.
Apply the Doktor Doom® Spider Mite Knock Out® to the underside of the leaves and then fog the room with a Doktor Doom® fogger. The smell of pyrethrin flushes out and eradicates pests on contact.

So I completely convered my infected plants with it because as beutifull as they are, I'd rather kill them then deal with an infestation. I will spray them once every 4 days untill the bottle is empty and if they are still there... I'm going to find a doctor who will perscribe me it so I don't have to deal with these pests and trash the plants


Well-Known Member
Wow. I checked them 2 hours later and I saw a few of the buggers still crawling around. I checked again today and I can't find any (moving) at all on any of the leaves. I still see a bunch of white dots which I am assuming are eggs, I ripped of the leaves that looked like they had a lot of eggs. Buddy at the hydro store says by the way I was describing it I caught the first generation of them and he says two applications 4 days apart should fix me up.

So looks like in the end that did the trick. But now what I need to know is, now that I have them, will I always have to spray from here on out or do they stay away for a while? I really wanted to go chemical free and really would not feel comfortable spraying after the flowers start appearing. If it looks like I got em all I should follow the SIG and do the neem oil dip to make sure they don't come back? I'm 1 week into flowering.


Well-Known Member
continue treatments with neem oil tup until the 4th week or so and you should be good through the harvest, then disinfect and clean everything


Well-Known Member
But now what I need to know is, now that I have them, will I always have to spray from here on out or do they stay away for a while? I really wanted to go chemical free and really would not feel comfortable spraying after the flowers start appearing. If it looks like I got em all I should follow the SIG and do the neem oil dip to make sure they don't come back? I'm 1 week into flowering.
Unless you're a miracle worker you'll still have them, you'll always have them unless you go apeshit with some pyrethrum foggers in a series of killing sprees which you can't do during flower at all.

Even with foggers those shits can come back, keep spraying preventatively for quite a while even after that.


Well-Known Member
Unless you're a miracle worker you'll still have them, you'll always have them unless you go apeshit with some pyrethrum foggers in a series of killing sprees which you can't do during flower at all.

Even with foggers those shits can come back, keep spraying preventatively for quite a while even after that.
what he said..with avid..everytime before you take em to flower..those little fuckers can really piss me off.....i friend of mine spread em around like siphillis or something..with clones..and he still keeps getting reinfested with them..fuck that..they will destroy your plants if they get a foor hold...kill them...keep killing them even if you dont see them.they are there..the little commie bastards..:cuss:


Well-Known Member
what he said..with avid..everytime before you take em to flower..those little fuckers can really piss me off.....i friend of mine spread em around like siphillis or something..with clones..and he still keeps getting reinfested with them..fuck that..they will destroy your plants if they get a foor hold...kill them...keep killing them even if you dont see them.they are there..the little commie bastards..:cuss:
Yeah, I've had those fuckers for 5 months now! I thought I had them licked a month ago, but they came back with a vengence!


Well-Known Member
Dammit, all right, I'll keep my eye on them, I've been checking them like 3 times a day. If I do get a bad infestation I cannot control, and end up closing up shop, how long to I stay plant free untill these buggers fuck off for good? Like eventually without food, they will die right? They can't like, eat concrete and live forever of sum shit right?