He inherited it, millionaire at age 9.

Then he (probably) killed his dad and got the rest. Lol.

I'm sure he didn't pay taxes on that either.
Right,born into wealth,DADDY DADDY,He was a complete con,broke terms of contracts,sued and underpaid contractors,filed miltiple bankruptcies,formed a fraudulent real estate college and beat students on tuition,the "apprentice" and putting his name on other peoples property is what saved his sorry ass. Presently he is a huckster soliciting donations fron his mindless minions for every and anything he can schill digital likenesses,a whole line of shit from mugs,hoodies lighters,pens,you name it he sells it and now his hand is out for legal donations,it's a shameless shit show.
Holding Trump accountable for his crimes is necessary to protect our democracy.
If a convicted felon cannot vote,how could Trump be pres. if he is convicted of a felony,I'm not confident on the New York charges but he is going down in GA.and the Jan6/Mar-A-Lago will also lead to at least 1 fel. conviction between 2024-28.
Right,born into wealth,DADDY DADDY,He was a complete con,broke terms of contracts,sued and underpaid contractors,filed miltiple bankruptcies,formed a fraudulent real estate college and beat students on tuition,the "apprentice" and putting his name on other peoples property is what saved his sorry ass. Presently he is a huckster soliciting donations fron his mindless minions for every and anything he can schill digital likenesses,a whole line of shit from mugs,hoodies lighters,pens,you name it he sells it and now his hand is out for legal donations,it's a shameless shit show.
And don't forget money laundering. Real estate and casinos are two significant avenues for money laundering. Which is how Trump became familiar with Eastern European oligarchs.
If a convicted felon cannot vote,how could Trump be pres. if he is convicted of a felony,I'm not confident on the New York charges but he is going down in GA.and the Jan6/Mar-A-Lago will also lead to at least 1 fel. conviction between 2024-28.
Trump should not be President again if he is convicted and even if he is not. But the Constitution has a list of only three qualifications to be Pres. 35 years old, natural born, and resident in the US for 14 years. Whether a felon can be Pres is left to the voters.
Trump should not be President again if he is convicted and even if he is not. But the Constitution has a list of only three qualifications to be Pres. 35 years old, natural born, and resident in the US for 14 years. Whether a felon can be Pres is left to the voters.
Really,it makes no sense that a convicted felon cannot cast a vote yet could be Pres.,I'd say something got overlooked.
Trump should not be President again if he is convicted and even if he is not. But the Constitution has a list of only three qualifications to be Pres. 35 years old, natural born, and resident in the US for 14 years. Whether a felon can be Pres is left to the voters.
If Republican senators had a little bit of courage in Jan 2020, this trump becoming president thing wouldn’t be a possibility.
Yes...that felons should be able to vote.
that depends on what the felony was...non violent, non political crimes should not revoke your voting rights...anything violent should disbar you from making important choices until you undergo a psychiatric exam that clears you...political crimes should be a permanent loss of voting rights...
I don't know what to make of the voter fraud, campaign finance portions of the indictment. I read somewhere that the prosecutor has to file a "bill of particulars" within the next couple of weeks. If that's true, we might find out more how Bragg intends to argue the felony enhancement for the election claims. The Supreme Court may get a chance to decide what are the limits of a Presidential candidate to deceive the voters. JR and the Supremes with their Federalist Society leanings may be inclined to help Trump on that score if it comes to that.

The tax fraud claims, though, seem like a big deal. Trump increased the payment to Cohen to call it income to Cohen so that Cohen could hide the Stormy Daniels payment in his own tax return. If Trump also deducted that "attorney fee" payment as a business expense through his trust or an LLC, then he has a serious problem. Weisselberg knows the details about that so Trump is working as hard as possible to keep him quiet.
If a convicted felon cannot vote,how could Trump be pres. if he is convicted of a felony,I'm not confident on the New York charges but he is going down in GA.and the Jan6/Mar-A-Lago will also lead to at least 1 fel. conviction between 2024-28.
apparently the voting rights of felons vary by state.
