Organic silicone??????

That's a crock if you use feed grade for animals or made for human consumption, food grade. DE made for water filtering swimming pools might but is not the proper kind to use for plants or pest control either.
Just because it's food grade doesn't mean it doesn't have any. It just means it's supposed to have less. Heavy metals accumulate in your body over time. They don't go away.
It's a 'crock' that people believe 'organic' is the safest cleanest way when really organic nutrients are some of the worst when it comes to heavy metal testing vs salts.
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Just because it's food grade doesn't mean it doesn't have any. It just means it's supposed to have less. Heavy metals accumulate in your body over time. They don't go away.
It's a 'crock' that people believe 'organic' is the safest cleanest way when really organic nutrients are some of the worst when it comes to heavy metal testing vs salts.
I shit directly into my compost pile, keeps it extra organic.
Just because it's food grade doesn't mean it doesn't have any. It just means it's supposed to have less. Heavy metals accumulate in your body over time. They don't go away.
It's a 'crock' that people believe 'organic' is the safest cleanest way when really organic nutrients are some of the worst when it comes to heavy metal testing vs salts.

You'll get more heavy metals from the soil you grow in than from the bit of DE you may add to the soil and I totally agree that organically grown pot will have more heavy metal accumulation than hydro grown. Cannabis/hemp is great at cleaning contaminants out of soil so often used just for that purpose.

Your body does eliminate heavy metals on its own albeit very slowly. The problem arises when you are consuming more than your system can get rid of so it builds up over time. Say from bad well water/food or an industry you may be employed in.

You'll get more heavy metals from the soil you grow in than from the bit of DE you may add to the soil and I totally agree that organically grown pot will have more heavy metal accumulation than hydro grown. Cannabis/hemp is great at cleaning contaminants out of soil so often used just for that purpose.

Your body does eliminate heavy metals on its own albeit very slowly. The problem arises when you are consuming more than your system can get rid of so it builds up over time. Say from bad well water/food or an industry you may be employed in.

Yep. Like I said some people care some dont. Wasn't looking for an argument just trying to inform anyone who didn't realize that. Growers reading this can make their own decisions.
Rock dusts are guilty of the same. It all adds up quick.
Approaches to Supplementing Silicon in Soilless Media and the
Value of Silicon in the Mitigation of Drought Stress

Rice hulls had a slower release than wollastonite
and would be valuable for crops with lifecycles
longer than four months in the same media.
Wollastonite would be better suited for
crops with lifecycles under four months."

Approaches to Supplementing Silicon in Soilless Media and the
Value of Silicon in the Mitigation of Drought Stress

Rice hulls had a slower release than wollastonite
and would be valuable for crops with lifecycles
longer than four months in the same media.
Wollastonite would be better suited for
crops with lifecycles under four months."

View attachment 5278728
View attachment 5278729
Great resource! Do you have a source that you order from?
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How much do you add to your soil? I'm gonna order some..

I've have not yet switched from what I've been using, 75% peat/25% vermiculite.

Here's some background on a mix using 1g wollastonite/L peat.
Note that it may bump your pH up so the lime might not be needed. dunno.

75% peat
13% vermiculite
12% rice hulls
0.7kg/m3 wetting agent
1kg/m3 wollastonite (equals 1g/L)
1.3kg/m3 hydrated lime (1.3g/L)

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