What are you reading now?


Just some idiot
I'll start....

Richard Matheson's "I am Legend"

Also if you guys would like to recommend something I'm sure a lot of us book worms would like to hear.


New Member
Irvine Welsh's Filth is one of the funniest books I've ever read. His book of short stories The Acid House is good too. Also his book 'Marabou Stork'.

At the moment I'm reading a book called 'The Prison House' by an author named John King, the same guy that wrote 'The Football Factory'.

Will Self is an extremely good author too.


Well-Known Member
im reading 'Dope, The Story of The Living Dead' by Fremont Older and Winifred Black...

Read Mezz Mezzrow's 'Really The Blues'
(he was a big pot dealer and jazz musician in 1920's america) AND

Jack Black: 'You Cant Win'
(a great, true, autobiographical tale about an underworld legend and an opium addict)


Well-Known Member
pretty much any chuch palahnuik book is amazing he's the author of "fight club" he writes some out of this world scenario books. i would suggest "rant", "choke", "haunted" really all his books are good.


Well-Known Member
Anne Rice... "The Vampire Lestat"... wonderful reading and you will seriously only want to put it down for a few minutes and go right back to it... like you need a break from the intensity in his life. She has a beautiful way of writing.

Also, James Howe "the watcher". the story has two sides, and can be confusing to explain if you've never read it. If you like the end of a book the best... you'll love this one


Well-Known Member
I am reading "What are you reading now?" a thread on rollitup.org started by Gygax1974 with the notes from several other top marijuana growers. I do recommend it, it's a wonderful read.


Global Mod, Stoner Chic
I read fiction, James Patterson, Steven King, Tom Clancy, Ann Rice, Patricia Cornwell etc. those thriller suspense types.
Right now I am reading a magazine. I read lots of those, all kinds.


Well-Known Member
a book called
"A piece of cake"

Its about a girl that finds her mother dead and has to move with some bitch of a foster mother that beats her and she runs away and gets high and does all of these drugs at age 11 and then some guy takes her to "cheerleading practice" and gives her LSD and then tells her to "get down on her knees" and well yeah its so good and has like 400 pages in it.


New Member
a book called
"A piece of cake"

Its about a girl that finds her mother dead and has to move with some bitch of a foster mother that beats her and she runs away and gets high and does all of these drugs at age 11 and then some guy takes her to "cheerleading practice" and gives her LSD and then tells her to "get down on her knees" and well yeah its so good and has like 400 pages in it.
Has it got any pictures in it?:mrgreen:


New Member
Or George Orwell's 1984... also Aldous Huxley's 'A Brave New World'. What about tolstoy, war and peace... who could forget that? Metamorphosis by fFranz Kafka, the only one of his books that made any real sense. Maybe too young when I read them... I'll have to look into them again.


Well-Known Member
I am reading "What are you reading now?" a thread on rollitup.org started by Gygax1974 with the notes from several other top marijuana growers. I do recommend it, it's a wonderful read.
that and "Marxism" by joesph martin
about Karl Marx and his communist manefesto


New Member
just finished dean koontz "forever odd" now im reading stephen king "cell".
I used to love King. Still do. He's the greatest writer in the world. His ability for fiction is quite simply amazing. I am in envy whenever i read one of his books. I read The Stand in 3 days straight. Just couldn't put that fucker down.

I never really liked Koontz. Maybe he's different now,but in the early days i found his books a little too repetitive. Ever read any Masterton?


New Member
Sorry fdd', Graham Masterton, wrote a novel called Manitou.

What about good old Jimmy Herbert? The pariah, Sepulchre, Creed?

Good thing about books like these are that they are easy reading.


Active Member
I'm reading the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy again. I read a lot of Asimov, Kuttner, Orwell, some Koontz, Hebert, Aurthor C Clarke, and so on and so forth.
