Pix That Make You LOL-Warning-SNWS

I got to setup and blast one of those in basic training. It was one of the more fun weapons to play with. The MK19 automatic grenade launcher was my all time favorite however. That thing is spooky deadly.
I didn't get to play with explosives but we did have several of the MK19s on two of the ships I was on - a handfull of M2 50's and last but not least a manual 3" cannon on the bow. Gun shoots were fun!
I didn't get to play with explosives but we did have several of the MK19s on two of the ships I was on - a handfull of M2 50's and last but not least a manual 3" cannon on the bow. Gun shoots were fun!
I only got to try the claymore and grenades in basic. I was the Ma Deuce guy in my company. The platoon Sgt. tricked me into it by asking if I wanted to shoot the .50 cal and I was so excited I almost yelled hell yes. After a year of humping the .50 to every training excercise and maneuvers , as well as having to do all the maintenance on it I was over the excitement. It was fun during qualification burning through rounds. My Dad was a .30 caliber water cooled machine gunner on Pork Chop Hill during the Korean War so it was kinda cool sitting behind a belt fed weapon as a second generation gunner. A 3" cannon sounds like a bunch of fun.