Yesterday's Mass Shooting.

But for real if it's OK to have the schools have their students write about their future murder which is only a 1.4% chance why shouldn't we have them write about their future rapes that occur at 8.2% It seems that one is alot more likely to happen than the other. Color me shocked...shocked I tell you. Lmao.
But for real if it's OK to have the schools have their students write about their future murder which is only a 1.4% chance why shouldn't we have them write about their future rapes that occur at 8.2% It seems that one is alot more likely to happen than the other. Color me shocked...shocked I tell you. Lmao.
logical fallacy
Then again we need to teach our kids self defense. Aggravated assault is rather high at 68.2% or maybe we can just ignore the more damaging crime against the ones that have the most media coverage.
The number you cite is a percentage of all crimes and has no meaning when taken out of context with overall crime rates. I'm embarrassed for you that I had to point that out. Overall, the rate of aggravated assaults are down 50% over the past 30 years.

That said, I'm listening. I too would like to see aggravated assault decline. What do you propose we do?
But for real if it's OK to have the schools have their students write about their future murder which is only a 1.4% chance why shouldn't we have them write about their future rapes that occur at 8.2% It seems that one is alot more likely to happen than the other. Color me shocked...shocked I tell you. Lmao.
The first reason would that mass rapes at grade schools aren't a thing.
The second reason would be that the two things aren't related to each other, and the teacher wasn't conducting a rape drill. The people perpetrating those crimes are probably not the same people, although i am sure there is some overlap.
Your entire argument is basically "whataboutism"..."Forget about what you're justifiably upset about, Something even worse could happen, what about that?!?"....well, what about that? does it change anything? No. Nothing...
Perhaps the teacher overstepped a boundary...I don't think so, but i can see how some small minded people might. I still don't see how it can be wrong to ask them to write their own obituaries when you're already asking them to cower in fear under a desk when someone comes to try to kill all of them. I think the teacher was trying to bring home the seriousness and the ridiculousness of the situation at the same time...but that seems to escape some people.