Best indica dominant stains from Barney's Farm & Amsterdam Genetics?


Active Member
I am going to be in Amsterdam next month and was planning on visiting Barney's Farm & Amsterdam Genetics stores. Can anyone recommend their best Indica dominant strains?........I would like to stock up on some seeds.


BRA if your going too Amsterdam excuse me if I'm wrong but isn't T.H Seeds in Amsterdam? IF SO YOU GOTTA HIT THEM UP! S.A.G.E n Sour is one of my favorite strains its a west coast haze with a east coast sour diesel(if im wrong dont hate lol), underdawg, darkstar, bubblegum, also my brother grew heavy duty fruity along time ago and it smelled amazing!!!!!
I am going to be in Amsterdam next month and was planning on visiting Barney's Farm & Amsterdam Genetics stores. Can anyone recommend their best Indica dominant strains?........I would like to stock up on some seeds.


dont choose seeds just because everyone is smoking the flavour of the month, get to know the locals, let them find out your not just a lout looking to get wasted, they will turn you on to much better weed and also give you the info you seek
I am going to be in Amsterdam next month and was planning on visiting Barney's Farm & Amsterdam Genetics stores. Can anyone recommend their best Indica dominant strains?........I would like to stock up on some seeds.



Grew some Dos -Si-Dos 33 a few months back that was absolute fire. Would definitely recomend.
i have only grown one strain from them and if you are looking for a real heavy stone in an indica to put you to sleep this did the job for me. incredible sleeping aid and tastes and smells like soap. peyote cookies.