Stuff that doesn't really fit in either "Examples of" thread....

I'm hoping the democrats win big in 24 and hold impeachment investigations with public hearings where they put certain justices on the hot seat and the FBI completes the vetting of others. Maybe Jack will go after her, but I doubt it, she is more a crazy fanatic and useful idiot for others than a criminal. I think Jack will have lots of work in congress, I have a great faith in desperate rats.

She does get to spend her days with her weird ass husband explaining the most recent porn he watched in excessive and excruciating detail.

I think that's pretty funny and gross.
She does get to spend her days with her weird ass husband explaining the most recent porn he watched in excessive and excruciating detail.

I think that's pretty funny and gross.
If the democrats win big enough in 24 and with Jack Smith, Trump and Kevin's help they just might, then they can hold impeachment investigations with hearings. A SCOTUS justice cannot refuse a congressional subpoena, it is grounds for impeachment, the idea here being to humiliate him if he does not resign, just by seeking the truth. The same can be done to a couple of other Trump appointed justices and even Alito. Impeachment is not a legal process it is a political one, or so say the republicans and there is no statute of limitations. They might survive an impeachment trial in the senate, but boy would it be a rough road to get there for them, if the facts were not on their side. An impeachment investigation might not even result in a house vote to impeach, some would "retire" to avoid the public hearings and investigation.

They were improperly appointed by cheating and Garland denied a seat on the court by cheating and this is how you play hardball with cheaters if ya win the majority and are using facts and the truth to fight bullshit and corruption. The same public hearings and investigations will apply to foxnews if the democrats win, they have ample cause for public hearings and loads of evidence from Dominion and will destroy them and others like them using legislation and regulation. Ya gotta win first though and then shit can happen a lot faster than most think if the country is at a "tipping point" and it sure looks like it is.
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Cabinet postion: OOFFAAFO.

Who the hell let China join the world market in the first place?
"Oh, okay, come on in with your totalitarian self, we don't mind. Child labor? Minimum wages?
Labor and industries insurance? Nah, you don't have to do any of that. Just come on in, you'll love it."
Who says communism and capitalism can't co-exist.

And in the usa freakin' corps made out, and workers in USA and China got screwed. Not bad if your
labor costs amount to a bowl of rice for a 12 hour day, corporations can really rake in the profits.
Foxconn, Google, et al, hell they love commies, good bux in communism these days. AND the GOPs,
remember, tell us now we gotta support Putin's commie regime. Oh yeah, it's not too upside down.
Communism and Capitalism are completely compatible in Kleptocracies.


This was a good read. Not a fun one but what the author meshes together was shockingly familiar. I knew all of this was going on, I just didn't know how godawful banal the autocrats are. All of the corrupt bullshit, from Russia helping Trump win the election, to crackdowns on mine workers in Kyrgyzstan, to dictatorships in Africa were all enabled by European banks in Switzerland and London with connections in the US and Corsica. Tony Blair even shows up for a cameo appearance. Hint: You might be able to find it at your local library. It was available at mine.
Communism and Capitalism are completely compatible in Kleptocracies.
You'd think they'd have known this before they turned China loose in the free world market.
It was China that didn't want access, we did. They're totally developing AI to better monitor citizens.

That pandora's box is open now. There's not even discussion of any moral obligation or ethic toward DNA
and genetic human cloning in that society. NOT that ours is much better, however being a free and
open form of democratic state it IS discussed openly, and we do establish either regulations, and/or
committees to study the exacerbation that such tech advancements might inflict on society. These
totalitarian, kleptocracies only view any damn thing they can get their hands on as a tool or weapon
to use for social control. Again, NOT unlike what the USA has done probably to the worst degree than
any other country on earth. But still, we are also the only country that arrests its leaders and stays our
democratic course.

Edit: BTW, hella alliteration there: "Communism and Capitalism are completely compatible in Kleptocracies."
Hey, ya gotta laugh, it beats crying. :lol:
I think I'm going to like this thread. It's a great place to discuss without needing to tie it to a political party. Also it's random anybody can post stuff that is tangential to politics.

So, FinCen. Fincen was created under a bank secrecy act as a tool to stop dirty money from entering the US and being laundered and then sent back to the criminals, free and clear of legal constraints. It requires banks and other financial institutions to report when they receive large sums of offshore money and that reporting system is called FinCen. It was rather toothless because the agency that reported those transactions fulfilled all legal requirements after they reported the transaction. It was like, hey, "I got a huge pile of cash that was dripping with blood. I reported it, so, you go ahead and do what you like with this report. I'll just move along and clean it up for my client now." But that's ending this year.

In 2021, Congress enacted legislation that created the Beneficial Ownership rule. Trump blocked it during his final days and Biden finally got those blocks removed during the last months of 2022. In that rule, corporations, banks, real estate companies, investment agencies and other places of business in the US that receive money from an offshore investor must identify the individual who owns the money they receive. Before then, linking the money to somebody who didn't want to be identified (Putin, for example) could create any number of shell companies that would be reported as the owner in FinCen, putting the burden of discovering if the money was most likely dirty on the government. It was like playing whack a mole.


Under the new act and rules, going forward, the responsibility for identifying and flagging incoming dirty money will fall on the institution in the US that receives the money.

Who lobbied against it? The Queen of England did. US realtors. US banks. The National Association of Home Builders. Of course, Trump.

Written last year, this article chronicles how dirty money has entered into the US and why this new regulation will help stop it. Dirty money was the source of power for Donald Trump and propelled him to the WH. Stopping it from flowing into the US is as important as cleaning up sources of environmental pollution.

Wash, rinse, repeat: How money launderers exploit real estate
Property investment is a common way to clean dirty cash, but watchdogs aren’t giving up


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My question is why did it take over ten years for anyone to discover this?
Are there not watchdogs for these people's behavior? There sure as shit should be, if there aren't.
The office of Federal Fucking around and Finding out....
It is obvious that these people cannot be trusted to do what their jobs require them to do without some kind of oversight.
If only whistle blowers had somewhere to publish this stuff and help keep the bastards honest...Lets call it Wiki Leaks.. O wait... Didn't the Republicans under trump go to war on information...?
Well yes, yes they did. The Right of the Democrats are still doing it. No right wing party wants Freedom of the press to bring embarrassing things to light.
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Fincen was created under a bank secrecy act as a tool to stop dirty money from entering the US
Another alphabet soup "agency" with no teeth. :sigh: Like, say the NSA or CIA (replaced in 2001 by Homeland Security), or the FTC (replaced by CFPB in 2011. Dodd/Frank Act was weakened by the GOP/Trump. Bad ideas, they were. Take the SEC, weakened, defunded to the point of irrelevancy by the GOP right wing, corporate toadies. They count on the fact that the public forgets why these agencies were created in the first place.
I’m gonna put this here because culture war does not have a dedicated thread.

This got pushed my way. I wondered how Bud light and culture war collided. A bit of searching found that they worked with a transgender web-celeb. Pearl-clutching ensued.

Lol at the National Review for turning a few anecdotes into a nonexistent trend.

But it shows up how the editorial content in right-leaning media is consistently skewed to the point of dishonesty. I see no parallel phenomenon in the left-leaning media.
I’m gonna put this here because culture war does not have a dedicated thread.

This got pushed my way. I wondered how Bud light and culture war collided. A bit of searching found that they worked with a transgender web-celeb. Pearl-clutching ensued.

Lol at the National Review for turning a few anecdotes into a nonexistent trend.

But it shows up how the editorial content in right-leaning media is consistently skewed to the point of dishonesty. I see no parallel phenomenon in the left-leaning media.
I saw they had a young female CEO who changed the marketing from good ole boys to something more normal and reflective of actual society. It seems to be working and making money. Yet another sign of them losing pride of place in American society as beer commercials go woke and more inclusive. Beer drinkers tend to be young, and marketing must be reflective of their values and interests.

They allow Kid Rock to own an automatic weapon? Did he break the law, or does he have a permit?

Young people drink the most beer, how old is this "Kid", in his 60s it looks.

Bud Light SLAMMED For Dylan Mulvaney Sponsorship; Kid Rock BLOWS AWAY Beer Cans In Viral Video
99,179 views Premiered Apr 10, 2023 WASHINGTON
Robby Soave and Batya Ungar-Sargon discuss the reactions to Bud Light's partnership with transgender influencer Dylan Mulvaney. #budlight #trans
I’m gonna put this here because culture war does not have a dedicated thread.

This got pushed my way. I wondered how Bud light and culture war collided. A bit of searching found that they worked with a transgender web-celeb. Pearl-clutching ensued.

Lol at the National Review for turning a few anecdotes into a nonexistent trend.

But it shows up how the editorial content in right-leaning media is consistently skewed to the point of dishonesty. I see no parallel phenomenon in the left-leaning media.
It does seem to be a beer gut punch to many middle aged and 40 something magats, mostly white males with a chip on their shoulders and they don't drink bud anyway unless its cheap and on tap. Many magats are alcoholics at least the loud ones and this is affecting them emotionally, I understand Alex Jones and many others are very upset. :lol:
It does seem to be a beer gut punch to many middle aged and 40 something magats, mostly white males with a chip on their shoulders and they don't drink bud anyway unless its cheap and on tap. Many magats are alcoholics at least the loud ones and this is affecting them emotionally, I understand Alex Jones and many others are very upset. :lol:
of course they're upset, it's a non-issue, for fucks sake, that's ALL they get upset about...If it really matters, they don't have time for it, only culture war bullshit registers with them.
of course they're upset, it's a non-issue, for fucks sake, that's ALL they get upset about...If it really matters, they don't have time for it, only culture war bullshit registers with them.
There is nothing we can do but watch the culture wars show and it can be entertaining at times. However, the way to deal with the culture wars is to deal with foxnews, nuke their capitol city. It is much easier to shut the valve off than to deal with the nozzle spraying bullshit at the other end of the hose.