Like George Santos, this is only hurting the republican party nationally and especially in NY. Likewise, with the out-of-control republican state houses passing truly insane laws, doubling down in the face of opposing public polling. Abortion, education, gay and LBGTQ issues, guns and election laws are not helping them nationally and some republicans in congress are despairing because they are from close districts and the radicals are killing their chances. Most of this shit is not even popular in their own states FFS with majorities on the other side of issues. Maybe they don't fear a majority of the voters, because they will end up with a majority of the seats anyway thanks to gerrymandering. Not all republicans are as secure as MTG however, but they are sitting by as the radicals cut their throats with the debt ceiling. You would think a dozen or two of them would break ranks, but they would be primaried, the party is filled with lunatics today and they run the nuthouse it has become.
I guess we are approaching this differently. I'm thinking tactically about what Jordan is trying to do to derail Bragg and you are thinking strategically about the political fallout. But the crux of the matter revolves around Jordan's attempts to coerce Pomerantz to appear and under questioning, reveal what evidence Bragg has or the legal strategy Bragg is going to use. Which seems to me to be the reason Bragg is fighting the subpoena.
I guess we are approaching this differently. I'm thinking tactically about what Jordan is trying to do to derail Bragg and you are thinking strategically about the political fallout. But the crux of the matter revolves around Jordan's attempts to coerce Pomerantz to appear and under questioning, reveal what evidence Bragg has or the legal strategy Bragg is going to use. Which seems to me to be the reason Bragg is fighting the subpoena.
Gym should be careful what he's wishing for Pomeranz is a very talented lawyer, a smart guy and Gym is a dummy who doesn't know shit about his job. He will be hostile to Gym and when democrats ask the questions he will cut loose. Gym will get nothing but publicly humiliated and it could damage Trump too, he wanted Trump's ass and quit when he couldn't get it fast enough, then made a mistake because he was pissed and wrote a book. Gym might just have a tiger by the tail here.
My experience with Vicodin is it doesn't take the pain away, it just makes it OK.
When I used it for migraine, it reduced the level of pain considerably. I don’t recall it changing the nature of the pain. Different response I guess.

(edit) It probably has something to do with the kind of pain. Opioids are notoriously useless for neuropathic pain.
Gym should be careful what he's wishing for Pomeranz is a very talented lawyer, a smart guy and Gym is a dummy who doesn't know shit about his job. He will be hostile to Gym and when democrats ask the questions he will cut loose. Gym will get nothing but publicly humiliated and it could damage Trump too, he wanted Trump's ass and quit when he couldn't get it fast enough, then made a mistake because he was pissed and wrote a book. Gym might just have a tiger by the tail here.
Could be. But if Jordan gets the information he wants Trump will win.
When I used it for migraine, it reduced the level of pain considerably. I don’t recall it changing the nature of the pain. Different response I guess.

(edit) It probably has something to do with the kind of pain. Opioids are notoriously useless for neuropathic pain.
You might try meditation for migraines, many people say it works quite well, but perhaps not everybody. I have taught people meditation for migraine relief, and it appeared to help, some quite a bit.

He will just say that is part of an ongoing criminal matter and he cannot discuss it, end of question. Try and get an indictment out of Garland for that!
that is another consideration, the doj has to decide to prosecute those who ignore subpoenas, and i some how don't see them being very diligent in pursuing that.
that is another consideration, the doj has to decide to prosecute those who ignore subpoenas, and i some how don't see them being very diligent in pursuing that.
Oh, he will show up if required, but when he starts answering questions Gym might want to threaten him with contempt of congress, good luck with that, Garland won't need to do this guy any favors when it comes to dealing with Gym.
? will win what?...the presidency? because no....
the trial? possibly, but i doubt it...foreknowledge of a meteor coming to flatten your house doesn't confer protection.

Good question. It's just that this seems to be a fishing trip for Trump to give his lawyers something more to work with than what they can legally obtain through the courts. Gives them a head start on planning the defense. Maybe you are right and this is just like watching an avalache come your way. Then again, a witness's name to leak, a heads up regarding their plans that they can raise objection to when the time comes. You know how it works. Delay, delay, delay, giving time for something to come up that they can use to get Trump off.
Good question. It's just that this seems to be a fishing trip for Trump to give his lawyers something more to work with than what they can legally obtain through the courts. Gives them a head start on planning the defense. Maybe you are right and this is just like watching an avalache come your way. Then again, a witness's name to leak, a heads up regarding their plans that they can raise objection to when the time comes. You know how it works. Delay, delay, delay, giving time for something to come up that they can use to get Trump off.
I see on TV jack is busy with J6 and is hauling Trump's lawyers and staff in front of grand juries, and he appears to be finishing up the details on the documents case. Jack has gotten every WH player involved with J6 under oath; Boris Epstein was the lawyer on the hot seat today. Pence and Meadows too so they dare not lie, because Jack already knows the answers to the questions, he will be asking them.

The NY trial is not until near the end of the year and really is nothing compared to the documents and obstruction cases where they have Trump cold. This will tangle up his feet, but will barely muzzle him, but Jack has the muzzle under federal law and it will be a shock for Donald compared to what they do in NY for the kinds of bullshit he's been trying. Personally, I think when they arraign him for the documents and obstruction, he might have to sweat to get released. If that young fool makes bail, Donald might, if he does not...

Good question. It's just that this seems to be a fishing trip for Trump to give his lawyers something more to work with than what they can legally obtain through the courts. Gives them a head start on planning the defense. Maybe you are right and this is just like watching an avalache come your way. Then again, a witness's name to leak, a heads up regarding their plans that they can raise objection to when the time comes. You know how it works. Delay, delay, delay, giving time for something to come up that they can use to get Trump off.
i do not deny that they will take advantage of every loophole and vague definition that they can, and it is possible that they may find something in Pomeranz's testimony that they could use to make the case more difficult to prove, but there are 34 indictments, and any of them are enough to screw up trump's plans...I'm pretty confident that at least a few will hit defendant #1 in the face, like a pile of shit pies.
And there is still Georgia and Jack Smith standing in line....
Good question. It's just that this seems to be a fishing trip for Trump to give his lawyers something more to work with than what they can legally obtain through the courts. Gives them a head start on planning the defense. Maybe you are right and this is just like watching an avalache come your way. Then again, a witness's name to leak, a heads up regarding their plans that they can raise objection to when the time comes. You know how it works. Delay, delay, delay, giving time for something to come up that they can use to get Trump off.
that man’s superpower is subverting the justice system by its own procedures. I think (and that is distorted by I hope) that I’m watching his amazing capacity to escape via delay slowly hit one wall it cannot magick away.
Jack is not fucking around, lie to his grand jury and he will send them to prison and ruin their lives. He will get to the truth about J6 and I sure as shit hope he doesn't stop with Trump and his cronies. Once he has the lot of them by the balls, he can see what deals can be made to go after congress people involved in J6 and Mark Meadows will be particularly important for this aspect. In fact, I think Mark is so important a witness he is worth killing for some in the GOP, they are criminals, do you really think murdering a witness who could destroy them is beneath them? Then you have not been watching them enough. Do you really think Mark will spend the rest of his life in prison when he can rat out republican senators and congress people to get off almost completely with just a charge over his trailer he claimed as his residence and election fraud... Do you think Jack needs Mark to put Donald away forever over the documents and obstruction indictments. Who would Mark have left to sell out for a deal, if not congress people and government employees like Cash Patel who was at the Pentagon? Once Jack starts squeezing Marks balls with indictments that will do him for life, he will want a deal, or his lawyer would dance on his fucking desk in frustration.

New pressure on criminal defendant Trump: DOJ special counsel puts heat on coup plot
The problem is elections happen every two years and this case might not be resolved until the next one is over. That will be 2 complete election cycles before justice is done and the public is informed about the crimes they committed before voting for them again. Ron Johson was reelected in 2022 after I saw enough evidence on TV to indict him over the fake electors, he committed an act in furtherance of a conspiracy FFS. Has Jack been investigating Wisconsin fake electors?
