Why some still Don't grow Organically?

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The more I learn about organics the less I care to follow certificates. OMRI is a joke. I just try to keep it clean and be responsible. I just find growing in soil that’s alive to be a fun style.

what drives me crazy is purist. The term organic is a buzz word.
Unfortunately, we live in a synthetic world. Practically all water sources are contaminated with microplastics - so trying to “ stay organic “ is rather moot.

However , i do agree that multi-bottle lines of nutes / boosters / flavor enhancers / sweetners / flushing agents and other shit are not necessary to grow literally a single plant.

You can pull back on the bullshit ( looking at you canuck :finger: shill ) and other idiots on UTube :mrgreen: , Reddit or other sites.

There are simple 1 part / 2-3 part nutes that are enough. Even those “ boutique blends “ of super soil bags are bullshit money grabs. You are literally feeding them like a tomato plant , so why fall for the hype ?

I use GH Maxigrow / Maxibloom for both hydro and even peat mixes. That’s it.

For some soil grows - EWC / Dynomyco / Recipe 420 6-8-4 and Ultra bloom 2-8-8. Pretty much thats it.

ME applying Maxibloom :bigjoint:

The more I learn about organics the less I care to follow certificates. OMRI is a joke. I just try to keep it clean and be responsible. I just find growing in soil that’s alive to be a fun style.

what drives me crazy is purist. The term organic is a buzz word.

Yep - buzz word.

Who in da fuck wants “ woke “ plants ?
Kevin Jodrey, Swami Chaitanya. Now there is a pair. Jodrey is only out there to sell himself to Corporate Canna-"hire me I can make you big bucks. I know all your buzzwords".
and the other a Photographer who has NEVER SPENT ONE DAY in a real ashram will NEVER be a Swami. Much less the years it takes for real initiates to deem someone to now be a Swami. Phony to the MAX.
Yea Cannabis smokers are much more in tune with nature and in general better people. hippies were the same: always loving, never fighting.

You know what the hells angels did in the 60s? Take acid and fight. They loved it.
I'm growing weed, not trying to save the world or reinvent the wheel. I know what works for me, and I stick with it. When we run out of phosphorus supplied for fertilizer, I'll go organic.

Yea have fun with that. Organic phosphorus fertilizers are hard to come by. Usually fields deplete in P, waste ends in the sewers and you have to go to great lenghts to recover it. In switzerland theres a plant that burns exclusively sewage sludge that can be used as fertilizer.
i use an organic plant soil from our local skip, but if you think about it, all the plant matter would have to have been fed organicly in order for the soil to be true organic soil. but its a great soil and it uses up all garden waste to make it.
so not tecnicly true organic soil, but the best thats available thats sustainable
"Take meth and fight."
i was lucky, my experiance with bikers has been nothing but good. they taught me how to grow from brick weed seed both thai and mexican, the plants from the brick produced way stronger plants then the original weed.
then i got together with a bunch of collage kids who were doing plant growth for there collage work and future thesisis at univercity. nothan lights was never so good as back in the 80's. thank you sensi seeds, just a shame i lost the cut
i was lucky, my experiance with bikers has been nothing but good. they taught me how to grow from brick weed seed both thai and mexican, the plants from the brick produced way stronger plants then the original weed.
then i got together with a bunch of collage kids who were doing plant growth for there collage work and future thesisis at univercity. nothan lights was never so good as back in the 80's. thank you sensi seeds, just a shame i lost the cut
I'm in Iowa so maybe it's different other places but the actual hell's angels in my area were busy producing "crank" and being assholes lol a lot of people ride bikes and are great people but 9/10 the ones around me were smoking crank and tweakers kinda suck
ah, you mean trace elements, well basicly there created by inland lakes that used to be sea water, then they just receed and concentrate, plus all the seaweed and plant matter that rots down and becomes part of it, all organic all natural
Okay I can wrap my head around that. I guess what trips me up is that it from a chemistry point Rocks/minerals are inorganic.

so in this scenario wouldn’t it be organic material that becomes inorganic over time?
Yeah they're alright but I wouldn't fool myself and calling bottles containing decomposed organic matter broken down with lye true organic, it still contains trace amounts of synthetic salts while being certified organic.

Topmax is literally Epsom salt in solution with some fulvic acid. Epsom salt being produced industrially.
Funnily enough i only use there veg n bloom i dont use the topmax stuff it also seems like its becoming more split up now (biobizz nutes) i dont like that part of this line going forward i just give my opinion cos if you looking to go lazy mode organics without the building up your soil etc over time theres worse ways to go but obviously the full organic true methods gonna win every time done correctly imo obviously theres alot of ways of going about it
I’m not doing this to be close to nature. I’m trying to grow the largest quantity of the highest quality weed with the least work and least expense. When I want to be close to nature I hike. I’ve always done hydro, but I’m trying an organic soil grow as it turns out. If it’s not better overall in terms of yield, quality, time, and price I’m back to hydro.
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Organically starting bns doesnt work so well if too much organics hit the young roots ,and thats so easy to do too much of ,must be the necessary things at a proper amount for healthy young growth ,everyones organics are different, having to find the organic water balance growing young is more controlled by 4ml/L of canna terra veg and .5ml/L earth juice microblast., and slowly adding other things with good growth......a compost tea organically helps more bacteria do their thing for blooming eating up any synthetics previously given in veg.......half syn--finish organic
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