Why some still Don't grow Organically?

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Okay I can wrap my head around that. I guess what trips me up is that it from a chemistry point Rocks/minerals are inorganic.

so in this scenario wouldn’t it be organic material that becomes inorganic over time?
From a chemistry standpoint "organic" doesn't make sense. Which is understandable as agriculture is different to ivory tower chemistry.
I'm in Iowa so maybe it's different other places but the actual hell's angels in my area were busy producing "crank" and being assholes lol a lot of people ride bikes and are great people but 9/10 the ones around me were smoking crank and tweakers kinda suck
we have amphetamine sulphate over here, its way better then meth and there no way near the violence involved or surrounding it. speed and smoke is what the bikers are after over here. there are the 1%ers who idalise the american biker way, but i dont think its caught on in a big way
This is very curious to me.
Since Cannabis Culture and everything with it is tied up with nature and us human beings enjoying and healing ourselves with what nature gave us, I still find upsetting and disgusting when some Growers buy trillion commercial non-organic fertilizers with WHAT NAMES? BLOOMBASTIC, Big Bud Liquid, Bud CANDY, etc. to be hooked up to product and Hobby (growing) they do.

Isn't being close as possible to nature everybody's goal?
When I see some Growdiaries where some of us list alllll bottle products they use, the list will be infinite in next decade!

Since I started growing Cannabis (5years ago) I knew I want to go Bio from day one.
Not mentioning that growing Bio is MUCH Less time consuming - no need to measure PH - you have living soil, no need to mix trillion bottles every watering - top dress feeding + tea once a while is enough.

Flame me, throw rocks on me, but at the end of the day, Bio Growers will be the ones, who will have it's purest Earth gift.

After expressing my anger, now I calmly and with love asking you who are not Bio growing - why?

There is no singular “cannabis culture” or set of ideals that go along with it. This is the flaw of your rationale. Don’t assume other people feel the same as you do about anything (for some unsolicited advice). All sorts enjoy weed - just look at the politics forum for proof.
Really when it comes down to it organic or not the earth could give a shit. When people talk about hurting the earth they should be saying hurting the earth in a way that doesn't sustain human life. As we see in nuclear fall out zones the earths plants do just fine with taking back over even though its not livable by human standards. The earth will do just fine weather we kill our selfs or not and will recover from pretty much anything humans can do and if it don't we wont be here to see it and the universe will forge on.
It can come down to price. There are people that live where organic is multiple times more expensive to go organic and some don't think its worth it.

To some people they don't care if they are growing it organically but rather they grow because they want to know what exactly goes into their plants from seed/cutting to harvest and be the only ones that touch it.
honestly guys my brother grew for like 4 years and when he started he was using soil with organic ferts but his results were wack! he switched to a mix of synthetics / organic ferts and would grow in rockwool / coco coir with great results! not great yields but great quality flower.
Nutrients such as Dr. Earth Veg and Flower girl work well enough ( OMRI Certified) for this newbie and are cheap compared to any of the OMRI bottled nutrients. First grow I did I got swept up in using Roots and NOTG products and spent way, way to much growing only okay flower. Now I use a good soil/compost mixture along with top dressing Dr. Earth Veg/ flower girl, I still have some of the bottled nutrients that I'll add in if I feel the plants need a pick me up.
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