The P.I.S.S. Method - ( Pee in your Soil Stupid ) Grow Guide


Well-Known Member
The P.I.S.S. Method


This thread was created for fun and facts … Urine has been historically used in both agriculture, commodities , leather work even artistic paintings.

But, the Liquid Gold has even more beneficial use in your garden ! :weed:

Many nutrient lines that you currently use have urea based compounds - these aid in nitrogen and photosynthesis. Bagged urea fertilizer can be a solid source of nitrogen ( 45% ) . Urea is neutral in pH and can adapt to almost all kinds of soils. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish. Urea is widely used in the agricultural sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.

The main function of Urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth and make the plants look lush. Urea also aids the photosynthesis process of plants. Since urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen and not phosphorus or potassium, it’s primarily used for bloom growth.

Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
  • Superior Nitrogen content
  • Low production cost, as source is natural
  • Non-flammable and risk-free storage
  • Wide application range, for all types of crops and soils
  • Neutral pH and harmless to crops and soil
But YOUR PEE has so much more ……. Buckets more ! :bigjoint:

Using human urine can help us work toward a closed-loop fertility system. While not a plant-based technique per se, using their own urine is a way that veganic gardeners can cycle back the nutrients from the foods they consume, while also diverting their urine from the water system where it acts as a pollutant.

Our urine contains significant levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorous and potassium. The relative ratios are typically around 11 parts nitrogen to 1 part phosphorus to 2.5 parts potassium. Americans produce about 90 million gallons of urine a day, containing about 7 million pounds of nitrogen. Studies conducted in Sweden (Sundberg, 1995; Drangert, 1997) show that an adult’s urine contains enough nutrients to fertilize 50-100% of the crops needed to feed one adult.

AED9A7C6-A988-450A-AC80-3462CAB0E5BE.jpegPiss Tip :
By peeing in a carbon-rich medium ( like soil ) to make the elements plant available. For a healthy person, human urine typically has a pH of around 6.2 with a range of 5.5-7.0. A person’s diet and alcohol consumption can also affect the pH of their urine. Pee for the most part is also sterile.

The main organic component of urine is urea, a combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of our bodies breaking down proteins into usable amino acids. Urea is very high in nitrogen, a key ingredient to healthy leafy growth in plants. In addition to being very nitrogen-rich, urine also contains dissolved phosphorus that’s immediately available to plants, making urine a quick-acting fertilizer. Pee also contains various micronutrients that valuable to your garden.

Dog and Cat pee are extremely high in urea - ever see the burned yellow patches on a lawn ? This happens from the high levels of ammonia and salt. Plus the pathogenic dangers from these animals can be a hidden risk.
This is why , this particular piss source is not recommended for our test.

Urine naturally contains salt and the amount can vary depending on a person’s diet. Urine use in arid areas could cause salinization of the soil and should be carefully monitored. Different plants have different tolerances to salt in the soil but an excess concentration of salt could adversely impact plant health and growth. For example, vegetables like potatoes and onions are very salt-sensitive whereas olives and barley are tolerant. Some leafy greens like kale and spinach are moderately tolerant.

So , i plan to start a grow using this method. I will have a plant watered / fed using this method. The plant I will experiment with will be in a precharged soil mix ( mild potting only ) - No dry fertilizer toppings / no liquid nutes . The PEE water will be at a dilute rate of 1:3 to water to start then down to 1:1 over grow.
Some gardeners try to “ store “ large quantities for garden use but I will do this as the plant needs it.


So feel free to “ tinkle in “ on this thread , add your own grows , DIY projects - suggestions or “ piss tips “

Peecycling in your garden for perfect plants !
Tinkle for Terps !
Pee on your plants - not in your pants !

Let’s get this Pee Party Started …..
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Introducing - “ PEE nelope “ ( Durban Poison x Purple Punch )


She will be my test subject for this pee experiment. She is in a fresh , precharged mix of mild potting soil.
She is getting water only for right now until a couple of node sets grow in. Then , she will be on a water / piss dilute at a rate of 1:3 part pee to water to test . I will also base my “ pee blessing “ on time between wet / dry to judge how far apart to give it a golden shower.

Light is a 150 watt led currently and will be solo from other garden plants I have.

Fill free to add your own Pee Pot Plants to show and grow !
AED9A7C6-A988-450A-AC80-3462CAB0E5BE.jpegPiss Tip :

Stop wasting all that life giving pee - take your wet bed sheets , urine soaked undies , adult diapers and pants , wring them out over your green goddesses in your garden. Instead of stinking up in public , drop your excess piss over them thirsty girls. Even your compost pile to kick start the magic ! Use that horrible lack of hygiene to your advantage !

Get the STANK DANK !
Thanks - I was approached awhile back - because of the pee jokes - and asked to start a thread.
‘I thought about it for awhile , did some interweb sleuthing and quite amazed as to its usage thru out history.
I heard of everything from self healing / medicinal use to washing clothes in it.

But the garden side of it has solid science behind it. I have found studies and test grows showing 30% growth advantages over control plants.
It’s the ICK factor that most will have problem with.

WHO hasn’t pissed on a bush ? :weed:
whats your precharged soil charged with? piss..... just piss you are using? idk if im curiously intrigued, or more ewwww about it. i wonder how she gonna taste. im down for science and see what you come up with!!
IMG_4540.jpeg Pro Tip EXTRA :

Worm PEE Tea

This magic mixture of piss centered goodness can not only increase nutrient availability ( foliar ) but as a PEE Drench to soil directly for a boost.
Simple and effective.

1 gallon of water ( tap - 24 gas off before use ) or RO Water
1 cup of quality EWC - earth worm castings
Bubbler / aerator ( with air stone )
1 cup of PEE

Optional :
Spray bottle
Cheesecloth bag ( if steeping EWC ) instead of straight mixing
Gallon storage container

Add EWC to gallon container of water - stir in to mix - start bubbler and run overnight. If using cheesecloth bag method - finished product will be spray bottle ready. This PEE TEA can be modified for straight soil drenching by adding 2-3 tablespoons of blackstrap molasses to supercharge the microbial activity in your soil. I would not recommend this for recirculating systems as some gumming up may happen.
whats your precharged soil charged with? piss..... just piss you are using? idk if im curiously intrigued, or more ewwww about it. i wonder how she gonna taste. im down for science and see what you come up with!!

‘The “ precharged “ potting soil is a standard bagged medium that will run this young plant upfront - then I will introduce the PISS WATERING .
Right now she barely getting her first leaves - so I will let it acclimate then begin experiment.
The P.I.S.S. Method

View attachment 5284236

This thread was created for fun and facts … Urine has been historically used in both agriculture, commodities , leather work even artistic paintings.

But, the Liquid Gold has even more beneficial use in your garden ! :weed:

Many nutrient lines that you currently use have urea based compounds - these aid in nitrogen and photosynthesis. Bagged urea fertilizer can be a solid source of nitrogen ( 45% ) . Urea is neutral in pH and can adapt to almost all kinds of soils. It is a waste product formed naturally by metabolizing protein in humans as well as other mammals, amphibians and some fish. Urea is widely used in the agricultural sector both as a fertilizer and animal feed additive.

The main function of Urea fertilizer is to provide the plants with nitrogen to promote green leafy growth and make the plants look lush. Urea also aids the photosynthesis process of plants. Since urea fertilizer can provide only nitrogen and not phosphorus or potassium, it’s primarily used for bloom growth.

Advantages of Urea Fertilizer
  • Superior Nitrogen content
  • Low production cost, as source is natural
  • Non-flammable and risk-free storage
  • Wide application range, for all types of crops and soils
  • Neutral pH and harmless to crops and soil
But YOUR PEE has so much more ……. Buckets more ! :bigjoint:

Using human urine can help us work toward a closed-loop fertility system. While not a plant-based technique per se, using their own urine is a way that veganic gardeners can cycle back the nutrients from the foods they consume, while also diverting their urine from the water system where it acts as a pollutant.

Our urine contains significant levels of nitrogen, as well as phosphorous and potassium. The relative ratios are typically around 11 parts nitrogen to 1 part phosphorus to 2.5 parts potassium. Americans produce about 90 million gallons of urine a day, containing about 7 million pounds of nitrogen. Studies conducted in Sweden (Sundberg, 1995; Drangert, 1997) show that an adult’s urine contains enough nutrients to fertilize 50-100% of the crops needed to feed one adult.

View attachment 5284237Piss Tip :
By peeing in a carbon-rich medium ( like soil ) to make the elements plant available. For a healthy person, human urine typically has a pH of around 6.2 with a range of 5.5-7.0. A person’s diet and alcohol consumption can also affect the pH of their urine. Pee for the most part is also sterile.

The main organic component of urine is urea, a combination of ammonia and carbon dioxide, which is the byproduct of our bodies breaking down proteins into usable amino acids. Urea is very high in nitrogen, a key ingredient to healthy leafy growth in plants. In addition to being very nitrogen-rich, urine also contains dissolved phosphorus that’s immediately available to plants, making urine a quick-acting fertilizer. Pee also contains various micronutrients that valuable to your garden.

Dog and Cat pee are extremely high in urea - ever see the burned yellow patches on a lawn ? Plus the pathogenic dangers.
This is why this piss source is not recommended.

Urine naturally contains salt and the amount can vary depending on a person’s diet. Urine use in arid areas could cause salinization of the soil and should be carefully monitored. Different plants have different tolerances to salt in the soil but an excess concentration of salt could adversely impact plant health and growth. For example, vegetables like potatoes and onions are very salt-sensitive whereas olives and barley are tolerant. Some leafy greens like kale and are moderately tolerant.

So , i plan to start a grow using this method. I will have a plant watered / fed using this method. The plant I will experiment with will be in a precharged soil mix ( mild potting only ) - No dry fertilizer toppings / no liquid nutes . The PEE water will be at a dilute rate of 1:3 to water to start then down to 1:1 over grow.
Some gardeners try to “ store “ large quantities for garden use but I will do this as the plant needs it.


So feel free to “ tinkle in “ on this thread , add your own grows , DIY projects - suggestions or “ piss tips “

Peecycling in your garden for perfect plants !
Tinkle for Terps !
Pee on you plants - not in your pants !

Let’s get this Pee Party Started …..
Urine was historically used in dyeing. For example Woad blue (referred to colloquially Lincoln green) and Indigo blue require urine and the dyers would place vessels outside for passerby's convenient use to 'assist' the dyeworks.
Im currently on antibiotics or i would try this now. I dont know how the microbes would respond to antibiotics. Hey man, everything ive read (admittedly only a half dozen articles besides yours) says use a 10-1 ratio with water. You planning on flushing or something ever so often. I dont give a shit if anybody knows its pissweed. At least it hasnt wiped somebody's ass or been pissed on after harvest like with some of the old mexican ditchweed. I dont sell anyways. I got a few ILGM beans left , an experiment is worth it. The science looks good. I will post here when i start.
Nobody ever has ick problems with weed grown in guano, ewc and fish shit. Ive been reading up on this too and it looks solid

winner winner chicken dinner - thought nobody was gonna raise that point !

Seabird guano , Bat guano , cow manure , chicken shit , earthworm shit , urea based nutes - etc.
It’s a shit a palooza in the garden and people frown on the obvious. I’m not saying go take a deuce on your tomatoes - that’s nasty af and you should be beaten up. I’m not saying go to the sizzler salad bar and wiz on the spring mix or bean salad either , ya nasty asses.

I’m saying that there is plenty of “ ASS TO PLATE “ agricultural practices in food production. Everywhere from production handling ( toilet hands ), pesticide residue , heavy metals , pathogenic bacteria, and a thousand ways to have it end up “ in your body “ .

You think , the water you drink whether bottled , municipal or park water fountain …. hasn’t been filtered , Uv , chemically treated and more ?
Plenty of hobo piss , dead bodies , bio solids , shit , piss , curb runoff and god knows what has already been in it at some time BEFORE you get it as the end product. Who hasn’t pissed in the pool , ocean or a water bottle ( quit leaving that shit on the freeway you nasty fucks :bigjoint:)

Weed grows in shit ….it will grow on piss.