Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
I don't drink any more, or less.
I slowed my roll many years ago.

I got tired of hearing the wife shutting down any "stressed domestic" conversation by saying, "I'm not talking to you because you are drunk". < A true statement yes, however, the content of the of discussion was valid and worthy of a resolution.

So I sobered up.

The next time we had an intense conversation, she was reminded that I was not drunk, and she would have to listen now.
All the Troll animated emoticon

I still have cocktail occasionally. But nowhere near the gallons I once consumed.
Troll Smile emoticon


Well-Known Member
So there was this national geographic shit going on yesterday.....these morning doves had some forplay in the yard. Then went into a bush and you could hear the cooing and hooting. Then this dude hopes out and started struttin his stuff back and forth before going "back in the bush" for round two.


Well-Known Member
You'd be SOL if you didn't like rum...
Luckily I love rum, but they do have also have an extensive booze collection. I'm a super lightweight of a drinker!!

Still debating shrooms....I just have to remember to moderate if I do!!

Already have a few disposable carts, which I read someone complaining of people vaping all over the ship. It's leaving from NY, a legal state, so I bet there will be plenty of toking going on. Just have to be careful going through customs.


Well-Known Member
Luckily I love rum, but they do have also have an extensive booze collection. I'm a super lightweight of a drinker!!

Still debating shrooms....I just have to remember to moderate if I do!!

Already have a few disposable carts, which I read someone complaining of people vaping all over the ship. It's leaving from NY, a legal state, so I bet there will be plenty of toking going on. Just have to be careful going through customs.
I micro dosed and loved it

go go kid

Well-Known Member
This is what ours look like
View attachment 5286087
When she hits bottom tell her that you love her and take her to a A.A and this is coming from somebody that's got over 35 years sober the only way I quit was A.A best of luck to you and your family and friends :hump: :peace:
thanx and gongratz, its not that simple, she lives in bristol and i live in wales, a good 100 miles between us, so taking her someware isnt possable. i like the idea of going to an al anon meeting to see how things go and see w=hat i can do for her. thank you