Blaze & Daze


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Staff member
You may be correct!! Just found this...

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I will be 62 this year, but I still need to lose some fat. It's so ironic because i was a stick figure most of my life!! And I consumed HUGE amounts of sugar! Now if I even look at a Snickers bar I gain 5 pounds....Which is good since they have tripled in price!
and most of that weight is the size of your new prostate, they consider them normal at thrice the size too :) (when you hit 70 :lol: )

Dr.Amber Trichome

Well-Known Member
yuck, gin is disgusting to me, i cant see why people like it lol
The smell is so wonderfully aromatic. It’s seems super clean. I wish I could Love Rum and I wish I could Love vodka but they make me feel sick. Gin agrees with me, I don’t know why for sure but happy I have found an alcohol that I can enjoy without negative repercussions..
I have only tired this brand so far.
The bottle is also so pretty!



Well-Known Member
The smell is so wonderfully aromatic. It’s seems super clean. I wish I could Love Rum and I wish I could Love vodka but they make me feel sick. Gin agrees with me, I don’t know why for sure but happy I have found an alcohol that I can enjoy without negative repercussions..
I have only tired this brand so far.
The bottle is also so pretty!

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Juniper stimulates bile flow and digestive enzymes. It’s good for digestion, and it is also good for upset stomachs, gastrointestinal issues, and heartburn, etc.