How to tell if plant is auto or photo?

conor c

Well-Known Member
Pretty sure those are photos. I'm not an expert but if they were autos I would think they would start to flower within 3-5 weeks.
Yeah you right most would flip after between 3 and 5 weeks of veg themselves and the auto gene is often recessive so if these seeds are from say a auto crossed to a photo or something like that one would need to select for the auto gene again in the coming generations it takes time to lock in the day neutral trait/auto trait in alot of cases

conor c

Well-Known Member
These were from autos grown outside and pollinated by some unknown dude in the neighborhood.... Sounds like the odds are very high that they are photos, so I just changed my light schedule to 12/12
If you work them to f3 or f4 you can turn em into autos just select for that trait of course if thats your aim and if its the f1 gen they are probably photos but they will flower a tiny bit faster due to the recessive auto genes this is what seed banks sell as fast versions they are pretty much just a f1 of a cross between a auto x a photo plant only the f1 gen will be so tho it would require selection there onwards in whatever direction you wanna go


So, I switched to 12/12 light schedule on 5/1... Now I think all of them are males... I hate to post another "is it a boy?" thread, but I'm a newb and not confident enough to kill them and start over :) Any advice?
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