Fascism and the Republican Party

Not at all, embarrassing
Nobody is against actual conservatives, I post this actual conservative's video's all the time, he is a former republican and founder of the Lincoln project and was John McCain's campaign manager. He walked John Roberts through his confirmation process as part of Dubya's administration, I don't agree with him ideologically, but he is a patriot, something no republican is any more and they are anything but conservative, they are radical big government extremists and anti-democratic and that means anti-constitutional too.

Steve Schmidt explains how the Republican Party became the party of American fascists | The Warning
Hiring a confused individual as health secretary comes off as a bit extreme to me at least.

LGBTQ health disparities
Shortly after her confirmation, Levine told NBC News that LGBTQ youth are topmost in her mind when it comes to addressing health disparities in the United States.[27] She cited bullying, suicide, discriminatory policies, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic as pressing issues among LGBTQ youth. Levine has also expressed concerns about vaccine hesitancy among LGBTQ youth who are more likely to experience medical distrust and less likely to seek medical care.[28]

During an April 2022 speech at Texas Christian University, Levine criticized "disturbing - and frankly discriminatory - laws and actions" that many states have implemented that affect the lives of LGBTQ youth.[29] In an interview with NPR, she cited a range of policies, including Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill and Texas' push to investigate parents who provide gender-affirming care to their transgender children.[30] Arguing that such policies are based on politics rather than public health, Levine encouraged people to contact the Office for Civil Rights when they feel discriminated against and vowed to provide support to those who contact her office.

Does she come across as confused in that section of her Wikipedia page? I'm beginning to think that Conservative means a return to the days when Ward went off to work, June kept house and made dinner and the Beav's biggest concern was getting through each day in white suburban middle class town of Mayfield.

If so, I'm still OK with that. Just don't get all violent toward people who aren't like you. And accept your losses at the election polls, because your beliefs are moving to the fringe of US society. Like I said, liberals believe that everybody shares the same civil rights, including their right to pursue happiness.
Fog, not dodging. Was a lot coming at me and I was scrambling to get out the door.

your question of what I support not what I’m against does make me think but in a lot of ways aren’t they the same thing?

second Amendment- restriction or limiting of certain firearms or magazines. Not ok with me, longer waiting periods absolutely I’m down with that.

Secured borders- legal immigration. Someone’s gonna say I’m racist lol. I just think there should be some thought put into it and not a free for all. This year we can take 1 million immigrants great, next year o shit we bit off a bit more then we can chew this year 100,000.

Limited government- I do think we have that already here in America in a lot of ways, but in my state we were locked down for quite a while and we’re restricted what we could buy from stores. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

Rule of law- not sure if that’s a policy but fuck enforce the law and quit releasing these fucks. The lawlessness is out of control.

LGBTQ health disparities
Shortly after her confirmation, Levine told NBC News that LGBTQ youth are topmost in her mind when it comes to addressing health disparities in the United States.[27] She cited bullying, suicide, discriminatory policies, and isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic as pressing issues among LGBTQ youth. Levine has also expressed concerns about vaccine hesitancy among LGBTQ youth who are more likely to experience medical distrust and less likely to seek medical care.[28]

During an April 2022 speech at Texas Christian University, Levine criticized "disturbing - and frankly discriminatory - laws and actions" that many states have implemented that affect the lives of LGBTQ youth.[29] In an interview with NPR, she cited a range of policies, including Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill and Texas' push to investigate parents who provide gender-affirming care to their transgender children.[30] Arguing that such policies are based on politics rather than public health, Levine encouraged people to contact the Office for Civil Rights when they feel discriminated against and vowed to provide support to those who contact her office.

Does she come across as confused in that section of her Wikipedia page? I'm beginning to think that Conservative means a return to the days when Ward went off to work, June kept house and made dinner and the Beav's biggest concern was getting through each day in white suburban middle class town of Mayfield.

If so, I'm still OK with that. Just don't get all violent toward people who aren't like you. And accept your losses at the election polls, because your beliefs are moving to the fringe of US society. Like I said, liberals believe that everybody shares the same civil rights, including their right to pursue happiness.

Lol I just think a doctor should be able to define a women, it’s a biological fact after all.

making a lot of assumptions my friend, would you be surprised if my wife made twice my income and I’m supported her journey and perfectly okay with that! I like doing the laundry lol
Fog, not dodging. Was a lot coming at me and I was scrambling to get out the door.

your question of what I support not what I’m against does make me think but in a lot of ways aren’t they the same thing?

second Amendment- restriction or limiting of certain firearms or magazines. Not ok with me, longer waiting periods absolutely I’m down with that.

Secured borders- legal immigration. Someone’s gonna say I’m racist lol. I just think there should be some thought put into it and not a free for all. This year we can take 1 million immigrants great, next year o shit we bit off a bit more then we can chew this year 100,000.

Limited government- I do think we have that already here in America in a lot of ways, but in my state we were locked down for quite a while and we’re restricted what we could buy from stores. Left a bad taste in my mouth.

Rule of law- not sure if that’s a policy but fuck enforce the law and quit releasing these fucks. The lawlessness is out of control.
How limited a government? Do you agree we need enough government to disallow profit-driven corporations from poisoning where we live?

enough government to restore the firewall between civic life and toxic evangelism?

enough government to allow women command of their own bodies?

Lol I just think a doctor should be able to define a women, it’s a biological fact after all.
false. Invoking biology empowers the dominionists, people who want to legislate their virulent version of morality.

The controversy surrounding transgender is entirely driven by those who want to make their religion law. Christian Nationalists like that paragon of kindness MTG.

Don’t support those who would crucify freedom.

making a lot of assumptions my friend, would you be surprised if my wife made twice my income and I’m supported her journey and perfectly okay with that! I like doing the laundry lol
How limited a government? Do you agree we need enough government to disallow profit-driven corporations from poisoning where we live?

enough government to restore the firewall between civic life and toxic evangelism?

enough government to allow women command of their own bodies?

Yes to most everything you said. We’re more alike than you think.

Yeah I don’t think corporations should dump toxic chemicals into the water supply, but like I said covid lockdown bothered me big time. I’ll leave my home as I please and purchase what I want when I want. They wouldn’t even let us buy vegetables seeds lol.

second one, I think so if I understand correctly. I’m personally a atheist but I respect anyone’s right to worship their god as long as you fuck off with it.

Third, yes and no. I struggle at the extremes
Yes to most everything you said. We’re more alike than you think.

Yeah I don’t think corporations should dump toxic chemicals into the water supply, but like I said covid lockdown bothered me big time. I’ll leave my home as I please and purchase what I want when I want. They wouldn’t even let us buy vegetables seeds lol.

second one, I think so if I understand correctly. I’m personally a atheist but I respect anyone’s right to worship their god as long as you fuck off with it.

Third, yes and no. I struggle at the extremes
ok curious on the third: what part is no?

Lol I just think a doctor should be able to define a women, it’s a biological fact after all.

making a lot of assumptions my friend, would you be surprised if my wife made twice my income and I’m supported her journey and perfectly okay with that! I like doing the laundry lol
In absence of information, people tend to fill in the gaps. But I agree with that old chestnut about the word Assume. I'm guilty as charged.

The "confusion" regarding the Secretary of HHS might be your own. Did you assume she was not "the best" candidate because she chosen to fill a trans-quota? If not, then what has she done that informs your opinion? Also, "the best" candidate is a subjective term. Biden chose her. Does that not make her "the best" candidate in his opinion?

For a good part of my career, I managed a research lab for a large corporation that has an affirmative action policy, so I know a bit about what "affirmative action" means. What it does not mean is fill a quota. That is a vicious lie by those who want the status quo that favors cis-white-men to be maintained. For most of the history of this country, white men have been favored over others. Cis white men are friends who work with other cis white men have over time formed old boy networks that shut out people who are not cis white men.. Using the old boy network to find new employees really means selecting from a smaller group and frequently ends up with (hopefully) good choices but when women, minorities and people with different genders are excluded, how can one say they are the best? Way too often when old boy networks are used for hiring, "the best" candidate never even gets a chance to apply for that job.

I can go over how we used our affirmative action policy to find the best candidates. Regardless of who we chose, be they cis-white male or not, we could objectively defend our choices. Finding employees who will excel at their job is not easy. We didn't always end up with a great employee but our rate of good hires was much better than if we just asked around for names from people who we worked with. I could go over our process but that would make this post much longer and I think I'll stop there for now.
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In my opinion an abortion after 4-5 months is extreme. I know these typically are for rare cases usually for health of the mother. I could be wrong on that but I just think if it’s more then 4-5 months there better be a damn good reason. Birth control, morning after pill have at it.