

Well-Known Member
Lights were off maybe just the camera flash

Isnt green = photosenthysis?

Maybe growing just isnt for me?
No , not light. It seems you might have been a little heavy with feed or nitrogen rich feed. During flower , nitrogen in nutes is a bit lower ( not eliminated but a little lower ) since plant is trying to focus on blooming not growing branches anymore.

Are you running a bloom only feed ?


No , not light. It seems you might have been a little heavy with feed or nitrogen rich feed. During flower , nitrogen in nutes is a bit lower ( not eliminated but a little lower ) since plant is trying to focus on blooming not growing branches anymore.

Are you running a bloom only feed ?
Combo bloom and flower from fox farm, but only every other water, just tap water in between

I get what youre saying now, I also defoliated a lot of the lower popcorn bud to focus on the colas


Well-Known Member
Combo bloom and flower from fox farm, but only every other water, just tap water in between

I get what youre saying now, I also defoliated a lot of the lower popcorn bud to focus on the colas
Just my 2¢.

You stated feeding every other watering

Right there is an issue. Fox farm nutes are notoriously concentrated- especially the numbers used on their feed schedule. Less is more when using this brand. Never take “ recommended amounts “ as gospel - your plants response good or bad is the key.

Big Bloom ( the only organic of the trio ) is not for bloom - it is micronutrients for your biome in the soil. Name is a bit deceiving. It is relatively safe to use thruout grow as it is not overly strong.

Tiger Bloom is very concentrated as is GroBig.
You always start at 1/4 strength when using to judge what will not be too much for plant - then bump up or down based on the plants response.

Getting back to your “ every other watering “ …. You do not need to do this heavy handed approach. Your feed would ( one feed ) would carry at least 2 weeks before maybe feeding again. It takes time for it to begin to breakdown for your plants. But you keep loading it on top of each other - feed on top of more feed.

I suspect your medium plus plant is overnuted hence the heavy excess symptoms.

You literally can stop feeding and allow plant alone to work thru this excess and hopefully burn it off over time. My 2¢ would be water only as needed to slowly allow plant to work thru it.


Thank you that info is greatly appreciated

I was going to feed every other water and do a full flush 2 weeks before chop but I will hold off on feed for a week and see what happens

I was using about a quarter recommended already


I got spidermites, fml...

Shut down vents and threw 2 of these in, other than neem oil, whats the best way to get rid of spider mites?



Its indoor, no people. I open the garage door before an hour I water with tap

Its not like Im gonna get COVID from it


I gave away these 2 BKPre98 clones from Cali Connect a few weeks ago to a friend who put them outside
