What did you accomplish today?

My mini excavator was delivered today. Had a hell of a time getting off the box truck they loaded it in because the shitty pallet was falling apart. It's not the one I ordered because it was out of stock and they changed it up without telling me but this one came with a thumb attached so I'm not complaining.
I had a chance to make it to Madison the other day to see how my gf is doing. Today was the first time they let her eat solid foods since they're not as worried about her having another surgery. Still nothing on her left side but it could be worse. It's going to be a long road to recovery ahead. They say she may be transferred to inpatient physical therapy closer to home within the next week. Madison is 3 hours from where we live so visiting is difficult at the moment.
I had a chance to make it to Madison the other day to see how my gf is doing. Today was the first time they let her eat solid foods since they're not as worried about her having another surgery. Still nothing on her left side but it could be worse. It's going to be a long road to recovery ahead. They say she may be transferred to inpatient physical therapy closer to home within the next week. Madison is 3 hours from where we live so visiting is difficult at the moment.
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I wish you guys the best!
I had a chance to make it to Madison the other day to see how my gf is doing. Today was the first time they let her eat solid foods since they're not as worried about her having another surgery. Still nothing on her left side but it could be worse. It's going to be a long road to recovery ahead. They say she may be transferred to inpatient physical therapy closer to home within the next week. Madison is 3 hours from where we live so visiting is difficult at the moment.
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She's young and she's got left sided facial movement. Aggressive rehab the instant they release her, PT and OT and discuss biofeedback in rehab. This is an example https://motusnova.com/ She can do this.
She's young and she's got left sided facial movement. Aggressive rehab the instant they release her, PT and OT and discuss biofeedback in rehab. This is an example https://motusnova.com/ She can do this.
They had her up and walking a bit today which they already said was a miracle this early on. She's regained some ability to move her left fingers but not her arm just yet. PT should really help.
Been working on my car all day. Changing oil and tranny fluid, rotating tires next, checking brake pads and wheel bearings as I go. I got this Honda Accord back in November but haven’t had time for this stuff till now. It’s hot, I’m dirty, a few cold beers , a couple of joints , I’m not in any hurry … life at my pace today.
Moved some soil from one side of the yard to the other to fill a smart pot for some South American plant I'm growing. I noticed there are some aphids on the roses in front of where I want to move the plant to so I'll spray them first. The roses need deadheaded and trimmed anyway...tomorrow. It's getting a little warm out there. I still have more weeding to do behind the patio and need to put in a stake for the flowering maple. Getting close to having the yard mostly squared away for the summer, until I need to do something else, lol...
Found a new pool hall to play 9-ball with the kid. Of the two halls I've played the most in the last 15 years, one closed completely during the lock-down and is now a gym; the second one I played at, the 'old timer' who kept the management focused on the pool players and leagues, died. It only took 6 months before the staff changed over completely and there was so much chalk dust floating in the air you couldn't breath, just putting the balls down on the tables kicks dust up in your face. The leagues quit having their events there too, so I give it less than 2 years before it folds, it's completely filthy and it's not good enough of a bar to sustain on booze alone.

So after about 6 months of playing on every table we could find within an hour of our house, we finally found a really nice, almost classic style pool hall. Even has benches along the walls like in The Hustler. Music was at a reasonable volume. 7 & 9 foot Diamond tables that had been re-clothed recently enough and cared for so well that they rolled like glass. Best of all it was cheaper than any place we've played in the last year.

Doesn't seem like much, but good pool halls where playing pool is the focus, are getting more and more rare. A big number of them had to convert to being about 30% pool, 30% bar, and 30% other entertainment (games, live music, etc.) The the tables get less and less care, pretty soon it's not worth playing on them anymore due to a lack of care. So finding quality tables to play on was a pleasant surprise.

45 minute drive in crap traffic, but I'll do it to for the kid and I to be able to breath after playing all afternoon.