Blaze & Daze

... Had the heat going, ass warmer going and steering wheel warmer going ...
Wish I had something to cover the hands on the morning walk. You could really feel the chill when we got into the shade.

The main furnace was off last night here as well - but the two small space heaters to keep the basement warm managed to keep the main floor at a comfortable level.
We had a new airman and his first job was to make us coffee. I asked him if he knew how and he said yes. I grabbed a cup after it finished and about spit it across the room. He had filled the filter to the top with grounds. :shock:
Remedial training commenced immediately.

I always wondered how people made it to the age of majority without having the basic knowledge of how to make coffee. Then I met my BIL. Won't let my sister make his coffee, won't let his children make his coffee, won't order coffee from any food service establishment, he will ONLY drink coffee he made.

Then there's my and my wife's philosophy on the subject matter. "Hey kid you're tall enough now, come here. Meet Mr. Coffee, his filter and the filter's home the filter basket. The beginning of the path is the reservoir and the end is the caraf. Meet our new friend, ground consciousness, you put 2.5 scoops of consciousness in the filter, the filter in the basket. and water in the reservoir and push the only damned button on the machine, making sure the caraf is emtpy and clean first. This is your job, your purpose, this is why you were created, your name is child labor and you will be fueling your parents daily. If you fail in this task your parents will go into critical shutdown and you'll lose all support systems you have. This is the most important job on the ship!"

My 6 year old, "Ok I understand, daddy."

Neither my wife nor I have made coffee in almost 6 years now.
