Ca Mg deficiency??? week 4 flower. what is this?

Missouri Green

Active Member
top of plant getting lime greeny ... going with cal mg def from running a Low pH for too long. what does it look like to you? Jacks RO formula, no tap. low ph 5.0-5.8 roughly and perhaps low O2 in the root zone. was playing with feed schedules in hydroton... affecting upper leaves most... day32 given 3ml per gal Calimagic 2 days back.. roughly. rapid growth seemed to stall out looking OK now. still lime green. ppms 1500-1600 .7 scale ec= 2.1-2.3 Epsom salt used as recommended. 1g/gal


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Agree on ph, Mag seems to do better with slightly higher ph, or slightly higher every other watering. But since mainly on new growth the easiest solution is probably to back of the light a bit and/or raising temps to consistent 81-84F.
I will say i've been through about 10 runs and never seen this before and although i've changed a lot of things the one thing I'm doing different is no tap water and the bell just went off.... chlorine. ? will be adding some Tap tonight... checked my ph this evening and I'm at 6.0 .. good there. I put a small 200watt space heater in the box with my inkbird wifi temp controler.. its at 77degF at the lower levels and 84 up top. plant is happy and jumps when i hit refresh in the cam. leaves are perking up though were never really down.

TLDR .... not only have i been running a low pH but i think my temps have been pretty low too.. ambient basement temp is 64f or 17.7c . thats pretty low so my air intake and res is @ 64deg and the only heat on board is the light... even the ballast is not in that room so my temps read 80 at the canopy under the lights but its much cooler just under the canopy.. pretty sure thats a complicating factor and interestingly if i turn down the light i turn down the heat and visa versa. last run was even cooler but the growth was not as rapid.. more coco,. I've had many runs in coco with 350ppm tap water and never had this, same setup same temps. (in coco then). anyway thats it... Mg S chlorine problems from ph, source water and cold temps. think i've heard of cold temps locking out mg at like 62f somewhere before? i also stopped using PowerSi bloom this res and also mammothP and Orca because i suspected one of those products was causing my ph to drop daily. i have another cab and its ph rises. could be root rot.. i do have some weird floaters but 64 is pretty cold for rot. hydrogaurd etc. roots should be fine. feeding about 2 min every hour, once at night. may have been feeding 30 seconds on every 15 min for a week thrice at night. was def feeding at 1 min every 30 min for a while..
I know TLDR.. im probably good from here out. going with low ph, low temp, no chlorine causing a Mg/S and chlorine problem .
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I will say i've been through about 10 runs and never seen this before and although i've changed a lot of things the one thing I'm doing different is no tap water and the bell just went off.... chlorine. ? will be adding some Tap tonight... checked my ph this evening and I'm at 6.0 .. good there. I put a small 200watt space heater in the box with my inkbird wifi temp controler.. its at 77degF at the lower levels and 84 up top. plant is happy and jumps when i hit refresh in the cam. leaves are perking up though were never really down.

TLDR .... not only have i been running a low pH but i think my temps have been pretty low too.. ambient basement temp is 64f or 17.7c . thats pretty low so my air intake and res is @ 64deg and the only heat on board is the light... even the ballast is not in that room so my temps read 80 at the canopy under the lights but its much cooler just under the canopy.. pretty sure thats a complicating factor and interestingly if i turn down the light i turn down the heat and visa versa. last run was even cooler but the growth was not as rapid.. more coco,. I've had many runs in coco with 350ppm tap water and never had this, same setup same temps. (in coco then). anyway thats it... Mg S chlorine problems from ph, source water and cold temps. think i've heard of cold temps locking out mg at like 62f somewhere before? i also stopped using PowerSi bloom this res and also mammothP and Orca because i suspected one of those products was causing my ph to drop daily. i have another cab and its ph rises. could be root rot.. i do have some weird floaters but 64 is pretty cold for rot. hydrogaurd etc. roots should be fine. feeding about 2 min every hour, once at night. may have been feeding 30 seconds on every 15 min for a week thrice at night. was def feeding at 1 min every 30 min for a while..
I know TLDR.. im probably good from here out. going with low ph, low temp, no chlorine causing a Mg/S and chlorine problem .
Cold temps+less mess with the transpiration, your plant just wont drink enough to cover mg needs.
Also, if too cold the plant simply cannot keep up with the metabolism and it gets a bit light shy. This prob being only on top and fresh leaves would make me lean that way. But if you ay okay now, just keep rocking

powerSi 2ml/gal orca, mammothp, hydroguard 2ml/g, cannazyme 2ml/g
ppm1250 down from 1500
jacks ro 60g
MgSO4 10g
2gal tap water
8galRO water
ph up 8ml
ph 5.8
it usually drops daily.. not sure if its the bennies or the Si . PowerSi bloom is quite acidic. formula just wants to drop.. hopefully the tap water will help. was definitely getting some floaters snot at one point last weeks. makes me wonder. maybe i should cut the orca and mammoth P out. . or the snot doesn't really matter. i can just filter it out. suspicious though. this is fine!

last run was much darker than usual. tahoe animal . turned out pretty decent. not lime green. used 2 gals tap per 8 gal RO that run the whole time...and maybe even boosted with cal mg? was sorta waiting for something to crop up this run using straight RO but the growth was great so i just kept running with it. maybe i just need to be more proactive on the pH up.. and keeping it at 5.8-6.4 vs 5.0-5.8. 5.8 is just a habit and its not working this run. gunna go raise the pH right now. set to 6.4. overall the plant is strong. now running 6.3-5.9 swing no adjustments today so really going 6.3-5.5 in all likely hood and have taken the advice of several old hands and reduced the watering to 5 min every 4 hours. i was at 2min on every 2 hours and when i increased the frequency decreased the time between cycles i saw a growth response but that might have just been an increase in strech (this plant stretched like crazy) as one user suggested in a different thread. heater is off.(i hate using the heater because im afraid of fires) getting warmer around here by the day. canopy at 81 light on full blast. booya. anyway just posting this for the porn and i wrote it the other day so why not... here you go. (notice the temps down low 68deg f)
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honestly that might be 4 brands. why not? i heard more is not necessarily better but everything seems ok. which should i cut?
oh and my ph pen was .2 high... not helping..
anyway my problems were mostly all about low ph... lower than i thought.. maybe 4.8-5.6 for a little while. and no tap water.. IMO. symptoms of a lazy gardener.
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Ummmm, why are you running 3 different brands of bennies???
so been using hydroguard for a long time.. always thought it was a reservoir maintainer.
the cannazyme eats dead roots, i don't always use it but i suspected i was drowning my roots there for a second
the mammothP focuses of Phosphorous uptake
the Orca is a general mycorhizzae ...

it may not be best to use them like that but... i doubt its causing any problems.
day 50 rumored to go 60-70 . probably going 70. jacks Finish plus epsom and cal nit. for the cal. probs flush 2 weeks but maybe 1/2 strength finish with epsom... no Ca minimal nitrogen. then 1 week flush. hydroton. is ok.
I'm not familiar with hydroton, or what you are feeding. Just be sure to feed plain water for at least the last week to 10 days.
OK so i have 6 more days of feed... and two weeks of water... i sense that i could start flushing a week early but i'm just going to go 70days .. Im gunna torture it too.. I guess that already started when I left it inside a 2" and 4" net pot . seem like its not a problem... lag bolts are just easy and fun in the final week
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