Marijuana Freak Out


Well-Known Member
I think we deal with 3 posiible scenarios...

1 is the medicaly documented cannabis phsycosis... I have witnessed this happen to somebody who has been a smoker of years, with no warning... dramatic lifechangeing event for a few people involved. However this is rare and not as short term as the quick mind fuck this guy had.

2 Fakeing it... your typical teenage girl etc... b.t.w. I am of the opinion teens should not smoke.

3 It was something else... from your description I would say salvia...

I would "kill" for one of those weed mindfucks you get the first 3 or so times you get stoned. Its kind of like many other drugs, you keepon chaseing after that first high.... never to quite reach it.


Well-Known Member
i've never had a seizure or anything, but i've had some very paranoid times. or walking down the street at night with headlights shining in my eyes. that was one of the worst times. thats why ive developed rules i have to follow while smoking.
i won't list all of them, but one definetley includes not making long walks while stoned. especially at night. another is no big flights of stairs. that's because once at my friend's place, she lived in an upstairs apartment, and the stairs were so trippy, i swore i was going to falll. scary shit.

i've never puked though, and i've been known to have a weak stomach.
i do puke when i smoke and drink, though.
anybody else have that?


Well-Known Member
heres my story: - we were smoking 3 people - a girl and her man. everything was cool and so and suddenly i started to stare everywhere with this weird scared face expression. the girl asks whats up with me and threw a piece of paper at me. i scared the fuck out like never in my life and started to scream so loud that sound didnt came out of my mouth and ran to other room and hide at corner in sofa. these mother fuckers laught at me and threw things at me and each time i got more scared. then this girl tried to calm me down like i was little baby or something but i got scared even more. i shaked like a leaf and sweating like a swine. then i laid down on floor and passed out. when they tried to get me in bed i was like: "nnnoooo, i want to sleep here" - when i woke i was like ... "why you let me sleep on the ground!!??"

i had hallucinations, sounds, and these abnormal laughs also..

the best high i still can remember .. we were smoking bong and listening to cool music, then i felt soo good that i laid my self on the floor and felt like im at some island in wooden home hearing birds, ocean sounds and everything. the girl came to me and she looked like angel and made me smoke more .. and i did - after that i passed the fuck out.

all these kind of things i had when i started to smoke .. now i just get high.


Well-Known Member
hmmm. i have never freaked out on weed. NOT at ALL

I HAVE been however, "Too high", but not to the point where i threw up.

I came back from college for break, and for the previous month, i had only smoked mids and some ok bud,(cause its dry as fuck where i go to school)
-so im home with ma dudes, and my friend has an 1/8th of juicy fruit. (really dank and tasty) so i had 3 gb's, 2 1g joints, and various bowls. i had to sit down at one point just cause every thing was spinning...

It lasted for about 1 min, then i proceeded to smoke another bowl :)
i have had friends throw up on weed, but only once or twice


Active Member
Me and my roomate picked up some bc kush the night before and smoked nearly all of it and we were fucked. The next day my roommate wanted to smoke whatever was left and then we would go to class (were in college) So we smoked about 2 bowls out of the bong and decided to go to class. On the way there i felt the high started to kick in and when we got to class i totally forgot that my class had like 400+ students and it tripped me out for a few seconds. When i got to my seat and sat down i felt my chest caving in and i felt soo nausea. I look to my friend and asked if he could get down some notes cause i couldnt even handle myself in class properly. Everything was blurred and i coul,dnt keep focus on thing. I remember my laptop going on screensaver for at least 40 mintues haha. And at times i was conteplating whether i should puke in my bag or in my toque. The this happenned. It was the last lecture of class and my prof started to cry. And he kept crying for like 2 mins and i was likw WTF :neutral::neutral: then all of a sudden he told us that he wanted to kill himself 6 months ago. it was such a huge trip show. but when i got home i passed right the fuck out

K1ng j.AK

Well-Known Member
Me and my roomate picked up some bc kush the night before and smoked nearly all of it and we were fucked. The next day my roommate wanted to smoke whatever was left and then we would go to class (were in college) So we smoked about 2 bowls out of the bong and decided to go to class. On the way there i felt the high started to kick in and when we got to class i totally forgot that my class had like 400+ students and it tripped me out for a few seconds. When i got to my seat and sat down i felt my chest caving in and i felt soo nausea. I look to my friend and asked if he could get down some notes cause i couldnt even handle myself in class properly. Everything was blurred and i coul,dnt keep focus on thing. I remember my laptop going on screensaver for at least 40 mintues haha. And at times i was conteplating whether i should puke in my bag or in my toque. The this happenned. It was the last lecture of class and my prof started to cry. And he kept crying for like 2 mins and i was likw WTF :neutral::neutral: then all of a sudden he told us that he wanted to kill himself 6 months ago. it was such a huge trip show. but when i got home i passed right the fuck out

wtf lol i woulda been buggin' the fuck out. don't kill yourself meng ! lmao.


yo man , i freaked out big style one day at my friends house...i smoked like 3 creamy bongs which is nothing compared to my usuall sessions ,and was fine untill i went back in house and started to first my vision was all weird and i knew something was wrong so i said to im feaking out i need an ambulance...but he just dismissed it thinking i was just high...then i went to lie down on the bed , closed my eyes and it got worse , the room felt like it closed in and that i was trapped there forever , the doors and windows seemed to be gone and anything my friend said made it worse..untill it got to the point i was screaming on the bed saying kill me ( because i thought that was the only way to make it stop ) i thought i had gone insane , and that everyone was gonna try to hurt me because i was freaking out. It was like a living nightmare , everything in life was gone except the room i was in , nothing else existed anymore and this made me freak out badly.i couldnt consentrate or think about anything other than what was happening and couldnt recognise anything ( i.e i didnt understand what sleep was when they told me to go to sleep ) my heart was pounding and i think i had tunnel vision because i could hardly see... anyway this lasted for about 20 minuits or sou untill i finally chilled out a bit and woke up the next morning promising myself never to smoke weed again...i i get little episodes now and again when i smoke to much , my heart pounds and i get the feeling i got that night but nothing as bad has happend....yet !