How much mold is too much? When to toss?

It's been in the Grove bag. I just spent at least an hour combing through the densest pieces with a headlamp AND a USB microscope and I couldn't find a single strand or whisp of mold. I'm really not sure now. The current plan is just to leave it in the Grove bag for now and when the cure is done in a month to reinspect and see how it smells. By then I may have just tossed it, who knows.
It's been in the Grove bag. I just spent at least an hour combing through the densest pieces with a headlamp AND a USB microscope and I couldn't find a single strand or whisp of mold. I'm really not sure now. The current plan is just to leave it in the Grove bag for now and when the cure is done in a month to reinspect and see how it smells. By then I may have just tossed it, who knows.

If it is mold - you will probably want to toss that grove bag as well.
"Smoking, vaping or inhaling contaminated cannabis can lead to life-threatening systemic fungal infections. An analysis of a large database of health insurance claims from 2016 found that cannabis users were 3.5 times more likely than non-cannabis users to have a fungal infection"

"the propensity for cannabis plants to become infested with an array of fungal pathogens means that cannabis products are routinely tested for the presence of harmful mycotoxins, such as aflatoxins B1, B2, G1, G2, and ochratoxin A. The ingestion of these fungal metabolites can cause cancer, liver damage, and kidney damage."

"Certain genera of these fungi have the ability to produce secondary metabolites known as mycotoxins, which can elicit various forms of acute toxicity if consumed."

Too Many Mouldy Joints
f**ck me, thats some scary shit, thanx for the heads up
IKR? and who's to say that if your plants have powdery mildew and/or botrytis, they don't have some of the other forms lurking in there.
Here's a deep dive if you're curious about it's pathophysiology
My first grow I ran into mold in my last week or so of flower and I tossed the 2 colas that I found mold in, harvested and dried everything else. I haven't seen mold again until today. I was trimming, and only at the very end noticed a small patch of mold I could see with my naked eye. It was a tiny tiny patch, and not spread all over like I had seen it the first time I ran into this. I could only find that isolated little bit in the cola, so I tossed it. I went about checking all of the dense colas and found only tiny spots in a few. When I could spot it, I spotted it easily enough, but where I couldn't find it, I looked over and over and never could find any, worried I was missing it. That stuff got tossed into a Grove bag.

Here we are now: I'm wondering if what I kept is even good? The mold where present, was very small amounts, and only noticed after harvest at dry trim. Should I just assume the fan running during the drying probably blew it everywhere and everything dried in that area is now suspect? Then again if I consider my first encounter with mold, there was much more, it was during a grow (so not as far along), and I removed it and was able to dry just fine. But that was drying without it present (to my knowledge), where now I've potentially dried with small amounts.

I'm concerned with having only found it after the drying, did it spread during? Or am I OK with having just tossed where I could find it? It was only small small amounts that you really had to look and dig for to find. I'm also worried, that since where I could find it, was so small, maybe I missed some? It's in a Grove bag now, is this something that once the cure is done I'll be able to look at and tell if it was bad or will it remain hidden like it has until today?

I'm not convinced one way or another that it's OK, which leads me to want to toss it, but someone may be able to tell me that I'm overreacting or that it'll be obvious at the end of cure if there's a problem.

Also my first time not just reading but actually posting.
Don't assume anything man. You'd know immediately if you just dragged on some mold.
I'd say that you're good.
Let me guess...a long flowering sativa? Maybe?
Is there pics of the creature ?

My moldy bagel is asking.
I didn’t think I had any photos but it looks like I forgot I snapped this one. This is the amount I found in a few, very small, isolated patches. There was never any rot, just the beginnings of the strands in appearance. It’s STILL in the GroveBag which I have now noticed says “Prevents mold” on the outside of, which makes me laugh. Not if you put the mood in the bag!

Don't assume anything man. You'd know immediately if you just dragged on some mold.
I'd say that you're good.
Let me guess...a long flowering sativa? Maybe?

No long flowering sativa, but I think I let it go a week too long.
Honestly along time ago my brother had a 4x8 grow tent full of flower that molded on him he ran all of the dry nug into BHO and than put that BHO in the oven at low temp for a while than after that made edibles! IF i was you i would turn all the bud into BHO than do whatever you want with that. i would not smoke moldy buds bro fk that imagine inhaling mold spores into your lungs and they grow in there lmfao
Honestly along time ago my brother had a 4x8 grow tent full of flower that molded on him he ran all of the dry nug into BHO and than put that BHO in the oven at low temp for a while than after that made edibles! IF i was you i would turn all the bud into BHO than do whatever you want with that. i would not smoke moldy buds bro fk that imagine inhaling mold spores into your lungs and they grow in there lmfao
If you got a black market flower dealer who suddenly only has wax this is what happened. I have no honest idea if it is an effective manner to remove/kill mold mildew or rot. But I smoke the man's wax for a few months and seemed none the worse for the ware
My first grow I ran into mold in my last week or so of flower and I tossed the 2 colas that I found mold in, harvested and dried everything else. I haven't seen mold again until today. I was trimming, and only at the very end noticed a small patch of mold I could see with my naked eye. It was a tiny tiny patch, and not spread all over like I had seen it the first time I ran into this. I could only find that isolated little bit in the cola, so I tossed it. I went about checking all of the dense colas and found only tiny spots in a few. When I could spot it, I spotted it easily enough, but where I couldn't find it, I looked over and over and never could find any, worried I was missing it. That stuff got tossed into a Grove bag.

Here we are now: I'm wondering if what I kept is even good? The mold where present, was very small amounts, and only noticed after harvest at dry trim. Should I just assume the fan running during the drying probably blew it everywhere and everything dried in that area is now suspect? Then again if I consider my first encounter with mold, there was much more, it was during a grow (so not as far along), and I removed it and was able to dry just fine. But that was drying without it present (to my knowledge), where now I've potentially dried with small amounts.

I'm concerned with having only found it after the drying, did it spread during? Or am I OK with having just tossed where I could find it? It was only small small amounts that you really had to look and dig for to find. I'm also worried, that since where I could find it, was so small, maybe I missed some? It's in a Grove bag now, is this something that once the cure is done I'll be able to look at and tell if it was bad or will it remain hidden like it has until today?

I'm not convinced one way or another that it's OK, which leads me to want to toss it, but someone may be able to tell me that I'm overreacting or that it'll be obvious at the end of cure if there's a problem.

Also my first time not just reading but actually posting.
Any amount is too much
You need to cut your plants earlier. The longer you wait, the better chance of (botrytis/black/grey) mold has to grow. If you can control humidity and temps, you’ll have better luck taking the plant longer. If you’re not running co2 indoor I suggest you start cause that will make the plant stronger - which makes it stronger against molds.
In regards to co2, just hang out with your plants. If you can do work or pass the time in your lung room, you will generate a decent amount of co2.

Don't waste money on mushroom co2 kits. Either go all in on a set up that utilizes co2 effectively or hang out with your plants more, but don't expect snake oil to make the difference.