What did you accomplish today?

Tied up and trimmed the bower vine so I can see the bird feeder again from the couch. Refilled the hummingbird feeders and waiting for them to utilize them again. Checked the sprayer that has rose spray in it, seems to still be operational. It kills aphids and takes care of fungus also. They have black spot bad due to the wet spring.
Getting ready for a dump run. Jumped in the Ford....Click click. Dead battery. Jump it, move it a few feet and I hear something tin hit the ground... Walk around it. Nothing. Back it up and the catalytic cover is laying on the ground. My 1st thought was someone stole it. It's usually in the garage but sat out a few nights.

But nope, I guess it's just being a Ford! I have never had a vehicle break down as much as this one....2009 F-150 with 90k on it. I really need to unload it.