Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
So what are you going to do with the trailer? My first idea would be to blow it up, but then the bees might not die. They might fly away. So maybe getting into some sort of protective clothing and throw a fume bomb in there, and then burn it down.
My first thought was to burn it to the ground....BUT they are honey bees which do a lot of good and we need.....and the trailer probably is worth some $$$$. So he is doing the right thing having a pro relocate them, I think.

It's very sad that their was a death involved and probably the rest of the family will have PTSD from it. Children saw their grandpa killed.... That's some bad shit!!

I'm still seeing purple spots from it, might be flashbacks. 8-)
As someone with macular degeneration, I think they played a role!!


Well-Known Member
H3AD's formula. based off Lucas formula since you have the nutes already
Just Googled it! Interesting!

I am going to have to re-learn most everything.

That's what keeps it interesting though I guess, and I'm sick of super soil....It's a super PITA. And I wind up feeding supplements anyways. Every batch of SS is different because i was always sourcing different ingredients, and I am getting to old to lug that shit up and down stairs!

I did recently buy some bricks of it for shrooms, but after seeing a couple of LG's killer grows, I am sold!!

My yield has gone way down too. I use to average 4-6 oz. per plant, and it has been 3-4 for a while now. Not really sure why.

Time for a change!!


Well-Known Member
Just Googled it! Interesting!

I am going to have to re-learn most everything.

That's what keeps it interesting though I guess, and I'm sick of super soil....It's a super PITA. And I wind up feeding supplements anyways. Every batch of SS is different because i was always sourcing different ingredients, and I am getting to old to lug that shit up and down stairs!

I did recently buy some bricks of it for shrooms, but after seeing a couple of LG's killer grows, I am sold!!

My yield has gone way down too. I use to average 4-6 oz. per plant, and it has been 3-4 for a while now. Not really sure why.

Time for a change!!
I don't do coco but I don't knock it. Supersoil seems like a recipe for meh


Well-Known Member
My clones live in a blurple box. They don't know the difference... might as well use them til they stop working, especially on a budget!
My mom's and clones live in a tiny tent with a pair of 6 year old blurple lights. It works good enough for what I need and once these lights die out I'll upgrade. After 6 years of running non stop at least I can say I got my money out of them.IMG_20230519_135041278~2.jpg