Day 68 Autoflower - Problem or not ? (first grow)



This is day 68 on an autoflower, just wondering if there is an issue that requires urgent attention or if its normal.

All the leave changes happened pretty quickly over the last couple of days.
RH 40 - 50
Biobizz nutrients / biobizz light mix
Temp is generally 25c (cannot get it lower at the minute)

The other plants don't look like this one and they are closer to the lights.


Thanks for any help or input
I suck at this..... cal mag def maybe.
I have done some reading and searching around and came up with the same conclusion. I'm gonna flush it tomorrow morning and see how it goes.

I do add calmag on each feed as I use 50% RO and 50% bottled. Tap water here is unusable. Will double check PH runoff too, will be interesting to see what it is.
I have done some reading and searching around and came up with the same conclusion. I'm gonna flush it tomorrow morning and see how it goes.

I do add calmag on each feed as I use 50% RO and 50% bottled. Tap water here is unusable. Will double check PH runoff too, will be interesting to see what it is.
you would be better testing the ppm of the actual nutrient solution than soil ppm run off
Is it just the one top that looks like that? That one leaf in the upper left that's totally dead would make me suspicious of mold around the stem/interior of the bud...

Edit: same with the one on the right side that's all curled up. I'd be prying open that bud to check for dead shit inside. If it's not moldy now, it's going to be soon unless you remove those dead leaves.
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Thanks for the replies all.

Ph was 6.5
Last feed was Monday, used biobizz schedule for the week it's in.
Flushed it this morning and then ran 2 liters ph adjusted water into it after I clipped off any poor looking leaves.
Bud seems fine and free from rot, mold etc.. and the dead leaves were not deep into it

I'm surprised at how much of a change (degradation) happened in 2 - 3 days. Seems very rapid onset to me.
Tap water here is unusable.

Unusable water could be dangerous. Look to Flint, MI or Jackson, MS. Call the EPA and local news channel if you suspect municipal water problems.

Erin Brockovich advised residents of East Palestine, Ohio, to "believe their own instincts".

Do you have pets that use tap water? How are they holding together?
Thanks for the replies all.

Ph was 6.5
Last feed was Monday, used biobizz schedule for the week it's in.
Flushed it this morning and then ran 2 liters ph adjusted water into it after I clipped off any poor looking leaves.
Bud seems fine and free from rot, mold etc.. and the dead leaves were not deep into it

I'm surprised at how much of a change (degradation) happened in 2 - 3 days. Seems very rapid onset to me.

Well, this might not be your problem, but be careful that you're not over feeding your plants. I see some crispy tips there. This is a big problem for a lot of first time growers, and I fried a couple of plants in the beginning myself. As for those brown patches you got on the leaves, could be anything at this point. Since you've flushed, let the girl dry out now and lets see what she looks like in a couple of days. Good luck.
Yep, I use top max

Seems to have reacted well to the flush so far. Hoping to see this grow out pretty soon and will reduce from x5 to x3 autos in smart pots, with less nutes for the next grow.

Is there any clear cut way to know when to start the final flush before harvest?

On my biobizz schedule I would be flushing next week for 1 week and then harvesting but something tells me this could be too early.
I'm surprised nobody knows what's going on here..
Afaik, phosphorus-deficiency does give the leaves a strange color similar to the one in the picture.
What is the ppm of your tap water?
When you feed it 6.0 water, what is the ppm and pH of runoff?
you have multiple deficiencies which can be explained by having your media ph out of whack. If you water till basically you get the same pH in your run off then you should see improvements. Feeding it any specific nutrient will lead to more issues
IMO organic in a little 5 gal pot will give u issues… if u are flushing with tap water you basically flushed also a lot of microbial life… you need bigger pots or a bed and feed the soil not the plant
bigger may be optimal for organic but many people grow in smaller sized pots with great success, I grow with biobizz in 1, 3 and 5 gallon pots with the same results regardless of size.. the only noticable difference is the overall size of the plants