Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Was it not tasty to you? I can't stand that disappointment deep in the chest when you take the effort to go out and get a food, and it doesn't hit the spot you were hoping. Like "great, my brain told me to do this, then decided it sucked." Thanks brain.
No it weas tasty, but then afterwards I got the sugar overload....Like LG with the Timbits yesterday. Shouldn't have gotten extra hot fudge...It was swimming in it!

which somehow reminds me to check my trim and put it in the freezer for hash making!!


Well-Known Member
I did get the lawn cut! I looked at the clock....7pm. Hmmm, it's a 2 hour job, can I do this???? I did a @DarkWeb and did most of it. It didn't look like it really needed it, but it sure did!

Housemate went out so I had leftover rice and beans and grilled up the last 2 hotdogs. Now I want potato salad :lol:


Well-Known Member
One more day of work then 2 days off. Since Easter I've taken exactly 1 day off. And that was Mother's Day. To stave off divorce and whatnot. Any who was feeling good and a bit nostalgic on my drive back to the office tonight. And decided to put on the song that ended up taking me down a rabbit hole of raves and shit for a few of my formative years…



Well-Known Member
few months back i was kinda thinking why am i here is it worth it being online with bickering trolls, chinese spammers and all the rules do and donts then,
i thought hang on a minute stop being a troll yourself that only posts in the aussie thread engage more with folks like their pics or posts enter competions, like basically take weed more seriously

within two or three months i have made new friends, traded a few packs of seeds, won a light plus also got the free nutes from mega crop. learnt alot changed a few things the way i grow and value weed properly

now my weed is getting better as well, :weed:

what was i worried about again oh yeah spammers where'd they go

if your a closet troll its time to come out and stop hiding in there :weed:
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