bodhi seeds

What's up amigos? Hope all is well. Haven't been on here in quite a while. A nasty divorce can halt a lot of things including your favorite hobbies. You count your blessings when you're seed collection is salvaged. From Bodhi, have Sky Lotus, Sakura, and Soul Food. Do any of you guys grow in super small spaces? Working with a 2 x 2.5 tent now :???: Fems make a lot more sense but Bodhi has great smoke.
Sex them in 1/2 gallon nursery pots, I squeeze 16 of them in 2x2 if I have to. Pick the best few females and let em rip. I’d up-pot no more than 4 girls in 1 gallon pots. You’ll probably have to water every other day, but they won’t get huge and will fill the space nicely
Right after they show sex pretty much. Once they show, up pot into their final container, and flip em once you have the number of girls you want to roll with

How can you tell what sex it is before you flip to 12/12? I had trouble finding out if it was male or female before I switched the light schedule
How can you tell what sex it is before you flip to 12/12? I had trouble finding out if it was male or female before I switched the light schedule
Most plants will show sex before the flip once they’re mature enough.

If you’re having trouble sexing them like that, then go ahead and flip them all. You should still be able to up-pot after you flip/sex if you have to
If you reduce their light for a week (like raise them) the reduction in daily light index should encourage sex showing without necessarily throwing into flower. I usually move the ones not showing to a peripheral location in my canopy.
As per your suggestion, would you have any idea how much to reduce DLI by to initiate this showing of sex? I have a par meter, so I could be fairly precise with the reduction necessary. By the sounds of your post, you may not be too worried by how much you reduce it. I suppose just doing it for a week or so wouldn't also contribute to any unwanted stretching by the plant either. Would the plant show even I'd it hadn't vegged long enough to be sexually mature?

Just started thinking that perhaps the reason I am getting no response to my questions is that they are probably not in the correct thread. I apologize. Should I delete and repost elsewhere?
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Most plants tend to show around 6 or 7 nodes for me. Some strains do seem to take much longer. Use a loupe just like when checking trichomes, look in the armpits of the plants. When they are that small males tend to look more like a fist shape female still a tear drop sometimes even a teeny tiny hair sticking out. Some folks tend to think they will show sex quicker if you let them get root bound a bit, totally up to you to explore and decide for yourself on that one. Just an observation from a guy been at it a while.
Most plants tend to show around 6 or 7 nodes for me. Some strains do seem to take much longer. Use a loupe just like when checking trichomes, look in the armpits of the plants. When they are that small males tend to look more like a fist shape female still a tear drop sometimes even a teeny tiny hair sticking out. Some folks tend to think they will show sex quicker if you let them get root bound a bit, totally up to you to explore and decide for yourself on that one. Just an observation from a guy been at it a while.
Thank you for sharing some of your observations. Much appreciated.
How can you tell what sex it is before you flip to 12/12? I had trouble finding out if it was male or female before I switched the light schedule
If i'm uncertain of the sex, I take a small cutting from the plant.. Label them both together so you don't have any mix ups. Then I just toss in in a glass of water, and put it under a t-5 light on 12/12 cycle in a cupboard somewhere. Many times, it will show off before it even has root nubs, which I don't really care about. Then I just toss it usually, although female monster crop clones are nice. The host plant continues to veg or whatever, without disrupting the cycle. You'll know what it is in a few weeks time with this method.
If i'm uncertain of the sex, I take a small cutting from the plant.. Label them both together so you don't have any mix ups. Then I just toss in in a glass of water, and put it under a t-5 light on 12/12 cycle in a cupboard somewhere. Many times, it will show off before it even has root nubs, which I don't really care about. Then I just toss it usually, although female monster crop clones are nice. The host plant continues to veg or whatever, without disrupting the cycle. You'll know what it is in a few weeks time with this method.
Do you change out the water regularly? Like Freshbakd had said, he waits until 6 or 7 nodes, which I'm not sure how long that would take to grow in soil. Do you wait that long to take cuttings for your method?
Its not as important to change out the water IMO, because I'm usually gonna throw the "sample cutting" away anyway. I just use it to determine the sex, and force it too ASAP. Sure, change it out once a week though, keep it clean. Treat it like any other cutting. Maybe even added a highly diluted drop of bleach every other day @ 1 ppm in the glass. Use your aero cloner if you want, and have multiple plants to determine.

I'll take whatever little branch I can get as soon as I can get it. I don't wait for the plant to become mature enough first to snip a cutting off, unless i'm being lazy with it, or not in any rush. More often than not though they do get big on me first, lol.

Sooner the better usually, otherwise you could be wasting time and resources on males, if that's not your thing.
Its not as important to change out the water IMO, because I'm usually gonna throw the "sample cutting" away anyway. I just use it to determine the sex, and force it too ASAP. Sure, change it out once a week though, keep it clean. Treat it like any other cutting. Maybe even added a highly diluted drop of bleach every other day @ 1 ppm in the glass. Use your aero cloner if you want, and have multiple plants to determine.

I'll take whatever little branch I can get as soon as I can get it. I don't wait for the plant to become mature enough first to snip a cutting off, unless i'm being lazy with it, or not in any rush. More often than not though they do get big on me first, lol.

Sooner the better usually, otherwise you could be wasting time and resources on males, if that's not your thing.
Cool, yeah I've just only tried to buy fem seeds to this point. I have a 4x4 tent and a 2x2 as well, but really not alot of space, and we'll I'm not overly experienced at growing, so haven't been too interested at this point to buy regular seeds and pheno hunt or anything like that, yet. But, I have ended up purchasing some regular seeds as they were a strain I wanted to try, and were only available in regs. So, also breeding isn't on the horizon necessarily in the near foreseeable future either, so yes, I have no desire to waste resources on males. Thanks for sharing your method with me.
If i'm uncertain of the sex, I take a small cutting from the plant.. Label them both together so you don't have any mix ups. Then I just toss in in a glass of water, and put it under a t-5 light on 12/12 cycle in a cupboard somewhere. Many times, it will show off before it even has root nubs, which I don't really care about. Then I just toss it usually, although female monster crop clones are nice. The host plant continues to veg or whatever, without disrupting the cycle. You'll know what it is in a few weeks time with this method.
That's a great technique. Been growing for over 10 years and never even thought of that.
If i'm uncertain of the sex, I take a small cutting from the plant.. Label them both together so you don't have any mix ups. Then I just toss in in a glass of water, and put it under a t-5 light on 12/12 cycle in a cupboard somewhere. Many times, it will show off before it even has root nubs, which I don't really care about. Then I just toss it usually, although female monster crop clones are nice. The host plant continues to veg or whatever, without disrupting the cycle. You'll know what it is in a few weeks time with this method.
Absolutely a viable option. Have done as an experiment myself. The fastest but costly option is farmer freeman. Yes the samples will get there no problem always just do priority. It's so small amount of leaf it's would be unidentifiable to anyone that didn't already have insight. They always have sales on holidays for around ten a pop. Wait for the sales they stack up fast. As long as you don't cross contaminate you can everything figured out before they are out of solo cups. My preferred method but it does cost