

Well-Known Member

Been using Happy Frog and happy with it but because of cost mainly I'm trying other.

Right now using Sunshine 4 thing is where I'm using it outside it holds water for days.

Thinking of trying Pro Mix HP.

I'm mixing in Rainbow Pro Mix Grow.

Super Soil I really don't have the stuff for it and it takes too long I'm needing now.

Been using Happy Frog and happy with it but because of cost mainly I'm trying other.

Right now using Sunshine 4 thing is where I'm using it outside it holds water for days.

Thinking of trying Pro Mix HP.

I'm mixing in Rainbow Pro Mix Grow.

Super Soil I really don't have the stuff for it and it takes too long I'm needing now.
Cut it with a bunch of perlite or just buy coco loco from fox farms and let it rip.
You can use any kind of organic nursery mix if mostly water only is the goal. A great investment for long term soil management is a worm bin. Adding worm castings to any mix is beneficial but usually requires aeration in the form of perlite or pumice, rice hull, etc.. EWC mostly all you need to add to recharge/recycle any bagged soil for another round. You can recycle soil over and over forever with just a few amendments on hand. Eventually it becomes “super” soil.
You can use any kind of organic nursery mix if mostly water only is the goal. A great investment for long term soil management is a worm bin. Adding worm castings to any mix is beneficial but usually requires aeration in the form of perlite or pumice, rice hull, etc.. EWC mostly all you need to add to recharge/recycle any bagged soil for another round. You can recycle soil over and over forever with just a few amendments on hand. Eventually it becomes “super” soil.
It doesn't take much and once you get it's just never water until runoff as you will run out your nutrients...I find that adding water to the bottom helps keep the soil wet all the way's after you water from the top like the next day
Promix hp and sunshine #4 are the same thing peat buffered with lime and mixed with perlite. If you’re trying to do organics since you’re outside and don’t want to pollute with fertilizer runoff topdress with some worm castings and an all purpose organic fertilizer like Gaia green or dr earth tomato food
Thinking of staying with Happy Frog.

Been using Rainbow Pro Grow and Bloom.

Use hundreds of pounds.

Was thinking of reuse on my girls it is a pain with the roots so I have been putting it in my Vegetable Garden or Chickens.

Going to start putting it in my Compost Bin along with Manure, Leaves, Grass and such.

If I'm using Happy Frog when do I want to feed?
Thinking of staying with Happy Frog.

Been using Rainbow Pro Grow and Bloom.

Use hundreds of pounds.

Was thinking of reuse on my girls it is a pain with the roots so I have been putting it in my Vegetable Garden or Chickens.

Going to start putting it in my Compost Bin along with Manure, Leaves, Grass and such.

If I'm using Happy Frog when do I want to feed?
If you have enough compost, theres really no need to buy soil.
People getting on me because of how I'm with Bugs.

Got one saying I'm stupid not using Regular Garden Soil.

Stupid not leaving my Tent open. I'm thinking why have a Tent but this is the same person telling me that Photos it don't matter on light and I need to keep every leaf pull off. Oh and the same person that told me to put ice on some and turn the light off and not to listen to anyone on the Internet.

Well I know what he is telling me don't work and he is always mad at me.

He helped me cut Clones. I'm trying just rooting them in water. He looks at them jumps me because a couple are wilted. Told him that was the way they was when he gave them to me. Your a d** liar they weren't wilted.

Yes I'm just naturally going to have a problem with Bugs.

My Tent is in my room where the Dogs are. Got Chickens. Got regular Garden,got Greenhouse and live in the woods.
I use fertilome ultimate potting mix and add things like worm castings, guano, and perlite. With super soil you dont NEED to let it cook although it is highly recommended. I have used it in a pinch without cooking without problems. It does smell a lot worse before cooking.
Thinking of staying with Happy Frog.

Been using Rainbow Pro Grow and Bloom.

Use hundreds of pounds.

Was thinking of reuse on my girls it is a pain with the roots so I have been putting it in my Vegetable Garden or Chickens.

Going to start putting it in my Compost Bin along with Manure, Leaves, Grass and such.

If I'm using Happy Frog when do I want to feed?
Liquid fish emulsion and/or seaweed fertilizer is good for maintaining healthy lush green plants as is the occasional aact. Use both of these regularly and you won’t need to “feed.” If you have chickens compost their poop/bedding; chix shit is great fertilizer. Just be sure it is fully decomposed before adding to soil. Can run hot. I also like using Jobes fertilizer spikes in every bloom pot; feeds for 8 weeks 2x in each container.
I've had good luck using promix hp amended with tomato-tone or plant-tone. It has all the ingredients that all the soil building guides say to use. All for $20, beats using 6-8 $20 boxes of stuff.
I've had good luck using promix hp amended with tomato-tone or plant-tone. It has all the ingredients that all the soil building guides say to use. All for $20, beats using 6-8 $20 boxes of stuff.

Can't get Pro Mix want I consider local but can get Sunshine 4 and have found once I get the water right it works.

Been mixing in Rainbow Pro Mix Grow and Bloom when I flip. Thinking of putting Worm Castings in the mix from the start.
Liquid fish emulsion and/or seaweed fertilizer is good for maintaining healthy lush green plants as is the occasional aact. Use both of these regularly and you won’t need to “feed.” If you have chickens compost their poop/bedding; chix shit is great fertilizer. Just be sure it is fully decomposed before adding to soil. Can run hot. I also like using Jobes fertilizer spikes in every bloom pot; feeds for 8 weeks 2x in each container.

Friends are setting me up Compost Bins. I guess I'm easy to please because I'm very giddy over this.

Oh I'm thinking Chicken Poo, Rabbit, old Soil, Chopped Leaves and whatever else I throw in.

Had them make 3 Bins that way I can move it around.
Can't get Pro Mix want I consider local but can get Sunshine 4 and have found once I get the water right it works.

Been mixing in Rainbow Pro Mix Grow and Bloom when I flip. Thinking of putting Worm Castings in the mix from the start.

Look up hummert nursery supply in earth city, might be worth the drive. Don't know how far you are from stl, and there's another on the western side of the state.