Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
I remember that…gobsmacked
His dad didn't know what a supermarket barcode scanner was, servants did the grocery shopping. It was the same suckers who put him in power that put Trump into power, back in Dubya's day every republican had Jesus as his imaginary friend and spoke to republican Jesus every day, it was the party of "family values". It was the same basic con as it is today, fool the useful idiots so they can give tax cuts to the rich.


Well-Known Member
if this is the same thing, the story is older and smaller than the tweet made it sound.

In the Bannon vid, he specifies 2.5 million mail-in *ballots* from Harris County (Houston), which he declared illegal…and kept them from being counted

IOW Paxton stole the ‘20 election from Texas & gave it to Trump

If that’s not ‘fraud under color of law’, I suppose nothing is


Well-Known Member
Remember this cow ? She’s putin’s cow now.

View attachment 5295387
Looks like the Biden thing was probably an FSB operation and she's been a traitor for a while, I posted about it on the war thread. Maybe the FBI was closing in on her and she got paranoid, she should enjoy life in Russia as the economy goes down the tubes. Between the Ukraine war and Trump, it sure has exposed a lot of traitors and useful idiots.


Ursus marijanus
In the Bannon vid, he specifies 2.5 million mail-in *ballots* from Harris County (Houston), which he declared illegal…and kept them from being counted

IOW Paxton stole the ‘20 election from Texas & gave it to Trump

If that’s not ‘fraud under color of law’, I suppose nothing is
If what he said proves true, it sounds like a long stay in a Federal hospitality center is in his future.


Well-Known Member
The obvious fact is kids should be in school getting an education and perhaps teens can work part time, but not kids and not full time. Immagration is the answer to the employee shortage, but most of the immigrants are brown, black or Muslim and the GOP has alienated those potential new citizens. Besides their base thinks "they are taking over" and cruelty, xenophobia and bigotry have become the whole point of their policies, to the extent they have any.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
Kevin is losing his Speakership soon. The Trumpubliicans are going to sink the ship rather than lose face.
I actually hope they do.
A default would be bad, but I'm thinking not nearly as bad as letting the republicans get away with holding the US's and the world's economies hostage to their fascist demands.
Biden negotiated in good faith, he can't be blamed now if the republicans scuttle their own boat.

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
The obvious fact is kids should be in school getting an education and perhaps teens can work part time, but not kids and not full time. Immagration is the answer to the employee shortage, but most of the immigrants are brown, black or Muslim and the GOP has alienated those potential new citizens. Besides their base thinks "they are taking over" and cruelty, xenophobia and bigotry have become the whole point of their policies, to the extent they have any.

This is their answer to closing the border and stopping immigration....they know they'll need SOMEONE to pick oranges, hoe beets, weed tomatoes, tar roofs, stand in front of home depots waiting to build gazebos for rich white cunts....
So why not the kids of poor people? they'll never amount to anything, the educational system the republicans are busy destroying won't be able to elevate them out of their poverty, once their done with it. Why teach them math beyond what is needed to make change at the fast food place they'll be working? Why bother to teach literature to someone doomed to shingle roofs for the rest of their short, miserable lives?
Lets just create an underclass that we can shit on openly, instead of having to hide it behind unfair laws.


Well-Known Member
Kevin is losing his Speakership soon. The Trumpubliicans are going to sink the ship rather than lose face.
Joe cracked and broke the republican wall and will divide them, the ones from the swing states and districts Biden carried must be getting nervous and will be screwed in the next election if they let the country default. The lunatics are from lunatic red states, and it won't matter to their voters if MTG, Gaetz or other idiots crash the economy, Bobo the clown won her seat by 600 votes and is too fucking stupid to figure out how close she came to losing the last time. Joe and the democrats cornered and cornholed them and they are howling, Joe did the best he could, and it appears he did pretty good considering the situation he was in. Even good leadership can't help a boneheaded public Hell bent on national suicide with half the population stupid and ignorant as a fucking stump! This republican house got a majority after Trump and J6, so the country must be half filled with morons and Joe has a very heavy burden to bear.


Well-Known Member
This is their answer to closing the border and stopping immigration....they know they'll need SOMEONE to pick oranges, hoe beets, weed tomatoes, tar roofs, stand in front of home depots waiting to build gazebos for rich white cunts....
So why not the kids of poor people? they'll never amount to anything, the educational system the republicans are busy destroying won't be able to elevate them out of their poverty, once their done with it. Why teach them math beyond what is needed to make change at the fast food place they'll be working? Why bother to teach literature to someone doomed to shingle roofs for the rest of their short, miserable lives?
Lets just create an underclass that we can shit on openly, instead of having to hide it behind unfair laws.
And they are too stupid to vote their way out of it, the vast majority of the people they are screwing by trying to get minorities are the same white people who vote for them. They comprise the vast majority of the people being fucked and the vast majority of them are fucking themselves when they go to the polls, after being brainwashed by rightwing billionaire owned media that uses their bigotry and fear against them. Foxnews caters to a dying cable news demographic and the average age of a foxnews viewer is ancient, same for AM hate radio. That is why it is essential for Elon to turn Twitter into an online foxnews equivalent, to fuck over a new generation of bigots, to make sure callow youths never grow up and evolve socially and emotionally.
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Why Ron DeSantis's aims of "destroying leftism" prove he is unfit to be president | The Warning

5,367 views May 31, 2023
Steve Schmidt breaks down Ron DeSantis’s comments that he is going to “destroy leftism.” He explains how that makes the Florida Governor unfit to be president and how it proves he is just cosplaying as a lesser version of Donald Trump.


Well-Known Member
He was probably bullshitting, I'm sure the FBI would be looking into it he stopped 2.5 million people from voting, maybe not mailing them in, but they probably voted in person, 2.5 million disenfranchised would have noticed!
Quick rundown:

Once RECEIVED, Mail-in ballots are held separate & secure until AFTER polls close, in some cases, may hold them until after regular tabulation, then run (count) them. To stop the ballots GOING OUT *TO* voters would be time- & labor-intensive, prone to error (trying to exclude ballots to residents of Harris Co. zip codes would be both obvious and futile, for ex). From Paxton’s remarks, and having some familiarity w/ procedures, he could only act as he claims if he had the *returned* ballots secure & under his control; with no one meaningful to answer to, he might have gotten away with it.

Paxton’s chain of reasoning (as I envision it):
- 2 and a half MILLION uncounted mail-ins from the BLACKEST COUNTY IN TEXAS
- possible BIDEN win by 500k or more
- aw' HELL no - THAT ain’t-a gonna happen
- get those out of here!
- YES, all of them

Now that he’s in real trouble, he wants to win support by bragging about the lengths he went to for Feckless Fuckhead…for grift to beat / evade all the impeachment charges.

Still: stupid IS in fact what stupid does.


Well-Known Member
Kevin is losing his Speakership soon. The Trumpubliicans are going to sink the ship rather than lose face.
Face? FACE???

These sweet summer children…they have no idea at all

What’s Kevin gonna do, try for super-villain?
His goose is so cooked it’s drying out already

Since “conservatism cannot fail, it can only BE FAILED”…& given the sheer extent of “conservative” failures, & how squeamish that crowd is about getting any ‘loser’ on them, I’m curious to see if anything manages to crawl out of their final wreckage


Well-Known Member
Quick rundown:

Once RECEIVED, Mail-in ballots are held separate & secure until AFTER polls close, in some cases, may hold them until after regular tabulation, then run (count) them. To stop the ballots GOING OUT *TO* voters would be time- & labor-intensive, prone to error (trying to exclude ballots to residents of Harris Co. zip codes would be both obvious and futile, for ex). From Paxton’s remarks, and having some familiarity w/ procedures, he could only act as he claims if he had the *returned* ballots secure & under his control; with no one meaningful to answer to, he might have gotten away with it.

Paxton’s chain of reasoning (as I envision it):
- 2 and a half MILLION uncounted mail-ins from the BLACKEST COUNTY IN TEXAS
- possible BIDEN win by 500k or more
- aw' HELL no - THAT ain’t-a gonna happen
- get those out of here!
- YES, all of them

Now that he’s in real trouble, he wants to win support by bragging about the lengths he went to for Feckless Fuckhead…for grift to beat / evade all the impeachment charges.

Still: stupid IS in fact what stupid does.
At about 30 seconds into the vid on that twitter feed was:

“If we'd lost Harris County—Trump won by 620,000 votes in Texas. Harris County mail-in ballots that they wanted to send out were 2.5 million, those were all illegal and we were able to stop every one of them,” Paxton told former Trump adviser Steve Bannon during the latter's War Room podcast on Friday

They weren't uncounted ballots, they were ballots he said were illegal and he said he stopped them from even being sent to the voter.

It's true in that Harris County Clerk Chris Hollins planned to send vote-by-mail applications to all 2.4 million registered voters in the county. Under Texas law only those 65 and older, sick or disabled, confined in jail or out of the county on election day are eligible to vote by mail.

The Texas attorney general sued Hollins for violating Texas election law, alleging that he acted out of his power as county clerk and that mass mailing of ballots would "sow confusion" for voters. The Texas Supreme Court ruled in October that that there was no evidence the pandemic would render the usual distribution of ballots inadequate, ultimately blocking Harris County from sending out applications to all registered voters.

New legislation in the Texas House would make it a felony for election officials to distribute "ballot or balloting materials," including absentee ballot applications, to voters who have not requested them. Texas is one of a handful of states where people do not automatically qualify to vote by mail. If implemented, HB 6 would further reduce the system for mail-in voting in Texas.

I love mail in voting. Texas's issue with mail in voting has nothing to do with people voting illegally.