I put the 99.99 true hepa filter on mine, and will only ever be using it for doing plant tissue culture or mycology work. A poor mans flow hood, that doesn't produce laminar flow, but is as good as working in a lab grade positive pressure clean room... which in my case, happens to be the 30-50 gallon clear recycling trash bags I attach to the output of the purifier unit, that keep it inflated with slits for the arm holes to reach in..
For actual air filtering in the house, multiple higher allergen/spores grade 20x20" furnace filters metal taped up to cheap 20x20" box fans, all around the place to circulate through the whole house. Works pretty good, and tests prove the cheaper furnace filters work decently to remove the majority of the contaminants from the air. I wouldn't expensive air purifier for a whole house, if I wasn't also running them, like pre filters. They work good enough for me though.