Pot outdoor for photo seed ?


Active Member
A ten litres pot for photo seed outdoor is enough? Looking for a stealth grow . I run atm autos but im thinking to try photos next year.
Yeah, for autos 5-7 gal OD or as small as 3 gal. Smallest for my photos is 5 gal. Largest is 18 gal. But have heard photos in 25-100 gal pots
A ten litres pot for photo seed outdoor is enough? Looking for a stealth grow . I run atm autos but im thinking to try photos next year.
Bigger pot for a bigger plant. Depending on how stealthy you want to be. Height can be managed with creative LST, topping, etc. I agree with others saying 3-5 gallon pots. Here's a 12 gallon with an insane amount of topping and training. Recently measured 14" tall and about 27" across. Will stretch in flower though.


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Problem with photos is they don't start to flower till sometime in September, how's Qct & Nov where you live?

For an outdoor grow IMO, at least 10 gallon pots (I'm using 25Gal).
I'm able to take indoors for darkness and plan to do so around the end of June but I've seen videos of an outdoor grower forcing flower by covering the plants with black trash bags to initiate flowering early in order to harvest before fall rain season. He covers from say 6-10 pm for about 2 weeks. Once in flower they don't revert to veg (according to him) likely timed so as the days are a bit shorter by then anyway but the head start gets him to harvesting earlier. Interesting workaround. I'm in VA. My first serious outdoor attempt. A friend had to harvest early last year as nights were approaching the 30s (F). This was an 11 week girl so he just ran out of time.
To get them prematurely to flower you need 12 hours of dark-don't care what your 'outdoor grower' says. and yeah they will flip back in veg sometimes.
If he covers them at 6 pm and uncovers at 10 pm and then doesn’t get light until 6 am then there is 12 hours of dark. I guess if you time it correctly when they will naturally start to flower anyway, you could get them to start flowering early and finish before gets to cold.
Yes, that was the general idea of his videos. Pretty sure he was out west somewhere and typically fall rainy season comes at the tail end of the natural plant cycle just when it is least desired. I recall this allows him to get his harvest in a month or so early with low or no mold issues.
Thing is, it's kind of hard to cover up large plants. (the two taller plants had to bend over to get into the garage)
Fishmon, my plants last year were the size of yours when I put them out in June.

PM & bud rot got them in autumn cold and wet.

That's why I'm trying autos this year.