He's a good lawyer. If anybody were just listening to him, they would be convinced that there isn't a clear case. Trump was just following normal procedures, just like Obama and W. He just needed time to sort through everything. NARA did not provide him with a facility near his home like they did for Obama and W so that the documents could be safely stored. The people they were working with were oppositional. That sort of thing. When cornered, he tosses out several hypothetical alternatives. Note his use of "could be". These "could beees" are red herrings and he's good at it. "It could be that the reason for the break is that the Grand Jury expired and they need to convene a new one". Umm no, it didn't. Also "it could be interpreted a few different ways". Actually, no. Trump's lawyer declared in an affidavit that no more documents being requested by NARA were remaining at MAL. This is not something that could be interpreted in any other way.

His defense of Trump regarding Jan 6 was classic. When asked how Trump could not know he lost the election after being told so in the courts, by Trump's own staff and by government officials, Palatore said:

"If that's the evidence at the time but that's not the evidence at the time. Some people were telling him there was fraud, some were telling him there was no fraud. For the judicial rulings, some of them reached a partial ruling based upon the merits, based upon not a complete thing, a lot of them said it was threshold issues of standing and so yes there were a lot of judicial rulings against him but none of them said OK, you parties have gone through a complete discovery, you've actually gone through everything and based on the merits this is what the decision is. In fact a lot of those lawsuits at the time, they were seeking these injunctions without discovery and I think that in retrospect had some of those people said "that we are not seeking an injunction now, we are seeking an expedited discovery""

Meet the Press/Chuck Todd asked: "You are saying he had a bad legal team? Is that what you think?"

Paltore's answer: "I think the way some of these things were conducted, certainly some by Sidney Powell (chuckles), were lawsuits that were conducted or criticized after the fact, I think if they had gone for expedited discovery and said, "look, we have an indication of smoke, we don't know if there is a fire, if there is a fire over there, look tell them to open the box and let's have a look. If there is a fire, I'm going to ask for an injunction, if there isn't a fire I'm going to come back and dismiss the case". If they had done that from the beginning there would be a different story. Instead "I have smoke, can you overturn the election? And the judge said "no". "

God damn him for his lie. That lie continues to damage US Democracy to this day. There was no smoke indicating election fraud except the smoke Trump was blowing. Christopher Krebs, the guy who oversaw cyber security for the election said it was the most secure in US history and was able to prove that it was. For doing a perfect job, saying so in an interview and being able to prove it, Trump fired him. Then hired people to tell him what he wanted them to say.

Palatore's argument that Trump is innocent because he had bad lawyers working for him is not new. Hasn't that kind of defense been tried and failed already? Also, look at the alternative scenario Palatore is advocating that he said should have happened "expedited discovery". Of what? It's all just more delay, delay, delay only what he's advocating is delaying the transfer of power from Trump to Biden. "Should seek expedited discovery". Then it all gets snarled up in court. There was no smoke. There never was any smoke. Every investigation into the election over the past three years did not show fraud and the only proof that was "discovered" proved the election was a clean one.

Throughout the interview, Palatore picked and chose the facts he was willing to discuss (he refused to answer several direct questions on the basis that they were "confidential"). On the topics he chose to discuss, in his soft voice, he would put questions and conflicting information around the hard facts to make it seem that things were not as they appeared. Red herrings. If I were looking at doing hard time for my crimes and had the money to pay him, he'd be on my team.

My guess is he thinks Trump is going down and is jumping ship before it does. His reason? "Irreconcilable conflicts with members of the legal team." He explains "I had difficulty doing the job I had to do." He didn't want to expand on it in the interview. I guess that Palatore thinks Trump is heading into a disaster and is jumping ship before the shit storm gets his poorly fitting suit dirty.
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He should send copies to NY and Georgia; they've got him by the balls for life sentences (at his age) too. All he has left is his base of lunatics, most of the republican politicians are trying to keep their distance. I hope they don't lock him up upon indictment for espionage and he is allowed to mouth off in public and call on the republicans for support until his trial. After his trial when (not if) he is found guilty the cuffs will go on right in the courtroom, then they might lead him away struggling and freaking out or have to wrestle him to the floor to get the binders on him. It might be a quick trial; he has had lawyers working on this for over a year so there might not be a lot of time granted to prepare a case and the trial should be fast too since he has no defense, and the evidence and number of witnesses are overwhelming, so are his confessions on video and audio recordings. The MAL documents and obstruction could put him away before anything else, even the NY charges he is already indicted for.

i have a feeling that this meeting was actually to tell him, that he is being indicted and on what charges too

that my gut feeling

otherwise just let the DOJ and everyone else dot there "i"s and cross there "t"s
Now the DOJ alumni are saying indictments this week!

They never got to meet Garland or the assistant AG, maybe they plead their case to the receptionist in the lobby? :lol: Garland apparently has reached his bullshit quota and doesn't need to hear any more.

Trump’s lawyers meet with Justice Department officials following complaints about special counsel probe
The Truth is Finally Revealed: the real reason Trump has so many lawyers: He's innocent.

WASHINGTON (The Borowitz Report)—Most people who are innocent of any crimes will still need to hire thirty-five lawyers at some point, a new study shows.

According to the study, commissioned by the University of Minnesota Law School, thirty-five is the “bare minimum” number of lawyers that an innocent person should have on retainer in the event that he or she becomes the subject of an entirely unjustified criminal investigation.

“We found that many innocent people are going through life without taking the basic precaution of hiring thirty-five lawyers,” Professor Davis Logsdon, who supervised the study, said. “They are flirting with disaster.”

Additionally, Logsdon noted, hiring nearly three dozen lawyers is invaluable because of the powerful statement it makes. “Nothing says ‘I’m innocent’ like hiring thirty-five lawyers,” he said.

I saw on MSNBC that Jack Smith was in that DOJ meeting today with Trump's lawyers as they pleaded their case, good luck with that! Did they answer any of his questions? :lol: So it appears they did make it past the receptionist and Jack wanted to hear their defense before he indicts Trump. These lawyers had better be paid up front and do more than appear on TV, the case will be tried in court, not in the press, he's already guilty there!
you know it's pretty bad when a lawyer is needed and lawyer himself/herself......and better hope they get paid....according so some reports the orange avenger is going through money like he was at a top end ladies club, and another fine point to bring up, is that golf course in scotland, the british open will not be played there "at all" or untill dumpy sells money coming in from that i'm trying to real in what his next con will be....
you know it's pretty bad when a lawyer is needed and lawyer himself/herself......and better hope they get paid....according so some reports the orange avenger is going through money like he was at a top end ladies club, and another fine point to bring up, is that golf course in scotland, the british open will not be played there "at all" or untill dumpy sells money coming in from that i'm trying to real in what his next con will be....
He will show off his ankle bracelet at Trump rallies when they release him into SS custody to drum up more money from the suckers while proclaiming not just his innocence, but his perfection too. I hope he gets the chance, because if Jack charges him with espionage, he might not make bail, if Jack opposes it. Jack could demand the return of that missing document for him to get bail and that might mean digging up the sewer at one of his properties...

There is nothing the republicans like Mitch would like more than the presidential field to be cleared while Trump is silenced in jail and is memory holed by them ASAP. Trump who? Never heard of the guy!
you know it's pretty bad when a lawyer is needed and lawyer himself/herself......and better hope they get paid....according so some reports the orange avenger is going through money like he was at a top end ladies club, and another fine point to bring up, is that golf course in scotland, the british open will not be played there "at all" or untill dumpy sells money coming in from that i'm trying to real in what his next con will be....
No money from the Russians or Saudis anymore, he's too hot to handle, I wonder if Kush will give him any of the 2 billion, he collected from the Saudis for services rendered. If they could have pulled off a war with Iran, the payoff would have been much more. They probably would want to know what the Americans had on them over 911 and paid off Trump for covering the murder of that journalist in Turkey.
Isn't it great how Trump and GOP's assault on our democracy is giving us an education on the minutia of legal proceedings and arcane laws like NARA?

This is dated but contains a good and accessible summary of the laws that made Trump's actions illegal when he refused to return classified documents.

Isn't it great how Trump and GOP's assault on our democracy is giving us an education on the minutia of legal proceedings and arcane laws like NARA?

This is dated but contains a good and accessible summary of the laws that made Trump's actions illegal when he refused to return classified documents.

i think it is, it's actually captivating to kinda read and watch of how everything plays out. Even though the NARA law was made back in the 80's it still hold true to what it says and what it is........
Isn't it great how Trump and GOP's assault on our democracy is giving us an education on the minutia of legal proceedings and arcane laws like NARA?

This is dated but contains a good and accessible summary of the laws that made Trump's actions illegal when he refused to return classified documents.

Trump's law school is free, no charge to hear lectures by experts, but no degree either. Maybe someone should come up with an online bar test for those of us who are following along! Even grant a diploma from Trump U! :lol:
Trump's law school is free, no charge to hear lectures by experts, but no degree either. Maybe someone should come up with an online bar test for those of us who are following along! Even grant a diploma from Trump U! :lol:

think Mr Fog is talking about this...:

and this:

1950? :shock:

damn learn something new every day
He's a good lawyer. If anybody were just listening to him, they would be convinced that there isn't a clear case. Trump was just following normal procedures, just like Obama and W. He just needed time to sort through everything. NARA did not provide him with a facility near his home like they did for Obama and W so that the documents could be safely stored. The people they were working with were oppositional. That sort of thing. When cornered, he tosses out several hypothetical alternatives. Note his use of "could be". These "could beees" are red herrings and he's good at it. "It could be that the reason for the break is that the Grand Jury expired and they need to convene a new one". Umm no, it didn't. Also "it could be interpreted a few different ways". Actually, no. Trump's lawyer declared in an affidavit that no more documents being requested by NARA were remaining at MAL. This is not something that could be interpreted in any other way.

His defense of Trump regarding Jan 6 was classic. When asked how Trump could not know he lost the election after being told so in the courts, by Trump's own staff and by government officials, Palatore said:

"If that's the evidence at the time but that's not the evidence at the time. Some people were telling him there was fraud, some were telling him there was no fraud. For the judicial rulings, some of them reached a partial ruling based upon the merits, based upon not a complete thing, a lot of them said it was threshold issues of standing and so yes there were a lot of judicial rulings against him but none of them said OK, you parties have gone through a complete discovery, you've actually gone through everything and based on the merits this is what the decision is. In fact a lot of those lawsuits at the time, they were seeking these injunctions without discovery and I think that in retrospect had some of those people said "that we are not seeking an injunction now, we are seeking an expedited discovery""

Meet the Press/Chuck Todd asked: "You are saying he had a bad legal team? Is that what you think?"

Paltore's answer: "I think the way some of these things were conducted, certainly some by Sidney Powell (chuckles), were lawsuits that were conducted or criticized after the fact, I think if they had gone for expedited discovery and said, "look, we have an indication of smoke, we don't know if there is a fire, if there is a fire over there, look tell them to open the box and let's have a look. If there is a fire, I'm going to ask for an injunction, if there isn't a fire I'm going to come back and dismiss the case". If they had done that from the beginning there would be a different story. Instead "I have smoke, can you overturn the election? And the judge said "no". "

God damn him for his lie. That lie continues to damage US Democracy to this day. That Trump says it is one thing. That Palatore repeats it even after quitting Trump's team makes him a co-conspirator with Trump to divide and break the US. There was no smoke indicating election fraud except the smoke Trump was blowing. Christopher Krebs, the guy who oversaw cyber security for the election said it was the most secure in US history and was able to prove that it was. For doing a perfect job, saying so in an interview and being able to prove it, Trump fired him. Then hired people to tell him what he wanted them to say.

Palatore's argument that Trump is innocent because he had bad lawyers working for him is not new. Hasn't that kind of defense been tried and failed already? Also, look at the alternative scenario Palatore is advocating that he said should have happened "expedited discovery". Of what? It's all just more delay, delay, delay only what he's advocating is delaying the transfer of power from Trump to Biden. "Should seek expedited discovery". Then it all gets snarled up in court. There was no smoke. There never was any smoke. Every investigation into the election over the past three years did not show fraud and the only proof that was "discovered" proved the election was a clean one.

Throughout the interview, Palatore picked and chose the facts he was willing to discuss (he refused to answer several direct questions on the basis that they were "confidential"). On the topics he chose to discuss, in his soft voice, he would put questions and conflicting information around the hard facts to make it seem that things were not as they appeared. Red herrings. If I were looking at doing hard time for my crimes and had the money to pay him, he'd be on my team.

My guess is he thinks Trump is going down and is jumping ship before it does. His reason? "Irreconcilable conflicts with members of the legal team." He explains "I had difficulty doing the job I had to do." He didn't want to expand on it in the interview. I guess that Palatore thinks Trump is heading into a disaster and is jumping ship before the shit storm gets his poorly fitting suit dirty.
more Wormtongue action from Parlatore

Staff in charge of caring for Trump's dining room should have put up plastic wrap on the walls to protect them from ketchup before Trump could read this:

The Trump lawyers two weeks ago requested a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland to raise concerns about what they alleged was prosecutorial misconduct and overreach by the team led by special counsel Jack Smith.

Doesn't seem that the AG felt his presence was needed:

Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco were not present for the meeting but special counsel Jack Smith was. The Justice Department had no comment on the meeting.

Oooh, Burn

A trio of Trump attorneys — James Trusty, John Rowley and Lindsey Halligan — exited the Justice Department headquarters in Washington on Monday morning after spending well over an hour inside. They got into a black sport utility vehicle and did not respond to reporters’ questions.

It seems that Garland doesn't think he needs answer when Trump calls. :lol:
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think Mr Fog is talking about this...:

and this:

1950? :shock:

damn learn something new every day
I was thinking Trump would make a good course of study since he's broken damn near every law on the books and plenty of DOJ alumni and legal experts lecture on the law, the average person could get a lay understanding of the field at least! All the bases in criminal law should be covered from assault to seditious conspiracy and a host of other crimes. New constitutional ground will be broken, and hundreds of cronies, minions, coconspirators and underlings are gonna be indicted too and God knows how many lawyers before the dust settles years from now. Donald will not go down alone, but he will go down first and leave the rest holding the bag. Jack might end this in congress by indicting republican house members and senators after a long trail of indictments and rats.

One thing is for sure, it will make the history and law books and hundreds will make academic careers out of it, books are and will be written and movies made...
Staff in charge of caring for Trump's dining room should have put up plastic wrap on the walls to protect them from ketchup before Trump could read this:

The Trump lawyers two weeks ago requested a meeting with Attorney General Merrick Garland to raise concerns about what they alleged was prosecutorial misconduct and overreach by the team led by special counsel Jack Smith.

Doesn't seem that the AG felt his presence was needed:

Garland and Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco were not present for the meeting but special counsel Jack Smith was. The Justice Department had no comment on the meeting.

Oooh, Burn

A trio of Trump attorneys — James Trusty, John Rowley and Lindsey Halligan — exited the Justice Department headquarters in Washington on Monday morning after spending well over an hour inside. They got into a black sport utility vehicle and did not respond to reporters’ questions.

It seems that Garland doesn't think he needs answer when Trump calls. :lol:
"We want to take this opportunity to complain about Jack Smith."

From across the table,

"Do you then?" - Jack Smith.
I’m a bit in awe of just how much pure bs that legal team can generate. I wonder if when things finally go before a judge, that judge will be disinclined to tolerate much more shadowboxing.
Trump will complain about that too.

“We’ll appeal. We got treated very badly by the Clinton-appointed judge,” Trump said.