How are things looking?

I knew everything you say except the outside part. I had read they needed to be out of public view and behind fencing that locks. I wanted to be above board for this... I guess I need to do more reading. I feel kinda shady having planted the seeds before Walz signed the bill, but I lost so many tomatoes last year from not planting on last frost that I was anxiety ridden over being too late. I have no hope of understanding growing indoors :'(

I read about all the plant problems people have. Those that have the most problems are the ones that grow indoors. Second, the people that grow in pots outdoors. If you plant outside in the ground there will still be bugs, too hot, too cold, too whatever. Still it's a lot easier and it does allow you to take the weekend off if you want.
I love your beds. Are those solar powered lights on the corner posts? And hats off to getting those early greens in. It was hard to work outside this spring so I got a late start after renewing my beds. Now if we could have a little rain
RIGHT??? there was a squall yesterday that literally missed my property by a couple miles. It poured torrentially on saint Paul and it stayed dry as a bone anywhere north of there.

They are, and I think I will remove them now. It is my understanding that cannabis isn't appreciative of night lights, haha. And thank you, I'd build another this year but I need to rebuild my deck instead.
RIGHT??? there was a squall yesterday that literally missed my property by a couple miles. It poured torrentially on saint Paul and it stayed dry as a bone anywhere north of there.

They are, and I think I will remove them now. It is my understanding that cannabis isn't appreciative of night lights, haha. And thank you, I'd build another this year but I need to rebuild my deck instead.
I saw the state of your deckboards! Tsk tsk!
I just upgraded half of my beds this spring. Doing the rest after this season is over. I had to skip a garlic crop so I could have space to redo everything.20230611_082739.jpg
I saw the state of your deckboards! Tsk tsk!
I just upgraded half of my beds this spring. Doing the rest after this season is over. I had to skip a garlic crop so I could have space to redo everything.View attachment 5298653
Ugh I want to smash hearts all over this. Adorable garden.
Yes the deck is deplorable. The structure underneath seems built with appropriate heat and pressure treated cedar, the rest is DIY amateur hour, whoever assembled the top used construction lumber which is part of the reason the ends are rotting to hell. I just haven't been financially able to swing the cost of decking to rebuild it correctly, and honestly I would like very badly to have it redesigned with more stairs and features so I've been saving my pennies and watching it crumble:')
Ugh I want to smash hearts all over this. Adorable garden.
Yes the deck is deplorable. The structure underneath seems built with appropriate heat and pressure treated cedar, the rest is DIY amateur hour, whoever assembled the top used construction lumber which is part of the reason the ends are rotting to hell. I just haven't been financially able to swing the cost of decking to rebuild it correctly, and honestly I would like very badly to have it redesigned with more stairs and features so I've been saving my pennies and watching it crumble:')
I just built a deck as covid hit, before construction costs soared. I feel your pain.
You seem inclined to chat. I recommend you visit this thread:
Lots of nice folks sharing coffee and life throughout the day. A good place to learn and laugh
I just built a deck as covid hit, before construction costs soared. I feel your pain.
You seem inclined to chat. I recommend you visit this thread:
Lots of nice folks sharing coffee and life throughout the day. A good place to learn and laugh
Cool I'll check it out :D I'm waiting to see how many posts I need to make before that like button shows up, lmao
I think it's like 20. Curious2garden would know. She's a forum moderator. You're almost there, just keep posting away!
Looks like a bantam golden sebright to me. But it's been a very long time since I had chickens. I've since moved on to ravens :roll: I'm looking forward to her telling us more about those chickens
Similar size to sebrights. Sebrights only come in silver laced or golden laced and the roosters are hen feathered. (My roo was missing his sickles in the nice pictures of him.) I'm not sure there is an English translation for their Belgian name. Watermaalse are bearded with a medium size crest, trifid rose comb, clean legs. A more common Belgian bearded bantam breed is the barbu d'uccle, a larger heavier bodied bantam with vulture feathering on the shanks, single comb, and beard but no crest.IMG_7815.jpg
Similar size to sebrights. Sebrights only come in silver laced or golden laced and the roosters are hen feathered. (My roo was missing his sickles in the nice pictures of him.) I'm not sure there is an English translation for their Belgian name. Watermaalse are bearded with a medium size crest, trifid rose comb, clean legs. A more common Belgian bearded bantam breed is the barbu d'uccle, a larger heavier bodied bantam with vulture feathering on the shanks, single comb, and beard but no crest.View attachment 5298655
Thank you, he was a handsome fellow. I miss having chickens. They are so sweet.
How long have you been keeping chickens? I've thought about it but worry about being chained to them lol
Seven years. It took me a bit to find a breed I really enjoyed, and now that I have it, there is no way I could be more chuffed. I wanted the ultimate pet chicken, and I'm very happy with the watermael. They're like keeping outdoor cats sort of. I am able to leave them with a bucket of clean water and a couple feed buckets and go away for a few weeks.
Thank you, he was a handsome fellow. I miss having chickens. They are so sweet.
He was a noisy little butthole and he was lucky to be gorgeous, expensive and the size of a grapefruit. I'm anxious over why he died. I found him dead in the middle of the yard on his back with nothing of note besides a dark purple comb. I didn't autopsy, I cried for a few days and buried him under my crabapple tree.