Examples of GOP Leadership


Well-Known Member
Was happy we passed that here in CO. Think it is a very good idea/program. Absolutely baffling why republicans want to go after it, other than they seem to just lean into being shitty people.

Biden should use the power of the pulpit and start doing fireside chats laying out the budget demands of republicans. Democrats need to be more targeted in getting messaging out to republican voters about stuff. At least try to counter their Newsmax narrative. School lunch, cuts to social security, cuts to the VA, tax cuts for the rich...jam reality into their faces.


Ursus marijanus
Was happy we passed that here in CO. Think it is a very good idea/program. Absolutely baffling why republicans want to go after it, other than they seem to just lean into being shitty people.

Biden should use the power of the pulpit and start doing fireside chats laying out the budget demands of republicans. Democrats need to be more targeted in getting messaging out to republican voters about stuff. At least try to counter their Newsmax narrative. School lunch, cuts to social security, cuts to the VA, tax cuts for the rich...jam reality into their faces.
It’s probably something very simple and ugly, like no white people taxes to feed undocumented brown people (can’t have that)


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
Die Fuhrer ist fucked...

The confrontation started when Trump declared that the top secret documents were his — and that the “only way” that National Archives could have gotten the documents back to should have been to ask nicely, “Please, please, please, could we have them back?”

FOX Host Baier immediately cut him off, telling Trump, “They DID ask for them.”

Flummoxed, Trump responded, “Because they have no — we were talking.”

Luckily, Bauer didn’t let Trump get away with such a dumb response, because he again pressed Trump in front of millions of FOX viewers, telling him, “The National Archives went to the Department of Justice and got a subpoena to get the documents!”

Trump’s response is one for the ages, exclaiming, “Which they have never done before!”

Bauer responded, “That’s right!

Bauer continued, asking Trump, “Why didn’t you just hand them over then?

Trump responded, “Because I had boxes, I want to go through the boxes and get all of my personal things out. I don’t want to hand that over to the national archives yet, and I was very busy as you’ve sort of seen.

Thankfully, FOX News host Bauer didn’t let Trump get away with that one, setting Trump straight by responding, “Yeah, but according to the indictment, you then tell this aide to move the documents to other locations after telling your lawyers to say you’d fully complied with the subpoena when you hadn’t.”

Masterfully done, Bret Baier.



Ursus marijanus
Flimsy ass responses - Jack must be taking notes on all interviews and press appearances

Thought the Orange Orangutan was to keep his mouth hole shut. ( *shrugs )
It’s like a circus performer who has too many spinning plates in the air. I’m half-expecting a figurative cascade of crashing noises. I rather hope Jan 6 and Georgia indictments happen very close together and provide the breaking strain. He’ll implode like the star in M101.
