Is Biden really that bad?

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It's an income tax on the wealthy...raising the price of retail consumer goods would only result in them making more money, and paying even more taxes.
This shit works, it's been done before, most notably after WW2 all the way into the 60s, the nominal tax rate was 80% or higher, and the quality of life for everyone in the country was much higher. The rich were still rich, just not obscenely, blasphemously rich. The middle class was thriving, keeping the economy good, and the poor had jobs for the most part, if they wanted them, leading to a decline in the number of people depending on public assistance. EVERYONE profited, even the rich.
horse shit, Gary.

You aren't as simple as that. Tax cuts don't grow the economy and tax increases don't flatten it. Its much more complex than that. Same with inflation. You know that. Productivity gains are driven more by education and a healthy, motivated work force than anything else. Your dumbass GOP MAGA are blowing smoke and trying to call it a fire.

Fogdog, your correct, I am a simple man.
When someone, say a farmer, has to pay more for his fuel, feed, etc. to keep his business afloat, he/or she has to get more money for their product, such as eggs, milk, etc when the product is sold to the store that sells those items to us, the public. Same goes for any corporation that sells their product..."we" pay for that additional costs.
If that grows the economy, then I'm all for it and thanks for correcting me and my simple way of thinking.
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Fogdog, your correct, I am a simple man.
When someone, say a farmer, has to pay more for his fuel, feed, etc. to keep his business afloat, he/or she has to get more money for their product, such as eggs, milk, etc when the product is sold to the store that sells those items to us, the public. Same goes for any corporation that sells their product..."we" pay for that additional costs.
If that grows the exonomy, then I'm all for it and thanks for correcting me and my simple way of thinking.
would it not be better to skim the unprecedented profits being raked in by agribusinesses like Archer Daniels Midland? Most farms are no longer the family businesses you seem to be invoking.
It's an income tax on the wealthy...raising the price of retail consumer goods would only result in them making more money, and paying even more taxes.
This shit works, it's been done before, most notably after WW2 all the way into the 60s, the nominal tax rate was 80% or higher, and the quality of life for everyone in the country was much higher. The rich were still rich, just not obscenely, blasphemously rich. The middle class was thriving, keeping the economy good, and the poor had jobs for the most part, if they wanted them, leading to a decline in the number of people depending on public assistance. EVERYONE profited, even the rich.

When tax rates get really high in the upper brackets (80%+), it becomes a better investment to put the money back into the business and its employees - rather than hoarding it all under the guise of "trickle-down."
Most farms are no longer the family businesses you seem to be invoking.
OK, to help you understand, I’ll change my statement to include those farms that Winn Dixie and Publix manages in lieu of your thinking of the mom and pop farm. I used farms as an analogy, it could be BF Goodrich who sells car tires, or Dow Corning who sells chemical based products….
Hunter Biden’s net worth is $1 million, although he earned as much as $6 million between 2014 and 2016.

Well man, tbh a net worth of a million for the kid of a dude that's been a prominent politician since the 70s is pretty pathetic. Like...I know a bunch of regular ass people worth more that just worked for it.

Its kind of hollow in light of kushner/ivanka getting 2 billion dollars from foreign governments. Neither is good, but there is some false equivalence there.
Well man, tbh a net worth of a million for the kid of a dude that's been a prominent since the 70s is pretty pathetic. Like...I know a bunch of regular ass people worth more that just worked for it.

Its kind of hollow in light of kushner/ivanka getting 2 billion dollars from foreign governments. Neither is good, but there is some false equivalence there.
Good point, have never given that much thought. One would think that his father with all of his connections and wealth would have taken better care of his son.
Thanks for that enlightment.
OK, to help you understand, I’ll change my statement to include those farms that Winn Dixie and Publix manages in lieu of your thinking of the mom and pop farm. I used farms as an analogy, it could be BF Goodrich who sells car tires, or Dow Corning who sells chemical based products….
do you see how your own model hurts your argument? You are naming companies whose only real customer(s) are the shareholders. The name of the game is Max Profit This Quarter.

Republicans have systematically disabled the mechanisms by which these profits are shared with “we the people”, and it has worked to the detriment of 98% of us. Time to abandon the “pro-business” fraud pyramid and send the money to the government organizations that directly benefit All The Wrong People, from the brutal perspective of rich old white Protestant cis males.

Industry properly answers to government, not the other way around.
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Reading your excusses to the "real" reason we are paying more for food, as well as other goods the wife and I consume and use daily sounds just like what those really smart guys that work for our present goverment says.

Just like buying fuel, when the previous goverment was in charge I was paying $2.20 for my diesel fuel, today it costs close to $5.00. Same as for buying eggs at the market, Three yrs ago a dozen eggs cost around $2.00, it's around the $5.00 a dozen.

You blew my mind on that last line of your statement: "Industry properly answers to government, not the other way around.",
That is socialism.

socialism (sō′shə-lĭz″əm) meaning:
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

Reading your excusses to the "real" reason we are paying more for food, as well as other goods the wife and I consume and use daily sounds just like what those really smart guys that work for our present goverment says.

Just like buying fuel, when the previous goverment was in charge I was paying $2.20 for my diesel fuel, today it costs close to $5.00. Same as for buying eggs at the market, Three yrs ago a dozen eggs cost around $2.00, it's around the $5.00 a dozen.

You blew my mind on that last line of your statement: "Industry properly answers to government, not the other way around.",
That is socialism.

socialism (sō′shə-lĭz″əm) meaning:
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.
I prefer social democracy to the current kleptocracy. I am not advocating for the collectivization of the means of production (the line between socialism and social democracy), merely their subordination to authority.

The pseudolibertarian experiment is an unqualified failure that has evolved into billionaire oligarchy. Russia illustrates where that ends up.

(add) I am curious. Most Diesels in this country are unnecessary heavy pickup trucks, unlike Europe that has tiny and very efficient Diesel cars. What sort is yours?
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I prefer social democracy to the current kleptocracy
On the subject of the current kleptocracy I have to agree with you 100%.

Although I'm not sold on social democracy, which is a political theory advocating the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism.

I, being a citizen of a free market society, am sold on capitalism; if you want it, go out and work for it.

Though that doesn't mean that your dogma toward socialism or as you put it, social democracy isn't best suited for your liveyhood where you live.

Thanks for sharing your belief's and I honor you for them.
Yeah, evidently people only get motivated to post gun pics when they are posted next to grieving families after a mass shooting.
That picture your indicating as a mass shooting weapon is of a water gun, I use on my chickens to keep them off of our gazebo.

Surly someone of your intellangence knew that.....v
On the subject of the current kleptocracy I have to agree with you 100%.

Although I'm not sold on social democracy, which is a political theory advocating the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism.

I, being a citizen of a free market society, am sold on capitalism; if you want it, go out and work for it.

Though that doesn't mean that your dogma toward socialism or as you put it, social democracy isn't best suited for your liveyhood where you live.

Thanks for sharing your belief's and I honor you for them.

The free market is a unicorn. There is no such thing; it is as deluded as the rest of the libertarian creed.

As for working for it, sure thing, once a forklift operator and a CFO get comparable wages. And once someone disabled is not forced to Work For It.
On the subject of the current kleptocracy I have to agree with you 100%.

Although I'm not sold on social democracy, which is a political theory advocating the use of democratic means to achieve a gradual transition from capitalism to socialism.

I, being a citizen of a free market society, am sold on capitalism; if you want it, go out and work for it.

Though that doesn't mean that your dogma toward socialism or as you put it, social democracy isn't best suited for your liveyhood where you live.

Thanks for sharing your belief's and I honor you for them.
Actually, Adam Smith was a social democrat before there was such a thing. But like most conservative Christians, so-called capitalists pick and choose from ideas he put forth in Wealth of Nations. Early adopters fucked it up and failed to make capitalism into a good for most.

Social Democracy is how to correct that earlier mistake. Bidenomics is also capitalism but a half measure compared to social democracy but still leagues better than what Republicans think is Capitalism. Your kind eat seed corn and complain there isn't any more corn the next year. Not very smart.
Actually, Adam Smith was a social democrat before there was such a thing. But like most conservative Christians, so-called capitalists pick and choose from ideas he put forth in Wealth of Nations. Early adopters fucked it up and failed to make capitalism into a good for most.

Social Democracy is how to correct that earlier mistake. Bidenomics is also capitalism but a half measure compared to social democracy but still leagues better than what Republicans think is Capitalism. Your kind eat seed corn and complain there isn't any more corn the next year. Not very smart.
U.S. President Joe Biden advocated nothing less than the kind of social democracy that most of America’s European partners have long taken for granted.

Reading your excusses to the "real" reason we are paying more for food, as well as other goods the wife and I consume and use daily sounds just like what those really smart guys that work for our present goverment says.

Just like buying fuel, when the previous goverment was in charge I was paying $2.20 for my diesel fuel, today it costs close to $5.00. Same as for buying eggs at the market, Three yrs ago a dozen eggs cost around $2.00, it's around the $5.00 a dozen.

You blew my mind on that last line of your statement: "Industry properly answers to government, not the other way around.",
That is socialism.

socialism (sō′shə-lĭz″əm) meaning:
Any of various theories or systems of social organization in which the means of producing and distributing goods is owned collectively or by a centralized government that often plans and controls the economy.

My man, you are paying more because companies decided to raise prices. Take a look at profits. It's public information. While people cried about prices going up due to "inflation" that was getting treated like some mystical force, the people they buy stuff from were killing it and hitting all time highs.

Capitalism is why you are paying more. That's how it works and what it is designed to do. Maxing your personal profit is literally the purpose. You take the risk, you get the reward. Their reward comes at the consumers expense. You beat out your competitors and do what you will to make money for yourself.
U.S. President Joe Biden advocated nothing less than the kind of social democracy that most of America’s European partners have long taken for granted.
You don't seem to understand that education and healthcare are good investments for a society.
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