Barack's Windfall Reversal


New Member
It never occured to any nay-sayers that the oil companies are afraid of being taxed and that had the effect on gas prices we are seeing today? I think Obama scared them, they know he'll do it, he's got to clean up Bush's mess and that's not going to be cheap by any means.
Why on earth would the oil companies be afraid of being taxed? Raise their taxes to the moon and the people paying it will be you and me at the pump.



New Member
but you don't think along with raising their taxes they might also have their subsities yanked out from them too? The government gives them a shit load of money every year, I believe that's about to change.


Well-Known Member
Why on earth would the oil companies be afraid of being taxed? Raise their taxes to the moon and the people paying it will be you and me at the pump.

They could still be afraid of a tax hike, even though they could pass it on to the consumers. The reason is that "Big Oil" has to be very careful in their price hikes. It has taken years to get the prices as high as they were. It is an art (a sick art, but an art) to slowly keep raising prices to find the point that maximizes their own profits. For if they raise them too high, people start taking real steps to dramatically lower how much gas they use. They even Big Oil loses.

The theory is, since they have no idea how much Obama would tax them, they don't know if it they would be able to pass it all on to us without shooting themselves in the foot. The mere threat of a big tax hike throws a wrench in their strategy.

I'm not saying the theory (that prices have dropped because of Obama's threats) is accurate. I'm just saying it is possible.

I personally think the real reason the price has dropped is because Obama, the Democrats, the Republicans, big oil, and most other large banks and corporations are all in bed together anyway. All this drama of them fighting it out, especially in election season, is like watching a WWE "pro"-wrestling match. So much of it is staged.

These gas prices and this recession has been created to get everyone to drink Obama's kool-aid even more... that's my opinion. After all, this recession does nothing to hurt the people in power. All the CEO's and people responsible for creating this mess are getting 20 million dollar retirement packages, and they get to invest all that into a low stockmarket and profit even more later! These people *love* recessions.

As I have said here before, there is really not that much difference in the end btwn McCain and Obama. Both men are liars at their core, as their campaigns evidenced. Sure, Obama says a lot of the right things... but the promises of a proven liar are worthless. I am amazed when people argue about which side caused this recession (i.e. prie's and bradlyallen2's discussion on p. 2). *Both* parties caused this, and neither party deserves our respect or our vote... especially here, since they both support putting growers of the herb in jail.


New Member
Hey cannabox: nice to see such a warm caring person on this site. Cannabox says: " if you cant work or make it, you die. unless you were so kind to people through your life, that they want to help you out in return for your kindness.. then hey.. you might not die and turn your life around or hang on to your last days a little longer.."



Well-Known Member
life is cruel, if you were kind to people, you will get help. be a dick your whole life, and suffer.


Well-Known Member
Your right, Obama is awful. I would prefer my children embrace the politics of "Mission Accomplished", "I'm the decider", offshore torture prisons run by Haliburton, widespread anti-american sentiment, wars in middle eastern countries based on deceit and distortion and fabrication of supporting evidence, inability to lead at the presidential level, declaring a narrow electoral victory a "mandate", politics of hatred and division as espoused by Bush-Rove-Cheney, firing US govt employees who do not embrace republican party ideals, etc. That's the world I want my kids to grow up in, not the one where an intelligent president (elect) responds to current geopolitical problems in a reflexive and dynamic manner.
bull shit...i want my free shit uncle sambo promised,,,ill remember this shit ..he wont get a free pass fro:cuss:m me


Well-Known Member
All of you people talking about the oil companies are ignoring entities that have even more control over the prices. Speculators, 30% of the contracts in June/July right around the time Oil was peaking.

They get called out, and suddenly oil starts collapsing. Seems to me that it wasn't the oil companies that were raking in the obscene profits. 30% of the market in futures, which means that the oil companies have even less control. Even the largest would be lucky to have 10% of the total market.

So if between Point A, which is the wellhead, and Point C. the refinery, some ass hat in Switzerland decides they are going to hijack the oil and store in aboard its super tanker in the middle of Atlantic by sitting on futures contracts and just letting the roll over indefinitely, keeping that oil out of play, it ends up altering the market. And that was just one company. One can easily imagine that the other speculator firms had another 20 - 30% of the market contracts. So in the end less than half of the market was actually being controlled by the suppliers and refiners.

Hardly an effective way to run a market, especially because it would drastically explain the run up that we are having. Of course, with the crash the Mutual Funds, and Hedge Funds that were screwing around in commodities had to pull their funds out of the futures markets and use them to buffer the Mutual Funds and Hedge Funds where they got their money to prevent the money from being withdrawn, making them a lot less influential than they were before.

Oil companies, hmmph, stop kidding yourselves, the oil companies pay maybe $5 - $10/gallon for pumping, so anything over $20 - $30/gallon is pure profit.

They might have been recording record revenues, but that doesn't mean there wasn't a middle man that was raking in even more.

To figure out how the market acted would require getting a lot of paperwork, from a lot of companies, that probably wouldn't be all that eager to report what they were doing with oil when it started its run up to $150/barrel.


Well-Known Member
Then on top of that are the companies that are hedging against increases in oil costs by purchasing oil futures, adding another source for none-market makers to screw with the market.


Well-Known Member
i can see it comming now...anyone who points out the truth about uncle sambo..and his LIES is going to be called a racist..well get can call me what ever you like..cause i DONT CARE..if you dont like the truth..fuck you..and obama isnt going to get any pass..that lieing mother fucker better be forking up on all his promises..i will be expecting a 1000 dollars stimulas check in the mail..i will be expecting free health care....and free everything..and once that fucker cant deliever...and the economy is in the toilet..and he is bawling on tv..six months from now...people all over losing their homes..and moving into vacant homes or card board box's..everyone in this country is going to remember what he said...and promised..and delievered on nothing but misery...oh...BTW..mccain would have been fucked too..but he didnt promise me as much free shit as obama....obama is straight fucked..the liar..can not deliever ....bongsmilie


New Member
We should start a new policy, politicians caught in white collar crime get to give everything they own back to the people and live in a box on the street. There would be no need for taxing the average citizen.