*Pics* First Grow. Can you tell what the problem is?

pura vida

Active Member
This is week 3, feminized Lowryder 2. I am using Fox Farm Ocean Forest. I noticed no issues until yesterday when I went to water. This is what my plants looked like before I watered them. I had not been using any nutrients and actually planned on adding nutrients for the first time on the 3rd week and I ended up doing it. Is lack of nutrients the problem or is it something else?



Well-Known Member
r there nutes in that ocean forest? also adding a fine layer of dolomite lime to the top of your soil will help tremendously-

buggs bunny

Well-Known Member
r there nutes in that ocean forest? also adding a fine layer of dolomite lime to the top of your soil will help tremendously-

its full of organic nutes at the right levels,just so you know,really good soil,it just needs a little more perlite to make it drain better