Need a new truck. What are you driving?

Good! We got here in one piece. It was smooth sailing besides the first day when hwy 40 was closed in NM. I had a panic attack trying to take an alternate route. I felt trapped with miles of barren wasteland all around . The alternate route wanted me to drive down a dirt one lane road with my car in tow after going a long way out of route. Then I had to back track and go back the opposite direction for like 60 it took me an extra 2 hours and like 100 miles and I still wasn’t sure of the alternative alternative. rerouting . But I chanced it . I fucking despise NM. One more night in a hotel and then hopefully the new place is legit or it might get bouncy. Fingers crossed.
you guys out of CO already??
I’ve got a 2010 Silverado with 190k on the odometer. 8’ bed/extended cab 2wd. Best traction control I’ve ever come across in snow, terrible in mud though. Aside from telltale rust on rear quarter panel wheel wells everything’s doing pretty good. If you don’t rotate tires it’ll grow a little shimmy in the steering. Oil changes whenever computer tells me to. Overall a good work truck I’ve had since 2012.

Had Ford in the past-decent truck, unremarkable. Had a Dodge that wanted to get sideways if it even saw snow/gravel, otherwise good work vehicle.
Got almost the same truck, except it's a 2007, crew cab, long bed, tow package, but other than that and Helwig helper springs it's bone stock, doesn't even have auto locks/windows, was a GSA vehicle for the Treasury Dept. It's got 105K, other than a transmission module and a front wheel bearing it's been flawless. Got it in 2014 with 34K miles. I haul a 20 ft travel trailr with it.
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I always wanted a little Jeep Commanche pickup, one of the sporty editions..

I used to have a dodge ram 50 custom with oversized bed and wheel bearings. Basically Dodge's mini version of a mighty max.

I currently collect nissan hardbodies (and pathies), and will drive them till I'm an old man.. or they outlaw gas vehicles, lol.
Man, I used to have a ram50. Some hillbilly cut the roof off it and made it a "hardtop convertible" it was awesome and a colossal piece of shit all at the same time. Haha
i felt weird asking what city you guys were in but my 1st guess was cortez. lol. if you are in the SW part of CO and not in pagosa or durango, it's kinda dumpy.
safe travels to your new locale
Lol. I don’t like any part of Colorado to live. It’s awesome to visit and drive thru and so beautiful !! but for me, it’s a Bad fit to call Home. Thanks for the kind words, my friend…I did make it safely to Mississippi. So far I am more than impressed. Kinda blown away right now. Shhhhsssssshh…. don’t tell anybody! This place is a hidden gem.
Man, I used to have a ram50. Some hillbilly cut the roof off it and made it a "hardtop convertible" it was awesome and a colossal piece of shit all at the same time. Haha
I got mine free, and all I had to do was install a new fuel filter, lol. It was the older model, but ran pretty good until the timing belt went. Ran better after the new one, then crapped out again and I gave up. It smoked too much anyway so I scrapped it too, and went and got another beater, lol.. Speaking of scrap, metal was worth $400 a ton at the time, and I made so much money with that little truck while it lasted. I would roll up to the scrap yard hauling more weight in the back than the whole truck itself, almost dragging the tailgate down the road.
Well it s official, got the title and farm exemption for the plate in hand for my new 1979 s2300 International tractor truck. With 6-71 Detroit turbo diesel, and Allison 4 speed auto. Now I can move my dry van and 5th wheel grow trailers around easily, etc. I can drive within a radius of so many miles for farm purposes, to snatch up all the 45' trailers around the country side for cheap, to build my entire indoor grow empire on wheels.
Yeah, unfortunately I had some car troubles. And this trip is now postponed.
2003 1500hd(2500) bought new in ‘03
Almost 400K
3rd set of balljoints
3rd Ac. 3rd radiator. Typical shit that goes out.
Just had the 4l80 rebuilt. New transfer case.
Edit oh yeah, just had my driveshaft rebuilt because the center support/carrier bearing was failing. Not bad for all the miles huh?
Like a fucking rock.
Actually. Forgot about the new injectors and new coils i just replaced too. First time on this truck.
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Lol. I don’t like any part of Colorado to live. It’s awesome to visit and drive thru and so beautiful !! but for me, it’s a Bad fit to call Home. Thanks for the kind words, my friend…I did make it safely to Mississippi. So far I am more than impressed. Kinda blown away right now. Shhhhsssssshh…. don’t tell anybody! This place is a hidden gem.
Where at in Miss? BTW set your clocks back to 1960.