Full Hydroganics Article (PICS)


Junior Creatologist
Ok, since im not typin out the whole damn thing, lol, i took pics of the article, including the paragraphs, so you guys can read up on it n check it out for yourselves, and decide wether it looks like it would be somethin worth trying. IMO, this would be easier than regular hydro, with thebenefits of organic growing, and hydroponic size nuggets.

Check it out - i hope this helps some people out, seriously :



Junior Creatologist
im gonna be bumping this article throughout the day. theres a group of people who asked for this article to be posted, so here ya go ;)


Junior Creatologist
yeah, i agree man. when i read this shit, it just seems like its a great alternative and the best of both worlds. Im probably gonna do a Red Diesel grow with this method. Or the Black. i wanna see what a nice strong strain can do with something like this.


Well-Known Member
im making 3 today. i have 4 mp5k seeds and 3 mids going. my seedlings are 2 or 3 days old in a rooter, no soil. would i be able to put that in a rockwool?


Junior Creatologist
Alot of nutes can be used in both soil and hydro. If your putting the nutrients in only the soil side of the pot, which is what they recommend, then i would probably go with the nutrients meant for organics. I dont know how different hydro nutes are from other nutrients. But for the perlite side, remember its WATER ONLY - COPIOUS AMOUNTS OF WATER, lol.

N about the medium your in right now n switching it over to the big rockwool cubes, i would say it would be fine, as long as you can get all of the old medium off the roots, and transplant them into the big rockwool cube without any problems, you should be just fine. N make sure you read up on how often you water those rockwool cubes, so you dont over do it while your waiting for the roots to grow through the cubes and into the pot.

N Make a journal on this shit man, i think it would be beneficial if you did, n if it works out like i think it will, it might even be made a sticky :D


Well-Known Member
ok, ill take pics tomorrow. went out and bought a big 12 liter( doesnt say how many gal) put to try it in, some 3 inch rockwool cubes with a hole perfect for the size of my rooters. and they are are just in the rooters, not in a medium yet so it should be fine


Well-Known Member
Ok, since im not typin out the whole damn thing, lol, i took pics of the article, including the paragraphs, so you guys can read up on it n check it out for yourselves, and decide wether it looks like it would be somethin worth trying. IMO, this would be easier than regular hydro, with thebenefits of organic growing, and hydroponic size nuggets.

Check it out - i hope this helps some people out, seriously :
good shit dude, sounds simple enough to try :joint:
all i need is some 4" cubes


Well-Known Member
yup i just started 6 in rockwool today, bought 2 3 gal buckets and 4 1.5 gal buckets and its on, i cant wait


Well-Known Member
where do i go to start one, been looking and couldnt find it. ill start one tomorrow when i can take pics


Junior Creatologist
nope, no nothing. The perlite side is so oxygenated, you dont need to use any type of additional airpump or anything to assist. Not missing anything at all, theyre just square planting buckets man :) -- one of the really good things about this is that its only a 2gallon bucket, and the plant still got to be around 4 ft tall when harvested. Less space taken up on the growroom floor is what everyone ultimately wants, because that means more plants :D The wave of the fuuuuutureeeeeeeee :P