Wouldn't trust that guidelines mate as different strains will use different nutes at different rates/times.Been going off the shogun calculator online
Hard go tell from your picture but from what i can see, I'd go with start of cal/mag deficiency??
I doubt it I used to randomly get it all the time back in the day. Probably has been bread out of new stuffThe fact that the variegated leaf-finger curves to the side, can anyone confirm if that's a sign of this being viral?? I tossed a couple plants that did this to me, just to be safe.
I thought with my plant it may have had a combination of factors to change, I just fixed little things like PH and nutrients gradually and watched, and it seemed to outgrow any if not, at least, most funny patterns that I might have had. It was headband so there are similar genetics to gelato 45 idk what you’re growing but… I fed h2o2 mixed with water for root detox and sprayed leaves with water exc. So I just watched everything and eventually it panned out. Heat, watering, moisture.
I thought with my plant it may have had a combination of factors to change, I just fixed little things like PH and nutrients gradually and watched, and it seemed to outgrow any if not, at least, most funny patterns that I might have had. It was headband so there are similar genetics to gelato 45 idk what you’re growing but… I fed h2o2 mixed with water for root detox and sprayed leaves with water exc. So I just watched everything and eventually it panned out. Heat, watering, moisture.
I cant really see it on yours but mine are mine now still leafs like it but no problem with nutrients so all good
Yea PH water is good for it and lowering ppm, the light lower probably helpsI went ahead and moved my light up a little, added some pH water to lower the PPM and its looking better already (about 6 7 hours ago). Hope I'm good to go.
I have a feeling it was the lighting since only top plants were affected. I had switched it to 100% yesterday but dimmed back to 75% this morning.
Pic from earlier today.
So just flipped my lights to 12/12 5 days ago using shogun nutes, going off the shogun calculator online. Me e.c is 1.4 and ph 5.8-6.0 under 1600w hps
Any help be great thanks
I'll probably get f'ing booed, but I'd guess you got mildew . So many of the leaves
have that white sheen witch shows up early in the infection.