And that Overstock guy, Patrick Byrne, part of the seize the election machines idea.

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Rat or become the sucker of the century.

Trump co-conspirator Walt Nauta finally gets lawyer, pleads not guilty. Is there still time to flip?

25,735 views Jul 9, 2023 #TeamJustice
After some false starts, Donald Trump's co-conspirator, co-defendant, and chief box mover Walt Nauta finally gets a Florida lawyer, appeared in federal court in Florida, and was arraigned on his indictment. Not surprisingly, Nauta pleaded not guilty and is now pending trial with his co-defendant, Donald Trump.

This raises the question: does the fact that Nauta has been indicted, pleaded not guilty and is pending trial mean that he can't or won't flip on Trump?

This video discusses the ins and outs of cooperation with federal prosecutors and how the window for cooperation never closes completely when it comes to cooperating against the biggest criminal fish.
Republicans in congress were involved in the fake elector scheme, they are why they did it and who they would have submitted them to, they voted to delay the certification because of it, even after the capitol was attacked and sacked. I'm sure any fake elector conspiracy will involve some people in the Trump WH and republicans in congress. 79 fake electors plus how many from the state houses who were involved, add in the WH crowd and it could be between 100 and 200 indicted in the conspiracy with plenty eager to cooperate for a deal.

‘Concrete signs’ the ‘fake electors scheme’ is ‘coming to market’ in Jack Smith probe

22,417 views Jul 10, 2023 #JackSmith #Trump #SpecialCounsel
An NBC News analysis has found dozens of witnesses have testified to a federal grand jury empaneled in Washington in the months since Special Counsel Jack Smith was charged with a wide-ranging investigation into former President Donald Trump's conduct from Election Day through the attack on the Capitol on January 6th. Ken Dilanian and Harry Litman join Garrett Haake to discuss. “There are concrete signs even though you know, we're a little bit in the dark,that the false electors scheme is coming to market, and it will be broad from states, to on the ground in states, to the Oval Office,” says Litman.
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"dividing their vote is the best shot you have"

umm, no

Staying unified is the best shot Democrats have. Unify around Biden and Bidenomics in '24. I'd prefer a more socially progressive agenda from Democrats but I think now is not the time to push for it. Hand a major loss to Republicans one more time in '24 and then check to political temperature. I think '24 will be Trumpism's last stand and after 8 straight years in a row of losing elections, Republicans will shred their own party. If so, I think '26 is when Democrats can start deciding the details Medicare for all and better gun regulations. We showed in 2021 how much Democrats can do when we act together and the enemy is at bay.
We can discuss the progressive promised land some other time
Jack has already moved on to J6 while finishing up the MAL investigation and waiting for the next stage of that one, more indictments for Trump and others will be forthcoming there. I noticed they only charged Trump and Nauta in a tight little conspiracy that is a simple case and is easy to prove in court with few delays possible. There will be other indictments of Trump and others in Florida and other places too over the MAL documents. I figure J6 will work in stages with Trump, his minions and his cronies up first, then they will work their way along a line of rats to whatever politician and government officials they can nail over J6 and there should be hundreds with the fake electors and Trump appointed government officials who were blocking action on J6. This will go on for years and will cost those involved a fortune in legal fees, even if they are not indicted. It will go on in congress after the court cases with another J6 commission if the democrats win in 24 and new laws written based on the findings.
Establishing a predicate criminal act for T. Rump…which can be pulled into subsequent prosecutions as evidence of patterns of criminality & obstruction
Establishing a predicate criminal act for T. Rump…which can be pulled into subsequent prosecutions as evidence of patterns of criminality & obstruction
It gets worse for him with each indictment and conviction the evidence is used in the next case if applicable. The MAL documents and obstruction case has been kept simple and easy with just Trump and Nauta indicted and Nauta could flip on Trump yet, but they don't need him. With just Donald and his butler going down on this indictment it will lead to few delays and a speedy trial which Jack appears to be shooting for in December. The trial should take 5 or six weeks at the most and Trump has no defense, most of it will be taken up by the prosecution presenting evidence and witnesses to nail Donald ten times over.

Other charges and defendants will be forthcoming over other aspects of the MAL documents case, but this is a neat little package with just two defendants that can be tried quickly and can put Donald away for life fast. Once convicted of these charges the cuffs should go on in court and appeals are almost always made from a cell. Donald could be convicted for the MAL documents and obstruction as early as January or February 24, near the beginning of primary season by the republican convention this summer for sure.

If Cannon does the trial, she will have to sentence him if (when) he is convicted and must follow sentencing guidelines and the precedent of others convicted of similar crimes. She could be the one sentencing Donald to life in Prison and when the rulings go against him, he will threaten her! Donald's base of lunatics and assholes will haunt and hunt her for the rest of her days! :lol:
It's still amazing to me that all the "stop the steal" idiots still haven't figured out who was actually trying to steal the election, even after he telegraphed back in 2016 that this is exactly what he would do if he lost:

Yet even after he won, he still claimed he got cheated because he lost the popular vote.

Special Counsel Jack Smith investigates Trump's conspiracy to seize state voting machines

20,228 views Jul 10, 2023 #TeamJustice
Recent reporting shows that Special Counsel Jack Smith and his team of federal prosecutors are investigating a chaotic Oval Office meeting in December of 2020 - after Trump lost the presidential election - at which there was a discussion about the Department of Defense seizing state voting machines as part of Trump's scheme to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election.

This video does a deep dive into the two elements of the crime of conspiracy, and discusses the evidence that supports the conclusion that BOTH elements are satisfied given the publicly reported evidence.
The hits keep coming in Donald's summer of Hell, Christmas at Mar A Logo this year should be interesting with plenty of ketchup flying as Doanld freaks out and panics. Donald won't have a happy new year, but one filled with "novel experiences" and a permanent change of lifestyle as he once again moves into federal housing, the big house, not the Whitehouse and the term is for life.

Donald is due for several kicks to the nuts and head when he is down and by the time the year is over, he may be indicted many times over state and federally. His circle of trust and support is shrinking, and everybody around him is looking to rat him out for a deal, he can't trust or confide in anybody, even his lawyers. Starting 2024 Donald will be on trial for the MAL docs and obstruction while having been indicted multiple times by two states and the federal government. Wire and mail fraud could be charged for the stop the steal grift and the conspiracy to seize voting machines might see Donald and others indicted for that too and then there are the fake electors and J6 itself...

Let's talk about Trump, Georgia, and the Grand Jury....
Nothing new here, just more details contained in this video about what went on in the meeting during which Trump and his co-conspirators planned to forcibly impound election machines across the nation. The bit with Eric Herschmann, where he describes Sidney Powell making the claim that all 60 judges who ruled against Trump's lawsuits as "corrupt". Eric: "All of them? Some of whom were appointed by Trump?". Hilarious. Or would be if it were a SNL skit. Bolton adds some of his own dry wit during the presentation too.

Twitter now wants me to log in (I'm not a member) in order to read any tweets

Apparently, I can read a certain number of tweets each month before I reach a limit at which Elon Musk deems it necessary for me to tote to him, which I shant
Elon is changing policy like a woman changes clothes and is going back to more sensible policies after fucking up bigly technically. With Zuck and his Threads barking at his heels and perhaps humiliating him publicly, he has had a change of mind.

One word answer out loud...'NO".....two word answer in my head...."NO MOTHERFUCKER"
None of his fucking tricks, none of his horseshit delaying tactics, no witness intimidation...He has to go to trial, and he gets NO favors.
It's a fucking joke that cannon is even still on the bench, she DEFINITELY should NOT be allowed to rule on a case she has already PROVEN she has bias on.
If it gets delayed, Smith should just go ahead in New Jersey and put him in prison for that...
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Twitter now wants me to log in (I'm not a member) in order to read any tweets

Apparently, I can read a certain number of tweets each month before I reach a limit at which Elon Musk deems it necessary for me to tote to him, which I shant
I have been leaving savage, profane, heretical replies to tweets, and haven't been banned yet, wondering what it will take? I've told magats they were fucking moronic cult members, that there isn't one republican politician i wouldn't put not only grooming but human traffic past, that they were seditious, traitorous criminals, that trump's supreme court perjurers were fucking criminals, that their investigations into the Bidens were weak ass attempts by assholes who have nothing, to draw attention away from their own criminal acts, that trump would be going to jail and taking at least dozens of republicans with him when he went...And they let me keep tweeting...
I have come to the conclusion that you can say anything on twitter, and no one will do a fucking thing about it, unless it somehow threatens them financially.