Canadian Stuff

"To drink on a boat in Manitoba it must be equipped with permanent cooking facility, sleeping cabin and toilet; also your boat MUST be anchored. These requirements are the same throughout Canada, so even if you make a trip out to Ontario or BC to go boating, you need to be aware of the same rules. Keep in mind that in Manitoba it is also illegal to transport any open alcohol on a boat. That means before you bring in your anchor and head back to shore passengers must be done their drinks."
Brady Road landfill closed until further notice due to blockade
The City of Winnipeg says its Brady Road landfill is closed until further notice owing to a blockade set up outside the entrance. David Driedger, manager of corporate communications with the city said contingency plans for garbage and recycling collection are in place.

“We are trying to maintain these services without disruption during the closure,” Driedger said in an email.
In a notice on the city’s website, residents are asked to use the Panet Road and Pacific 4R deports if they wish to dispose of recyclable materials.
“Residents can also request an extra garbage or large item pickup, or contact local private landfill operators in the area to see if they are accepting residential garbage,” the notice reads. Commercial customers are being asked to contact local private landfills in the area to make alternate arrangements during the closure.

A query asking if the city is engaging in negotiations with the blockade went unanswered.

This is the second blockade outside the landfill. The first one took place last December and cost the city $1.5 million, according to a report published in April. During the last closure, 6,837 tonnes of residential, multi-family and commercial waste was taken to Prairie Green Landfill and the Mid Canada Landfill.

The first protest began on Dec. 11, when the entrance was blocked for a short time. Protestors returned on Dec. 13-14 and a permanent encampment was set up on Dec. 18, which lasted until Jan. 6, when the landfill reopened.

First Nations leaders and community members have called for the landfill south of the city to be shut down permanently.

It’s where the remains of slain Indigenous woman Rebecca Contois were found last year, as well as those of Linda Beardy, whose death police said in April was not a homicide.

Jeremy Skibicki has been charged with first-degree murder in the death of Contois and three other women: Morgan Harris, Marcedes Myran and an unidentified woman Indigenous leaders have named Buffalo Woman.

Police believe the remains of Harris and Myran are in the privately-run Prairie Green landfill north of the city.

In May, the Canadian Press obtained a feasibility study done by the federal government to search the landfill, which found it could take up to three years and cost $184 million.

“Not conducting the search could cause considerable distress to victim family members,” the report says.

“The impact of not conducting a search and humanitarian recovery for remains of Morgan and Marcedes, when it is possible that they are in the Prairie Green Landfill, could have long-lasting repercussions on the families, friends, loved ones and First Nations and Indigenous communities in Manitoba and across Canada.”

Manitoba Premier Heather Stefanson said earlier this week that the province would not support a search there for the women because of health and safety risks.

So they are blockading the dump where there are no human remains and want it shut down. In the meantime the garbage is being diverted at a further cost to the city to the private dump, where the remains of the two women are thought to be. The above video has them saying if the government will not search for them that the family should be allowed to search. What they conveniently left out is that the feasibility study said a building needs to be built heavy equipment used to transport the material in and out.


Leaked report on searching landfill for women's remains shares how 60,000 tonnes of material could be examined
"The report was prepared by a committee that studied whether it would be feasible to search for the women's remains.

It outlines a plan to hire more than 40 staff, including managers, elders and knowledge keepers, a forensic anthropologist and as many as 28 technicians to conduct the search for Harris and Marcedes Myran, who police said late last year they believe were among four victims of an alleged serial killer.

At its update last month, the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs said the feasibility study committee decided using a conveyor belt to look through debris would be the best option for the search.

The full report sheds more light on the details of that plan, including that the conveyor belt would be housed inside a roughly 23,000-square-foot structure built at the landfill site, which would ensure efforts can continue in any weather.

Search technicians would work in groups of about 10 to sift through the material as it moves down the line, the report says.

"Based on skeletal characteristics, it would not likely be possible to differentiate each bone recovered to either Morgan or Marcedes as they would appear quite similar. It may be possible to differentiate them based on age, but that requires recovering specific bones."

That means it's possible that all remains found in a search would require DNA analysis, which could take a considerable amount of time since each sample could take months to process, the report says.

The report recommends any potential costs associated with DNA analysis of human remains be assumed by the Winnipeg Police Service. Police have not responded to a request for comment on that recommendation.

It also summarizes the various states the women's remains could be found in, and outlines the challenges associated with each of those possibilities.

As well, the report provides more information about the 1,500 tonnes of animal remains that police previously said had been deposited after the load believed to contain the women's remains — information which the report says raised concerns about how challenging it might be to identify human remains.

The specific section of the landfill that would be searched holds 61,200 tonnes of materials, which could translate to anywhere between 2,880 and 7,200 loads, depending on which kind of truck is used.

While it's possible not all that material will end up needing to be searched, "it is best to plan to search all of it," the report says. The Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs said earlier this year it was told no additional garbage was deposited in that section of the landfill since June 2022.

The search setup would also involve a screening system to separate out different materials as well as multiple trailers, including one that would act as a temperature-controlled storage unit to hold any possible remains found.

The structures would need access to electricity, water and high-bandwidth internet, the report says.

Preparations for the search would take about six months: roughly one month of training and setting up the conveyor system; two months of finding management and applying for various permissions and approvals; and three months of building, installing and hiring, a potential timeline in the report says.

The search itself is expected to take up to three years, based on estimates that crews will sift through as much as 97.5 tonnes of materials every day.

The report notes the estimated cost for the search — which the Assembly of Manitoba Chiefs said could be anywhere from roughly $80 million to $180 million — does not account for potential costs associated with microscopy and DNA sampling and testing.

"It is difficult to predict how many samples would need to be processed in such a way," the report says, recommending about $2.5 million be budgeted to potentially process up to 1,000 bone samples to determine whether they're human or animal.

The report also notes that while forensic anthropologists are trained to help identify remains by determining their age, sex, ancestry and stature, the similarities between the two women they're looking for could make that task difficult.

"This situation is unique, where we know that a search could recover the remains of both Marcedes and Morgan. Marcedes and Morgan are very similar in that they are both First Nation females between the ages of 25-45 and around 5 feet tall," it says.
learn from our mistakes...investigate EVERYTHING he has ever done, THOROUGHLY, and you WILL find crimes, his kind, trump's kind, can't breath without committing criminal acts.

That guy is pure weasel through and through. Most of today's youth will vote Liberal, NDP or Green but the big problem is getting their stoner asses off the couch with legal pot stores as numerous as Timmies or Starbux.

What we need is vote by app and that mofo is yesterday's news!

More foxnews propaganda, the victimizer playing the victim, special people who are above the law by virtue of the skin color or bullshit beliefs. Judges hear cases and juries convict people, not prime ministers, if he broke the law then suffer the consequences which will be too light IMO. As if the title "Pastor" means fuck all other than a mail order theology degree, if that. Standing ovation my ass, not that many support covid and antivaxx lunatics who endangered people during a deadly pandemic.

More foxnews propaganda, the victimizer playing the victim, special people who are above the law by virtue of the skin color or bullshit beliefs. Judges hear cases and juries convict people, not prime ministers, if he broke the law then suffer the consequences which will be too light IMO. As if the title "Pastor" means fuck all other than a mail order theology degree, if that. Standing ovation my ass, not that many support covid and antivaxx lunatics who endangered people during a deadly pandemic.

Canada working on banning Foxnews yet? Evil fuckers.

Two of the people who invited him:

Christine Anderson, member of AfD (the far right nazi party in germany)

Mislav Kolakusic, independent from Croatia, the biggest loser in the parliament. That is for everything that got a majority vote, he voted for the winning side 15% of the time.

Aside from maybe a few idiots who clapped their hands out of habit, for a young fellow addressing a parliament, and maybe a few bat shit christians who heard the word 'pastor', and the bunch of far-right magat-types who invited him, the EU parliament has 705 members of which most absolutely won't take the following, or the one saying it, seriously:

"We [in Canada] no longer have freedom of religion, or freedom of speech, or the right to protest or assemble or associate or express ourselves or have free media or disagree with the government," Nathaniel Pawlowski told the EU Parliament. "Anyone who does so is arrested, charged and jailed as political dissidents."
Canada working on banning Foxnews yet? Evil fuckers.
I put in a complaint to the CRTC to have them banned from cable and so did a lot of other people, they are in shit for promoting hatred against the LBGTQ community among other things like J6 in the states.

Ask the "pastor's" son if he supports LBGTQ rights, same sex marriage or a woman's right to choose, their prerogatives and half-baked chaotic beliefs come before the rights and even public safety of other citizens. Fuck him and his old man, "Christian fascists", arrogant fucks who think they are somehow "special" and the rules don't apply to them. It's not a political matter, it's a clear cut legal one, just like with Trump.
Canada working on banning Foxnews yet? Evil fuckers.

Two of the people who invited him:

Christine Anderson, member of AfD (the far right nazi party in germany)

Mislav Kolakusic, independent from Croatia, the biggest loser in the parliament. That is for everything that got a majority vote, he voted for the winning side 15% of the time.

Aside from maybe a few idiots who clapped their hands out of habit, for a young fellow addressing a parliament, and maybe a few bat shit christians who heard the word 'pastor', and the bunch of far-right magat-types who invited him, the EU parliament has 705 members of which most absolutely won't take the following, or the one saying it, seriously:

"We [in Canada] no longer have freedom of religion, or freedom of speech, or the right to protest or assemble or associate or express ourselves or have free media or disagree with the government," Nathaniel Pawlowski told the EU Parliament. "Anyone who does so is arrested, charged and jailed as political dissidents."
Covid separated the sheep from the goats as the Bible says, the me's from the us's, those who care from those who didn't. It was the same for the Christians, the real ones acted like Christians and the pseudo-Christians and con artists revealed themselves. Empty collection plates motivated many of these assholes, especially the megachurches who took a pounding during early covid. This narcissist figured the flock needed to hear his pearls of wisdom every week and keep the collection plate full. They don't believe in science or evolution anyway and believe what they want about religion and the law, which in their minds is supposed to be on their side.
I put in a complaint to the CRTC to have them banned from cable and so did a lot of other people, they are in shit for promoting hatred against the LBGTQ community among other things like J6 in the states.

Ask the "pastor's" son if he supports LBGTQ rights, same sex marriage or a woman's right to choose, their prerogatives and half-baked chaotic beliefs come before the rights and even public safety of other citizens. Fuck him and his old man, "Christian fascists", arrogant fucks who think they are somehow "special" and the rules don't apply to them. It's not a political matter, it's a clear cut legal one, just like with Trump.
Christian fascism is fascism first and Christian as a veneer. It’s a crocodile wearing the skin of a wolf.

Using antitrust laws to break the few big grocery chains and forcing competition to lower food prices along with other measures to reduce food costs could be a political winner. Everybody sees the unjustified rise in food prices that went far beyond the producer and seller's costs and this needs to be addressed. Make it easier for farmers and farmers cooperatives to operate retail markets and supplement food banks. Grocery rebates and even windfall profit taxes won't cut it, more drastic action is required by governments and communities to lower food costs, there is no real reason for them to be this high in North America.
