Hey fellas, I’m new to interacting on the forums. I was just curious if anyone could put me in touch with shoreline? I can’t PM on here, I’ve seen & found him on strainly but again cannot message at the moment probably because he has no listings on there. Thank you all in advance. Peace & Love ✌️

Tony T
Hey fellas, I’m new to interacting on the forums. I was just curious if anyone could put me in touch with shoreline? I can’t PM on here, I’ve seen & found him on strainly but again cannot message at the moment probably because he has no listings on there. Thank you all in advance. Peace & Love ✌

Tony T
@shorelineOG sorry for the random tag brother but seen this and I think this fella needs your help
I made my username all one word but I'm still getting emails saying someone mentioned me on Discord. I've never posted anything or bought anything there yet, so I don't think so. How will I know if someone actually does mention me? Also it wants two-step authentication every time I login on the web app, which is annoying. I don't really like it much (Discord). Can't someone please just make a purpose-built clone and seed selling app that doesn't suck.
I made my username all one word but I'm still getting emails saying someone mentioned me on Discord. I've never posted anything or bought anything there yet, so I don't think so. How will I know if someone actually does mention me? Also it wants two-step authentication every time I login on the web app, which is annoying. I don't really like it much (Discord). Can't someone please just make a purpose-built clone and seed selling app that doesn't suck.
When people use certain tags @everyone or @ALl or something I think it pings like that. I have to mute that app. I swear some people just bullshit on that thing all day. Like an old school chat room but not in a good way
When people use certain tags @everyone or @ALl or something I think it pings like that. I have to mute that app. I swear some people just bullshit on that thing all day. Like an old school chat room but not in a good way
That makes sense. I thought maybe when admins or people who run channels post, it goes out to everyone. I shouldn't complain too much, it's a working community, just with a few quirks.