Side's of fabric pot still wet to the touch after heavy recharge watering/transplant last night 8 hours ago


Well-Known Member
I transplanted and gave recharge to one of my plants last night at 8 pm..just checked it at 4 am and the sides of the fabric pots still feel this gonna cause bud rot?
(Outdoor plant)

Thought it would be dry by now but it was a heavy watering
Edit: I think it may just be from morning do condensation on my plastic plant elevator and it went on the sides of pot
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Well-Known Member
Could simply be condensation? Are your buds large yet? Others are more expert than I, but it’s moisture in the buds that causes rot under the right conditions. I suppose too wet soil could be part of the culprit (and also encourage other critters outdoors). I took down an outdoor auto a little early recently cause it’s been so humid in the NE and I was taking nugs with signs of mold almost daily. Too humid, which has almost always been an issue of concern at the end of every run in my limited outdoor growing.
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Well-Known Member
Could simply be condensation? Are your buds large yet? Others are more expert than I, but it’s moisture in the buds that causes rot under the right conditions. I suppose to wet soil could be part of the culprit (and also encourage other critters outdoors). I took down an outdoor auto a little early recently cause it’s been so humid in the NE and I was taking nugs with signs of mold almost daily. Too humid, which has almost always been an issue of concern at the end of every run in my limited outdoor growing.
Not sure why I said bud rot I'm still in veg on all 3 plants I think will be going into pre flower soon..yea its jusr morning dew probably..i moved em up on tne concrete to dry off..thanks foe the info


Well-Known Member
Not sure why I said bud rot I'm still in veg on all 3 plants I think will be going into pre flower soon..yea its jusr morning dew probably..i moved em up on tne concrete to dry off..thanks foe the info
Cool. Feel free to post some pics! But you should be fine. Humidity is more of a concern as the buds fatten, later in the grow. If you’re in the northeast US like me, you might start seeing signs of sex at any time. My outdoor plants are both still vegetative also, but I’ve been looking for signs.


Well-Known Member
Cool. Feel free to post some pics! But you should be fine. Humidity is more of a concern as the buds fatten, later in the grow. If you’re in the northeast US like me, you might start seeing signs of sex at any time. My outdoor plants are both still vegetative also, but I’ve been looking for signs.
Yea my biggest one is 8+ weeks I'm looking fir the signs too but nothing yet..they already got really good dank smell to them tho Is that a sign of female or not necessarily?