People think they are entitled to harvest lol

IMO, just giving friends a good discount and better , safer weed is enough. None of them are giving me anything !! I do give plenty of nugs away for free, but people start becoming "entitled" when they have free anything, it seems.

You get statements like, "Oh, I get these brown mids (for free) but Jerry gets the sparkly light green kush one that kicks total ass."

But then he takes the brown nugs anyway. Screw them all! Pay up :-P
That’s how I felt about mine but it’s just hard getting used to letting go of it. It does feel good for others to enjoy your hard work it’s almost like you can enjoy it too.
I share mine, too, but last year wasn't sharing, it was a ripoff by people too lazy to grow. Those friends that grew with me all have better places to grow than I have. They just don't want to do the work.
IMO, just giving friends a good discount and better , safer weed is enough. None of them are giving me anything !! I do give plenty of nugs away for free, but people start becoming "entitled" when they have free anything, it seems.
I don't sell any of my grow at all. I take care of my friends. There's no way that I can use up 6 plants worth of bud. Last year was 16 pounds of bud, no trim. The year before was a little more. This year looks better than last. This will almost all be made into oil for cancer patients and capsules of Diet Durban oil to try to lower A1C and blood sugar for a couple of family members that it.
Barter, no "sales" involved.
Them: "DUDE! You got dat purp?"
Me: "Yeah, I got you. But I need help cutting a tree down. It'll take all day, but I got you covered."

8 hrs labor= ½Oz & 1 meal (sandwiches MF!, I ain't raking cash cause you ain't buying!)
I don't sell any of my grow at all. I take care of my friends. There's no way that I can use up 6 plants worth of bud. Last year was 16 pounds of bud, no trim. The year before was a little more. This year looks better than last. This will almost all be made into oil for cancer patients and capsules of Diet Durban oil to try to lower A1C and blood sugar for a couple of family members that it.

Damn, what's everyone you know have cancer??

If I legit had any friends who actually needed weed, things might be different, by my friends are a bunch of stoners who can well afford to pay for it, and I sure as hell am not supplying their high for free all the time. Now if they want to start trading something, I am all ears.
Barter, no "sales" involved.
Them: "DUDE! You got dat purp?"
Me: "Yeah, I got you. But I need help cutting a tree down. It'll take all day, but I got you covered."

8 hrs labor= ½Oz & 1 meal (sandwiches MF!, I ain't raking cash cause you ain't buying!)
Your boys must trim slow, i used to get comp'd 1oz per lb trimmed and that didn't take a whole 8 hours.
What I do for several friends who can't afford to buy all the weed they would like, is I give them clones, for free.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
I've done that too, but as stated by others here, friends just don't wana do the work & those clones always get killed off by them. But, I still offer and I still try. I do have at least two homies who are dedicated growers, one indoor & one seasonally outdoor, and they keep cuts alive if I share. Other than that, everyone else just waits til I finish.
I've done that too, but as stated by others here, friends just don't wana do the work & those clones always get killed off by them. But, I still offer and I still try. I do have at least two homies who are dedicated growers, one indoor & one seasonally outdoor, and they keep cuts alive if I share. Other than that, everyone else just waits til I finish.
My friends do well with the clones, for the most part. One friend didn't even bother to come get his clones this year, but he isn't a smoker but was growing for profit. One other friend has done so well he no longer buys any.

I've done that too, but as stated by others here, friends just don't wana do the work & those clones always get killed off by them. But, I still offer and I still try. I do have at least two homies who are dedicated growers, one indoor & one seasonally outdoor, and they keep cuts alive if I share. Other than that, everyone else just waits til I finish.

I use to have friends like that....They are no longer friends. Along time ago I learned how to say no, and it is very empowering!! In business and with friends.
What I do for several friends who can't afford to buy all the weed they would like, is I give them clones, for free.

Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.
I have plenty of seeds so this year I gave them seeds for THEIR grow. I know that they have enough flower to last through the year. They don't need me to grow, they just don't want to put out the effort.

A woman that grew with me had lung cancer before we started growing. I gave her more than 60 grams of RSO and it didn't take nearly as long as I would have thought but her 7 spots on her lung disappeared. She was already a heavy hitter so she was able to start with 1/2 gram dose per day. Up to a gram a day in less than a week.

That's what I do with my excess weed. That all started when my great grand daughter died from cancer. I'll do most anything to keep kids off chemo and radiation. Right now I'm out of RSO but I try to keep 2 ounces on hand all the time just for cancer patients. Starting a new batch soon using the RICE method. (
IMO, just giving friends a good discount and better , safer weed is enough. None of them are giving me anything !! I do give plenty of nugs away for free, but people start becoming "entitled" when they have free anything, it seems.
I give a lot of weed away, my fam and close friends get a small jar off each harvest and my coworkers and some others get a small nug. I get plenty and sharing is caring(also my way of showing off) but im not a dealer and i grow it for myself not you. no it is not for sale. No you cant hit me up asking for it and you dam sure cant be showing up to my house asking about it. You want more ill be happy to cut clones of what im growing give you a few oz of nutes to get you started, let you use a spare light while you shop for your flower light, teach you my method exctra, but i owe no one shit. On the off occasion i am willing to sell a excess harvest the first time you bitch lose my number
I give a lot of weed away, my fam and close friends get a small jar off each harvest and my coworkers and some others get a small nug. I get plenty and sharing is caring(also my way of showing off) but im not a dealer and i grow it for myself not you. no it is not for sale. No you cant hit me up asking for it and you dam sure cant be showing up to my house asking about it. You want more ill be happy to cut clones of what im growing give you a few oz of nutes to get you started, let you use a spare light while you shop for your flower light, teach you my method exctra, but i owe no one shit. On the off occasion i am willing to sell a excess harvest the first time you bitch lose my number
amen. I feel you on the "don't hit me up" part, because it ain't like that ;) If we have a family get-together, you know I'm bringing goodies for free and whoever wants any is going home with a gift bag. But other than that, I'm not your dealer, nor am I your dispensary.
I give a lot of weed away, my fam and close friends get a small jar off each harvest and my coworkers and some others get a small nug. I get plenty and sharing is caring(also my way of showing off) but im not a dealer and i grow it for myself not you. no it is not for sale. No you cant hit me up asking for it and you dam sure cant be showing up to my house asking about it. You want more ill be happy to cut clones of what im growing give you a few oz of nutes to get you started, let you use a spare light while you shop for your flower light, teach you my method exctra, but i owe no one shit. On the off occasion i am willing to sell a excess harvest the first time you bitch lose my number
100% this, but, I do have like two people who "donate" to me on occasion. I usually refuse it, but it doesn't hurt to have a homie buy you lunch on occasion, lol