Blaze & Daze


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Staff member
yep will have to boil some water on the stove and make camp coffee today =). Kinda wanted one of those gooseneck kettles but a basic one will get the job done for now! Few puffs of wedding cake makes thing much better.
I keep a simple 4 cup Simply Coffee Drip machine in my cupboard for the day my coffee maker dies. I also pack it when I travel. When I was flying to NYC and VA regularly it was de rigueur I made my coffee and drank it prior to exiting my hotel room. Before I did that customer feedback was poor.

This morning I have a joint of Bros. Grimm Apple Fritter x Gluey on deck. It was very light on the smell but is a fabulous smoke, just the right mix of relaxing body, with a sweet side helping of euphoria. So good I was compelled to assess that I have 8 seeds of her left to drop. Now do I drop that, or finish testing the entire Bros Grimm table first or just drop that Polar Gelato @Laughing Grass made me order? So far I'm going with sipping coffee.


Decisions, decisions Happy end of July week everyone. I feel like we are rounding the corner to fall.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Good morning, happy Monday.

I had the thing of nightmares occur on my patio this weekend. A few times the past week I've seen giant a giant wasp fly through the slats on our ottoman. I finally built up the courage and looked inside. It had made five pod things and was in the middle of making the six. I hit it with some poison and came back a while later to check on them...

Each pod had one larva and tons of dead spiders... spiders everywhere :spew:



Well-Known Member
Good morning, happy Monday.

I had the thing of nightmares occur on my patio this weekend. A few times the past week I've seen giant a giant wasp fly through the slats on our ottoman. I finally built up the courage and looked inside. It had made five pod things and was in the middle of making the six. I hit it with some poison and came back a while later to check on them...

Each pod had one larva and tons of dead spiders... spiders everywhere :spew:

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View attachment 5311493
Wow that is freaky!! Do you think the spiders were food for the larva?


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Good morning, happy Monday.

I had the thing of nightmares occur on my patio this weekend. A few times the past week I've seen giant a giant wasp fly through the slats on our ottoman. I finally built up the courage and looked inside. It had made five pod things and was in the middle of making the six. I hit it with some poison and came back a while later to check on them...

Each pod had one larva and tons of dead spiders... spiders everywhere :spew:

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View attachment 5311493
When does the new coffee table arrive?


Well-Known Member
Yes that is some freaky shit, but look at all the spiders it killed!! And some pretty impressive building skills. But yep... disgusting as hell !!

Oh I should get my ass in the shower and to the lab before 10 so I can get my blood work done. Looks beautiful out but supposed to rain later.

I'm still thinking about last nights dinner....That was so good, and i have never cooked that type of ribs before.....But I most definitely will be again....and I got the membrane removed thanks to you guys. That will be a great cold weather dish.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I ordered a new light for the veg tent. @curious2garden is a terrible influence on my wallet lol. Should be here Wednesday.

I kid she actually saved me $150 and I didn't have to wait for black friday.


Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
I was just sending @Tvanmunhen pictures of my new favorite jumping spider this weekend. and I was making friends with the bumblebees on my partridge peas too! Did you maybe just ask the wasps to go bother a more annoying neighbor?
LOL I'm shopping for nest decoys today. We sit on that and put our feet up on it! Just thinking of all the spiders gives me the heebeegeebees
