Reducing PH


New Member
Hi all, this is my first time growing and i started a Gorilla glue auto plant outdoor. I used a 5 gallon pot with coco coir and soil. Unfortunately my current ph reading is around 8 and 7.5. Its been two weeks since the germination and i still couldn’t lower the PH . just wanted to know if i will be able to lower the PH using attached fungicide since it contain sulphur. Looking forward for your expert opinion.
Thank you



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Why did you mix coco and soil?
They have different pH requirements for proper nutrient uptake.
Yeah so theoretically sulfur works. I hope for the OP it does and I'd love to their their experience. Welcome to RIU @AsheanW93
Have no idea if the sulphur will work, you could try it and see, but if it were me I'd get phosphoric acid, (PH Down).
A byproduct of microbial metabolism of sulfur should be sulfuric acid which will work.

Hi all, this is my first time growing and i started a Gorilla glue auto plant outdoor. I used a 5 gallon pot with coco coir and soil. Unfortunately my current ph reading is around 8 and 7.5. Its been two weeks since the germination and i still couldn’t lower the PH . just wanted to know if i will be able to lower the PH using attached fungicide since it contain sulphur. Looking forward for your expert opinion.
Thank you
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Tolerance Break

Well-Known Member
Just dont get any on the leaves or buds. Dont go too hard with treatment at first, start with a little and see if it gets the desired PH without causing any issues for your plant.

I dont grow in soil, but there are some good fungi in beneficial bacteria that you might not want to kill? This is just an observation, not educated advice.


Well-Known Member
A byproduct of microbial metabolism of sulfur should be sulfuric acid which will work.
Sounds good, but how do regulate how low the sulphur makes the PH, i.e., how much H2SO4 is produced, particularly since the sulphur may kill those microbes)?
Hi all, this is my first time growing and i started a Gorilla glue auto plant outdoor. I used a 5 gallon pot with coco coir and soil. Unfortunately my current ph reading is around 8 and 7.5. Its been two weeks since the germination and i still couldn’t lower the PH . just wanted to know if i will be able to lower the PH using attached fungicide since it contain sulphur. Looking forward for your expert opinion.
Thank you
When you say your ph is 7.5 to 8 is that the soil or the nute solution? I wouldn’t bother with the soil ph, ph your nute solution to 6.2. I agree that mixing coco soil can make things a lot more complicated.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
Sounds good, but how do regulate how low the sulphur makes the PH, i.e., how much H2SO4 is produced, particularly since the sulphur may kill those microbes)?

When you say your ph is 7.5 to 8 is that the soil or the nute solution? I wouldn’t bother with the soil ph, ph your nute solution to 6.2. I agree that mixing coco soil can make things a lot more complicated.
More general Your Soil.pdf

The specific product he asked about:

Hope that helps, I grow hydro because I prefer a direct approach.