Blaze & Daze


Well-Known Member
Well snap, I changed lights around again last night.

The 750 watt DE HPs was too hot in the tent... 90 degrees hot. Things were starting to stress, so swapped it out for my 300 watt LED. Went from too much juice, to not quite enough.....but it's a nice 80 degrees now.

And my girls in veg were still not looking good, so replaced the 300 watt LED with a good old blurple. I think the light was the issue, but we'll see in a few days. Everything was getting bleached.

Happy Monday. Downright chilly here this am. Glad i closed the windows last night....Only 61 at 9:15 am, high of 73 today, and 70 tomorrow....Nice and cool!!


Well-Known Member
Well snap, I changed lights around again last night.

The 750 watt DE HPs was too hot in the tent... 90 degrees hot. Things were starting to stress, so swapped it out for my 300 watt LED. Went from too much juice, to not quite enough.....but it's a nice 80 degrees now.

And my girls in veg were still not looking good, so replaced the 300 watt LED with a good old blurple. I think the light was the issue, but we'll see in a few days. Everything was getting bleached.

Happy Monday. Downright chilly here this am. Glad i closed the windows last night....Only 61 at 9:15 am, high of 73 today, and 70 tomorrow....Nice and cool!!
So did you pull the trigger on that new light from hgt?

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
Well snap, I changed lights around again last night.

The 750 watt DE HPs was too hot in the tent... 90 degrees hot. Things were starting to stress, so swapped it out for my 300 watt LED. Went from too much juice, to not quite enough.....but it's a nice 80 degrees now.

And my girls in veg were still not looking good, so replaced the 300 watt LED with a good old blurple. I think the light was the issue, but we'll see in a few days. Everything was getting bleached.

Happy Monday. Downright chilly here this am. Glad i closed the windows last night....Only 61 at 9:15 am, high of 73 today, and 70 tomorrow....Nice and cool!!
I put my new veg pro in at 18" off the top @ 50%.... stressed everything to hell in two days :shock: Now it's at about 3 feet and 10% and the plants have rebounded.


Well-Known Member
I really want to put something under that 300 watt light and see if I get the same issue @manfredo. I have a spare clone I could veg big...
Yeah my other 300 watter is doing great flowering 2 large plants in a closet....Really excellent! But the gals in veg don't like it. Might be too close, etc.

So did you pull the trigger on that new light from hgt?
No....they have 2 that somewhat interest me...But I just don't know a bout HTG!!



Well-Known Member
Yeah my other 300 watter is doing great flowering 2 large plants in a closet....Really excellent! But the gals in veg don't like it. Might be too close, etc.

No....they have 2 that somewhat interest me...But I just don't know a bout HTG!!

I used to use them for shitty hid ballasts and bulbs long long ago. Their ballast repeatedly fried my electric meter and caused cable outages on my block. I got some unwelcome visits and shut my grow down for years. So I have a grudge against htg.

Laughing Grass

Well-Known Member
How many watts? And that's a bummer :o
It's only 250 watts. :confused: I dunno I had my 280W HLG 300 running at that power and they had no problem with it.

Saturday is harvest day. And we have a five day mini vacation together. Gonna be awesome... except for the few hours of trim jail.



Well-Known Mod
Staff member
I'm going with another Scorpion Diablo X when they have their next 25% off sale to replace my HPF4k. I've never seen happier plants than under that spectrum. Best of all I can't run either of my HLG lights more than about 50% or I see scorching. My Veg Pro light is running at 10% while my HPF 4000 is running full bore at 485 W 100% and can't keep up, the plants much prefer the Veg Pro over the HPF. Although honestly they'd all rather be under the X. Spectrum has a lot more to do with it than I thought. I must admit I thought LG was full of it until I tried it and there's no comparison, ymmv.